Down With The Sickness

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“For he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow,” Parker, Drake and Aaron sang together, their arms linked as they stood next to Paxton’s bed, as Paxton watched in what looked like complete horror, mixed with hilarity. Alex and I stood aside his bed, watching with an expression mostly mixed with hilarity and fear for our lives.

We’d returned shortly ago and gave Paxton the flowers that I was pretty sure Alex sneezed on, but I’d keep that a secret. It was Alex’s own fault for coming when he was deathly allergic to all types of flowers, anyway...something about the pollen or.. Whatever.

“For he’s a jolly good felllllllllllllllllllllllllooooww!” They all sang in a baritone, slowly rising up an octave, causing us all to break out into laughter at the sounds of their voice.

“That nobody can deny!” Alex quickly shouted over them.

"Alexx!" Parker moaned.

"We didn't finish." Drake said pouting.

"Yeah dude, that wasn't cool." Aaron agreed and crossed his arms.

"And your singing was? I was saving my ears." He explained.

They opened their mouths to speak but what came out was a chorus of grunts.

Paxton let out a long, airy laugh, making me smile. It was one of the most beautiful sounds in the world to me, even when it sounded sickly and hoarse. It was good to hear that he was laughing, too, because by the looks of him, you would think he was on his death bed. A veil of used tissues covered his sheets, scattered across the bed, and his face was sickly pale. His eyes and nose were puffy and red, and his hair was matted and plastered to the back of his neck with sweat. Every time I looked at him, I wanted to tackle him and give him a long, hard hug, but his laughter was slightly more reassuring.

Paxton coughed into a new tissue, “Wow, guys, that was very…interesting.” He said, hugging his flowers to his chest, “And thanks for the flowers, guys, it’s great.”

Aaron beamed, “It was all my idea.” He said, nonchalantly tossing his hair back theatrically.

Parker scowled and punched him hard in the shoulder, “Liar! It was Ron and I,” He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

Smiling wide, Paxton flashed me an award winning smile, “Thanks, guys.” He said.

Jesus. Every time I saw him, I forgot I was portraying a boy. I felt my stomach go up in butterflies, and thought it would never go down.

Alex rolled his eyes, “Okay, okay, cool. Now can we go? It’s late, and I’m tired.”

“It’s six o’clock, you doof.” Aaron scoffed.

“Yeah, you doof.” Paxton added, grinning smugly.

“You’re enjoying this aren’t you, sick boy? Don’t think I won’t beat you to a pulp when you’re better.” He said, narrowing his silver eyes into slits.

Paxton narrowed his blue eyes, “You won’t do that. ‘Cause I’m your mentor—”

Quickly, before Paxton could finish his sentence, Alex plugged his ear, closed his eyes and screamed, “La La La La La La La La La La La La La! Don’t wanna hear it!”

“Oh, come on! You’re such a child!” Drake sighed, crossing his arms.

“Nuh uh!” Alex snapped, crossing his own arms, very childishly, if I may add.

“Think you are.” Paxton whispered, giving his a superior grin.

“Think not!”

“Think so.” Paxton whispered quickly, smirking.

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