Winter Wonderland

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"This is the coolest thing ever!" Parker said, a wicked grin spread across his lips as we all filed out of the van.

I buttoned up my jacket, shivering. It was freezing, but definitely beautiful. Snow capped mountains encircled the ski lodge, and the white snow crunched below our feet.

"It is really beautiful." Paxton agreed, coming around to the back to get his bags.

"It's not bad," Alex shrugged, brushing some snow off his shoulder, getting his overnight bags as well.

Aaron jumped out of the trunk and retrieved his backpack full of clothing, "Whoa, it's freezing!" He lamented, shivering.

I nodded in agreement; I'd just gotten out of the car and I already felt frozen. I pulled my hat down more, practically covering my whole head, "Let's get to the lodge," I said, already having started towards the building.

We all shuffled into the ski lodge and let out a sigh of relief. Aaron and Drake both let out a long side of pleasure, grinning. "I like this place. It's heated."

Alex rolled his eyes, "If you wanted to go somewhere warm, why'd you come here?"

Aaron pouted angrily, "You know what, Alex, you're such a big, fat-"

"Hey look!" I said fervently, trying to shut them both up, "It's the check in desk!" I said, pointing to the woman at the desk who was looking at us funnily.

"I'll go check in." Parker sighed, walking off to the girl at the desk.

I nodded and looked around the room. It was nice; it looked basically how you'd think a log cabin looks like on the inside, only fifty times larger.

"So," Alex said, showing up next to me, "You've never been skiing?"

"No," I responded softly, feeling like I was the only one.

"How have you never gone skiing?" Alex scoffed, his eyes widening in surprise.

"I've lived in the heat for most of my life is how," I explained dully. "I've never gone anywhere for vacations either, just more hot places; Bahamas, Jamaica, Mexico.."

"Well lucky for you, I'm a great teacher." Alex said cockily, nodding his head superiorly.

"Paxton said he'd teach me," I said quickly. Besides, Alex as a teacher for a sport that could bring upon broken bones could only spell out tragedy.

He chuckled, covering his mouth, "Wow, you must really be desperate if you're trying to learn a sport from the queen of the fairies," He said, running a hand through his hair.

"I heard that." Paxton said, flicking the back of Alex's head.

Alex flinched, "I only say it cause it's true." He muttered, rubbing the back of his head.

"Is Alex done poisoning your mind yet?" Paxton said, smiling sweetly at me and showing up in between Alex and I.

I chuckled, "Hopefully."

Alex sighed angrily, rolling his eyes, "Whatever," He mumbled under his breath, walking off to join Parker at the desk.

I frowned; maybe he was mad. Paxton read my face, and sighed, "He's okay. He's probably just still depressed from the other day."

I frowned, recalling that day. The whole thing was a train wreck. I'd seen a side of Alex I never wanted to see, and I'd heard something I probably shouldn't have. Alex's jerky father had called him a murderer. He also said Grey was a bastard's name. And it was eating me up inside. Obviously, I couldn't ask Alex what he meant by that, if his dad was his dad-because that would explain why he hate that hate for him, what he did to ruin his family forever, why his dad called him a murderer. I'd be the most insensitive person in the world. But, to be totally honest, I wanted to know. Hell, I needed to.

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