Christmas Party

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"This is getting gross." Parker said from his spot next to me as we peered over our shoulders, watching as a bunch of bottle blondes, fake tanned, scantily clad girls hit on Alex and Paxton.

"Getting gross?" I snorted, turning away. I thought I'd barf up something if I didn't get away from this.

"So, where're you from?" I heard one of them say, gawking at Alex, her long eyelashes batting.

"Your mom's bedroom." I heard him answer. I chuckled; those mom jokes came in handy.

A chorus of high pitched giggles swept through the room, "You're so funny!" One said as Alex swatted her hand away as it trailed up his arm, flashing Paxton a tired glance.

Drake sighed, rolling his eyes, "I'm sick of watching this." He said. Suddenly he walked over to the cluster of girls, clapping his hands loudly, "Disperse!" He shouted, making all of them jump.

"H-Hey!" One blonde said, her pencil thin eyebrows furrowed, "Rude!"

"Disperse, you bimbos!" Parker shouted from his spot next to me, leaning against the empty check in desk. They all stared at him with a blank expression, perplexed. He sighed, "Disperse, god dammit!"

All screeching, they ran off seething. I let out a laugh as I approached Paxton and Alex, "That was lovely."

"You weren't the one being touched by them." Paxton said, shivering.

"She smelled like an industrial factory that sells horrible perfume." Alex cringed, wincing at the memories.

"This is not a good way to start off Christmas morning," Scoffed Parker, leaning more against the desk and lighting up when he saw Stephanie walk more towards it. Stephanie's bouncy blonde hair swung in tow of her as she plopped her skinny self down at the desk, her grin wide. She probably thought it was amazing being alone with so many boys. Well, hey there, Steph, baby, don't come on to me.

"Hey guys! Merry Christmas!" Stephanie said joyously.

"What's so merry about it? You should get a leash on some of your clientele, lady." Alex muttered to himself, rolling his gray orbs.

"Will do." Stephanie answered in a heartbeat, not bothering to ask why. A grin was still stained to her face. Jesus, did this lady ever get out of customer-mode? "So, what are you guys doing tonight?"

"Sacrifice Adamson into a pot of boiling lava, gonna do a reenactment of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, no biggy..." Alex said nonchalantly, dusting off his black and grey striped shirt.

She let out an airy laugh. She was the only one who seemed to laugh at Alex's jokes any more. I was considering this woman was a witch, of some sort. "You're so funny!" She giggled, batting her eyelashes. I winced. Something in my chest hurt.

"I'm funnier, though." Parker stated bluntly, trying to win back Stephanie's heart.

Alex scoffed, "You were funny that time you tripped and landed your face in bird crap." Alex recollected, making Stephanie break out into a new set of giggles.

"Well, anyway!" Stephanie giggled, "If you're not doing anything later, maybe you could swing by a party that my friend Jaley is hosting," She suggested, her green eyes twinkling.

"Cool! A party!" Aaron said ecstatically, jumping for joy.

"We'll go to that," Parker said, grinning, shaking some blonde hair out of his face.

"Awesome!" Stephanie chirped, grinning ear to ear.

"Uh, I never agreed to this." Paxton said, his eyes widening.

"I'm on the same boat as Adamson, for once. I hate parties." Alex winced, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"How do you hate parties?" Drake said, his mouth dropping, "Well, Ron'll back me up on this!"

"Uh, actually, I hate them, too." I said bluntly, shrugging.

"Sad," Drake said, shaking his head, "You're all party poopers."

"I'm sure you guys will like this party!" Stephanie reassured, grinning, "There's a lot of cool people coming."

"Cool people? By whose standards are these people cool?" Alex said, raising a condescending eyebrow, but before Stephanie could answer, Parker already had.

"Steph's. And she's cool," He said cheekily, grinning wide.

Steph's face reddened. "Well, do you guys think you'd wanna go? It's at 8 o'clock!"

Parker grinned and at the same time, Aaron and Drake all spoke simultaneously with Parker, "Yes!"

Alex groaned and flashed me a look. One that read, "I bet I'll kill myself before you will."

I smirked and flashed him a look, one that said "you're on."


"We're here!" Stephanie said cheerily, stopping her big SUV. For such a tiny girl, this chick drove a huge car.

We all filed out of the car, one after the other. I sighed as I heard the music booming from every open window in the house in front of us. Just lovely, I thought.

"Woah!" Parker, Aaron and Drake exclaimed, like it was the most amazing thing on earth. "Let's go!" They cheered, pumping their fists wildly in the air as they ran for the open door.

"Who thinks they should get a brain scan?" Alex asked under his breath. I solemnly raised my hand.

"Might as well get this over with," Paxton mumbled to me as we all were ushered into the house by the crowds of teenagers forming behind us.

I furrowed my brows, "I'm kind of surprised that you don't like parties, Paxton." I said stupidly.

He raised his eyebrows so they were hidden behind his dark bangs, "Really? What makes you say that?"

"It's just..." I bit my lip, "My sister always said you were a really popular guy."

Woo, close one there, champ, My brain cooed.

"So?" He shrugged, "I never went to any parties. I don't like them; too loud and obnoxious."

I felt myself starting to grin, "That makes both of us that think that." I said softly. I'd never been invited to a high school party, let alone ever felt the desire to go to one. The only reason I was going to this was probably that I didn't want to be by myself on Christmas. Being near Paxton gave me a sense of home.

As we all got into the house, I looked around. This house was huge. No doubt about it, the kid who owned it was loaded, and their parents were probably away on Christmas and didn't know about this. The foyer itself was stunning, what with a chandelier dangling from a golden rod on the ceiling, reflecting the sparkling white linoleum floor in my eyes. Sighing, I turned back around, expecting to see Alex and Paxton already fighting. To my surprise, though, I didn't see anyone...just a couple of strangers sucking face. Blushing, I turned back around. Where were they?

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