Missing You Too

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"That would be me."

I choked up over my own words as I realized who had spoken. The only word I could form escaped my lips, as I breathed out the name, “Alex!”

From the shadows, Alex came out, hovering over them by at least five or six inches. I had almost forgot how tall he was. His hair was matted with snow, and his skin was almost as pale and blue as mine.

The one with white hair turned around, wide eyed, “Holy crap, dude, where’d you come from?”

Alex didn’t respond. The look on his face was indescribable. Anger to the highest degree burned in his eyes, and his eyes were set on Anri.

“Hey,” Anri said, his arm still wrapped around mine, so tight I wasn’t able to break free, “Are you mute? Speak up, dude.”

Alex clenched his fists and released a long breath of air, his eyes set to kill. “You want me to talk?” He snapped, his voice firm and demonic, but more so then usual. Was this what he meant by waking up on the wrong side of the bed?

He stepped past Anri’s greasy friends and up to the man himself, laying his hand on his shoulder. “How about… you get your damn hands off her?’”

I felt my chest clench, and I couldn’t breathe. Alex was actually scary.

“Hey, man,” Anri said, grimacing, “Get your damn hands off me first!” He snapped. When Alex didn’t move, Anri scowled, “Fine, you asked for it pretty boy.” He growled. With the blink of an eye, Anri drew back his fist, and before I had any time to scream, or stop him, he directed his hand straight for Alex’s stomach. But then something interesting happened.

“Is that your idea of threatening me?” Alex snapped, catching Anri’s hand, then twisting it to an angle I didn’t know was possible, causing Anri to lash out in screams. Alex drew back his own fist and punched Anri in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground, screaming and letting go of my wrist.

“A-Alex! Stop it!” I said, my eyes growing wide as Alex drew closer to him. “You’ll really hurt him!”

Alex simply ignored me. His nostrils flared and he scowled deeper then ever as he stared down at Anri with his gray eyes, which were dark, almost a blackish color. They flashed with such hatred, I would have never recognized them.

Anri finally stopped screaming and saw Alex inching towards him, “H-Hey! Stop it, dude! You’re insane!” He shrieked.

“I’m insane?” Alex said, laughing demonically. “I’m insane? You’re hilarious, truly.”

“Stop it, Alex!” I snapped, for the hundredth time, afraid to approach him. I didn’t want to stare into the eyes that held such hatred, let alone get near them.

“W-What’s your deal, man?!” Anri said, beads of sweat running down his frightened face. He looked at his friends that stood in shock and awe behind me. He scowled at them, “Don’t just stand there! Do something!” He roared.

Taken aback, the other two guys gave each other a look of understanding, then turned back to Anri, “Sorry, man!” The redhead said, running off.

“Nothing personal!” The other ones said; immediately following the redhead, running like the wind into the abysmal city.

Anri stood in horror as Alex approached him further. Alex gave him the scariest, most demonic smile I’d ever seen. “Hey, look,” He said cheerily, despite his angered face, “They left. Now there’s no one around to hear your screams.”

That was it.

“I'm here, I don't want to hear his screams.” I snapped, clutching my now raspy throat.

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