MozzaMia: In The Closet

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Alex’s POV

“We need to talk.”

She pursed her lips, crossing her arms defensively. She cocked her head to the side, “About what?”

“About Parker.” I said firmly, gritting my teeth at his name. Parker had been my friend for ages, but if he knew her secret and was taking advantage of Ron, that wouldn’t matter. I could feel my blood pressure rising already at the sheer thought of it.

Her eyebrows shot up, “What about him?”

I felt my nails dig into the shelf behind her, not sure exactly how to phrase my question so that it didn’t sound like I was accusing her of being irresponsible. “Well…” I mumbled, “He seems like he…knows something.”

Her eyebrow went up even higher, “Would you care to clarify?”

I sighed, not wanting to have to say it again, no matter how vaguely I phrased it the first time. “Well…it seems like he knows your secret.”

For all of one second, it was quiet before she burst out into laughter, “Ha! Parker? Knowing my secret? Where’d you get that from!? Parker doesn’t even know the difference between his lefts and rights!” She cackled, slapping the wall.

I sighed, not sure why she was laughing at such a serious time. “Then why the hell did he get all feely touchy with you 5 minutes ago?!” I felt myself blurt out, immediately regretting it the second she stopped laughing to look at me seriously.

“He was helping me dry off.” She snapped indignantly, her eyes furious. “And he does not know my secret. You’re the only one here who does.”

Except for Paxton...

“So don’t get mad at me.” She added, frowning. “And why does it concern you? You’re so wrapped up with that precious Melanie chick.”

I blinked twice, “What? Am not!”

“You two were all chitty-chatty and grinning at each other.” Ron retorted, her hands on her hips defensively, “I was beginning to think you forgot that any of us were here.”

I furrowed my brows. I wasn’t talking to her that much! Only to tell her that I wasn’t interested. “I’m not interested in Melanie.” I restated, frowning.

“Mm hmm?” She questioned as if she didn’t believe me when I said it.

“I only talked to her to tell her that I wasn’t interested.” I snapped.

She frowned, looking as if she truly wanted to believe, but couldn’t.

I looked back at her, at the moment, dark emerald eyes glinting with determination to prove me wrong. “Anyway, I’m just saying that you shouldn’t let boys get that close to you. Especially Parker.”

She sighed, not excited to be back on the topic of my rant. “Parker loves Katie.” She said sternly, her mind made up. “And what’s the big deal? I’m careful all the time.”

Oh really? Then why does Paxton know your secret? Why does he feel the need to blackmail me? Maybe if you were more careful, then he wouldn’t know your god damn secret!

“I’ve done nothing to make Parker, or anyone else, think I’m a girl. So just…calm down.” She said, trying to smile.

I frowned, in no mood to calm down; especially when I knew this huge flaw in her secret that could seriously do some damage, and she didn’t know. I wish I could tell her, but doing that would only result in, like Paxton said, them together.

She noticed my awkward pause and suddenly frowned, a worried look coming over her, “Unless you know someone who knows.” She said, her voice suddenly sounding very hoarse.

I shook my head promptly after she spoke, “N-No, I was just thinking about how you’re probably right.” I stammered.

Her worried look melted away, leaving only a grin, “Of course I’m right.” She joked condescendingly. “Now can we please get out of this closet? I’m getting claustrophobic.”

I moved my hand to the doorknob, keeping it closed for just another moment. “Just make sure you’re careful.”

“I am.” She said tiredly, rolling her eyes and slumping her shoulders.

“And stay away from Parker!”

She frowned, her eyebrows furrowed, “But, Parker’s my friend—” Suddenly, she stopped talking. Her eyes lit up and the ends of her mouth tugged at a smirk as she looked up to me. She cocked a hip, placing her hands on her waist condescendingly, arching a brow.

I was almost afraid to ask her, “…What?”

Her eyes lit up with excitement mixed with shock. “You’re jealous... of Parker!” She burst, her mouth dropped in surprise.

My muscles tensed, and blood pounded in my ears. I guffawed, “What? Am not!”

“You so are!” She laughed, prodding my shoulder with her index fingers.

I slapped her hand away, glad it was dark so that she didn’t see the blush I knew was there, “I’m not! Just be quiet!”

“You’re getting all defensive!” She accused, laughing again, “You’re jealous, just admit it!”

I felt my heart rate pick up as she got closer, prodding me with her fingers at my shoulder again. I slapped her hand away again, “Well, what about you?”

She dropped her hands, grimacing, “What about me?”

A light bulb flashed in my head and I felt a smirk come on, “You were jealous of Melanie.”

Her smile faded, “W-What? Was not!”

My smile spread wider, feeling suddenly overexcited. “You were! Hah! Look who’s jealous now, dork!” I said, smirking, pointing my index finger about a centimeter away from her nose.

She slapped my hand away, her cheeks red, “I am not jealous of that stupid girl, Melanie.”

“Hey, she’s a nice lady.” I said.

Her face suddenly got a lot angrier.

“Ha! See!” I said, pointing to her again. “You are jealous!”

“Well, I guess we’re both jealous, then!” She snapped, throwing her hands up in the air in annoyance.

“Guess so!”





She scowled at me then used one hand to point at the doorknob, “Now open the damned door before I go literally crazy in here!”

I grimaced and went to reach my hand towards the doorknob. Apparently that action took too long, because she reached for the doorknob at the same time I did. The second my hand lied on the doorknob, her hand was on top mine, sending a jolt through me. She jerked her hand away, “Sorry.” She muttered, holding her hand awkwardly with her other one.

I smirked at her, throwing the door open, “It’s cool.” I reassured her, “Now we’re even again.”

She raised a brow, letting go of her hand. “For what?”

I winked at her, “Yesterday, of course.”

Her face suddenly turned red like an apple, pressing her lips into a fine line. I could almost see the scene replaying in her head like it was a bad dream. She hung her head and saying nothing, she turned on her heels and stormed off towards the table again.

I chuckled to myself.

God, I loved that girl.

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