The Morning After

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My eyes fluttered open after feeling a warm strip of light dancing across my forehead. I yawned, outstretching my arms into the air, trying to loosen up my trapped joints. I drew my hand back quickly, about to tuck it underneath my pillow when I heard a grunt of disagreement.


My eyes quickly opened and I turned my head to the right, my heart pounding like a jackhammer. I sighed, a breath of relief escaping my lungs. "Oh," I said sleepily, my voice soft. I smiled.

Alex winced, and he covered the swelling bump on his upper cheek. "Yeah, it's just me, Alex. The one you hit in the face."

I frowned, "Sorry."

He frowned back at me and rolled his eyes, promptly rolling over in the bed, seizing away all the sheets.

I grimaced and got up, sitting on the bed, and crossed my arms disdainfully, "That's so unfair!" I accused.

He looked over his shoulder briefly to smirk at me, then went back to smirking. "My bed, my sheets."

I scowled at him indignantly, "But you told me to get in here in the first place-"

"Ah, ah, ah!" He snapped articulately, "My bed, my sheets."

I grimaced, kicking the remaining bit of sheets off of me and climbed belligerently off of the cot, almost falling. I heard a cackle of laughter from Alex and I frowned.

"It's not funny." I stated firmly, trying to brush his laughter casually off of my shoulder. I brushed some hair out of my eyes and dusted off my clothing, "I'm going to get a drink of water."

"Get me one, too." Alex murmured, already in a sleepy daze.

I gritted my teeth together angrily, "Fine." I grimaced, stopping out of the room, grabbing my converse that were pushed off to the side and slid them on before I quickly exited the room, slamming the door shut. I looked around the office, seeing that Mrs. Carter hadn't come back yet. I pulled out my phone and flipped the top open, examining the digital clock that said "9:45." I chewed my lip, trying to remember if it was Saturday or Friday. I couldn't remember much except for yesterday's whole commotion. I rubbed my throbbing head, trying to get past the annoying thoughts in my head. I could hardly believe that Alex and Paxton took it that far. The whole thing was so childish that I could hardly believe it.

Suddenly, I almost let out a scream as I felt my hand begin to vibrate. I sighed with relief as I noticed that it was only my phone ringing. I laughed to myself and looked at the caller ID, a frown setting into my face. The name "Victoria" showed up in big, blue lettering alone with a picture I'd taken of her at her friend's house at Halloween last year, dressed up as a gangster. The grill looked rather uncomfortable in her mouth. I remembered her crying for days after it cut her tongue and she couldn't eat anything other than carbs, which she detested, because it hurt. I sighed.

I closed my phone and stuffed it back in my pocket, deciding I'd rather not talk to her, no matter how important, and headed outside of the office to go downstairs and get two glasses of water for me and my ungrateful roommate. I walked over to the door and pulled it open, reluctantly trudging out into the corridor. Suddenly, I felt myself knock into something, causing my too fall back with a yelp. But before I could fall onto the ground, a strong hand wrapped around my shoulder, holding me stable.


I looked up, my mouth ajar. "H-Hey!" I stammered, pulling back and brushing my clothes off.

Paxton's calm face smiled at me, looking harmless with his big, soft, green eyes. "Hey, what was wrong yesterday?" He wondered aloud, shoving his hands in his jean's pockets, "You never answered my calls and you never came down to the café."

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