Deal With It

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When I was 5 years old, I was accidentally mistaken for a boy by a waitress. It was my birthday, and she'd called me the "birthday boy." As you could probably guess, I wasn't too thrilled. I'd been devastated, because it was just after I'd cut it extra short. I thought it was cute, but...apparently she didn't. I'd never wanted to be mistaken for a boy again. Or so I thought.

I covered my bare chest with a towel the second I shut the door. Beads of perspiration ran down my cheeks. What the hell was I supposed to do now? He obviously saw; I saw the look on his face. I gripped my hair in tufts with my fists, gritting my teeth together while I tried to think of what to do.

What would Victoria do?

Mentioning Vic's name triggered something in my brain, and in an instant I'd pulled my phone from my pants and dialed her number.

She picked up the phone, enthusiastic as ever. "Ronnie!" She cried ecstatically.

"Ronnie!" A chorus of recognizable voices cried in unison behind her.

Oh my god. She didn't.

"Victoria!" I snapped, as quietly as possible.

Victoria sighed angrily, "Guys, I thought I told you not to talk!"

"Sorry," A voice I recognized as Loretta's laughing in the background, "We just got excited!"

"Yeah," Michelle and Alice said in unison, "So sue us for missing our little Ronnie!" Alice added.

"R-Ron?" Alex's shaky voice called from outside, lightly rapping on the door with his fist, "You okay?" He coughed a few times, "Sorry for-um, barging in on you." He said. He was obviously just as uncomfortable as I was.

"Is that a guy?" Loretta screamed on the other line, followed by a chorus of squeaks and cheers.

"I-I'm fine!" I called back to him, "I'll be right out..." I lowered my voice and continued to talk on the phone, "What the hell, Vic? I thought this was between us! I can't believe you told them!"

Alice, Loretta and Michelle all whined, "Why? Don't you trust us, Ronnie?" Michelle said sadly.

I sighed, "You're not exactly the best people to confide in a secret to, if you haven't noticed, guys." I snapped.

"A-Are you sure you're okay?" Alex said softly, his voice shaky.

"Just give me a minute!" I snapped, letting loose my anger from Victoria on Alex. I turned back to the phone, "Whatever, whatever!" I said hurriedly, "Vic, I think my roommate might have found out something...important."

Victoria gasped, "Y-You told?!"

"Well, not exactly."

"Someone else told?!"


Victoria paused, then groaned. "Oh, dear lord." She said, "Did he...see your goodies?"

I blushed wildly. The reality of the situation came crumbling down on me. Alex knew. Of all people in this school. Alex Grey knew my secret! I felt like crying. "I-I-I guess you could say..." I muttered, sinking to the floor, clinging the towel to my chest.

A chorus of "ews" went through Loretta, Alice and Michelle like an infectious disease. Some friends they were. "J-Just tell me what to do!" I said, a little too loudly.

Alex knocked at the door again, "A-Are you talking to someone?" He questioned.

"V-Vocal exercises!" I lied. I never was a good liar.

Victoria pondered the question, "Hmm...I really don't know, Ron." She concluded sadly.

"W-What?! But you always know what to do!" I snapped.

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