So It's Just You

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"We're all friends here-just admit you have a problem."

"I do not have a problem. I did one bad thing. So sue me."

"Just admit you have a problem."

"But I don't!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Yuh huh!"

"Nah uh!"

"Oh my god, just admit it, damn it!"

"Parker!" Jamie cried, slapping the back of his head. Alex and I walked in the exact moment this little session was taking place with everyone circled around Katie like we were in an intervention for her, Parker shining his phone light over her head like he was interrogating her. He was clinging to the back of his head that Jamie had just slapped. She scowled at Parker, her hands on her hips, "Don't be so rude to Katie! She's a woman scorned by love."

Parker rolled his eyes, ignoring Jamie. "Just admit you have a problem." He said, turning back to Katie.

Katie growled, "I do not have a problem!" She cried.

"Just say you do so we can get this over with!" Parker snapped in her ear.

Katie groaned, throwing her head back exasperatedly. "Fine. I have a problem." She said involuntarily, gritting her teeth together.

Parker nodded approvingly, "Alright, good...Now admit that you should have never broken up with me."

She raised a brow, turning to him incredulously, her mouth ajar, "What-?"

He bent down to her ear to scream, "Admit it!"

"Alright, alright, calm down, Parker!" Paxton said, outreaching a hand to his shoulder to stop him from screaming in Katie's ear anymore.

"Maybe this is why I broke up with you, huh? Ever think of that?" Katie snapped, getting up from her interrogation chair.

I frowned, walking over to Paxton. I tapped his shoulder, watching his face turn into a grin as he saw me. "Hey, Ron." He said cheerily. His face suddenly turned grim, "Hey, where did that bastard, Alex drag you?"

"To Narnia." I said quickly, trying to shake off the topic, "What's going on here?"

Paxton reluctantly moved on, "Well...Parker went off to find Katie, and we heard a lot of yelling, so Jamie dragged them both back here and Parker began interrogating her/giving her an intervention, or whatever he's doing..."

I nodded, "Oh...well, I think I get it now."

"No, I haven't thought of that, actually!" Parker finally retorted to Katie, stomping a foot childishly.

Katie put her arms on her hips, standing hipshot, "Well, maybe you should give it a try!"

"Maybe your mom should!"

"Oh, and please! There's another reason I broke up with you! The your mom jokes are getting so old-"

"Just. Like. Your mother!"

Katie groaned, slamming her forehead with the palm of her hand in annoyance, "You are such a child!"

Parker scowled, "At least I don't have the IQ of one!"

Katie gasped, taken aback. She jabbed an accusing finger in his face, "You take that back!"

"Why don't you make me?!" He growled rhetorically.

"Guys, shut up!" Jamie snapped, trying to separate the two. I agreed with her; this was getting a bit old. And annoying. "Just calm down and forgive each other!"

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