**Alternate Ending**

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"And what did Joan of Arc do, exactly? Yes, Loretta?"

A perky, upbeat voice I knew so well responded dutifully, "She posed as a man in the French Army."

"Yes! That is right! Does anyone know what happened because of her actions?"

No response.

"Come on, people! Loretta can't do all the talking for us! Miss Miller, how about you?"

My head turned to the side drowsily. I'd been staring outside idly at the students who had already gotten out for the summer. I clacked my nails against the desk eagerly, my heart pounding in my chest. I needed to get out of this place, not spend another lecture in my History classroom learning about a topic I practically lived. My face was  without expression as I turned to look my history teacher, Mr. Granger, in his two dull green eyes filled with the excitement and passion for history that I did not possess.

"Well? Do you know what happened to Miss Joan of Arc, Veronica?"

I bit my lip, my mouth tasting like acid with every word I spoke, "She was burned at the stake." I said bitterly, my voice dripping venom.

"Correct! At only 19, in fact..." Mr. Granger went on, but the bell cut him off.

Students all around me threw up their papers with joy, and sprung from their seats. Mr. Granger sighed and walked back to his desk, "Alright, kids. I guess I'll see you all next year. Have a safe and productive summer!"

People could barely hear Mr. Granger as they rushed out of the room, leaving only Loretta, Alice, Michelle, and myself. Even Mr. Granger had ditched us for the teacher's lounge after school party.

"Oh my god!" Alice cried, overjoyed, "No more school!"

"We're all going to your house, right?" Michelle cleared up with me, smiling wide, almost bobbing up and down. "Your Chicago friends are coming over!"

I nodded eagerly, smiling to myself. I slung my back pack over my shoulder and walked back out of the hallway where we walked downstairs and out of the school, letting ourselves soak up the sunlight.

"I can't wait to meet them! From what you and Vic have told us, they're pretty amazing." Alice said enthusiastically, beaming.

"And hot." Loretta purred suggestively and nudging me playfully, letting out a chuckle. I blushed and covered my face with my bangs.

"But if you're going to see your hot Illinoisian friends, you have to put in some contacts." Michelle stated, almost looking disgusted by the look of my glasses, "I swear, sometimes it's like you don't get beauty."

"Yeah, and maybe you wanna run a brush through your hair?" Alice snapped, running a hand through my overly messy, knotty red hair.

I looked down at my feet and pulled my long curly hair back into a ponytail, my hair once again touched my lower back giving me back some of my femininity. At least I could be identified again by people I knew, what with my huge grandpa glasses I was relieved to have in my possession again. Contacts were too annoying.

"That's... better," Alice said, tightening my ponytail for me, "But when everyone gets to your house, I'm gonna give you a makeover."

"Um, I think I'm good, Alice..."

"Heyyy guys!"

We all turned around, hearing a very familiar voice come from behind us. I grinned widely, "Victoria!" I cried right before she tackled me, burying me in a hug.

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