Quality Time

116 11 1

Paxton's POV

Where the hell was Ron?

I could care less about Alex, but Ron was no where to be found. I stood on my toes, and saw a mop head of shaggy brown hair and immediately lit up. I ran towards her and saw Ron, goofy grin and all.

"Hey!" Ron said, "I thought I lost you guys there!" She laughed, grinning.

God. She was so cute.

I blinked twice before replying, "Hah ahh.. yeah." I paused, "Is Alex here?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. I lost him, too." She said.

I felt myself grinning. No Alex? This was heaven.

As I stared at Ron, I couldn't help but wonder...did Alex have feelings for her, too? If so, did she return those feelings? But...she couldn't! They're polar opposites. I simply laughed it off, curious to how I even thought of putting them in the same league together.

"Think we should look for him?" She asked, standing on her toes.

Absolutely not.

"Nah," I said nonchalantly, "We'll see him eventually."

She paused, pursing her lips. "Mm.. I guess you're right." She said, shaking it off.

I grinned. I loved her so much. But how would I ever tell her when she was posing as a guy? Maybe I'd never be able to confess, but I would be able to have fun with her.

"Do you want to take a walk outside?" I asked, grinning wide.

I looked at her, her eyes lighting up, illuminating her whole face, "I'd love to!" She said cheerily, we both grinned, and I led her outside, shutting the door closed behind me.

We both buttoned up our jackets more, fearing the cold, "So," I started, seeing a cool gust of air escaping my mouth, "Are you liking the snow?" I chuckled.

She shivered, "Well, I'm not loving the cold, but maybe that's because I wasn't expecting snow." She paused and added, "I should have packed better." She said softly, managing to flash me a smile.

I found myself grinning like an idiot, "So," I murmured, "I never quite asked you. Why'd you come to Illinois?"

I saw her mouth drop a little, but she covered it up by letting out a fake yawn. Had I gotten something out of her? "W-Well, I was just so tired of the heat, the same old people, farms. I think I'm a city girl at heart." She said. It was almost cute to watch her try to cover her tracks. "I wanted to live somewhere...away. You know? That way when I'm old, I'll have an idea of where to live." She paused, as if she were pondering something big, "So, why'd you?" She asked, nudging me smugly.

"I wanted to get away from my dad, mostly," I said, kicking the snow below my feet.

I knew I'd miss my mother and sister, but living with my dad was like living with the evil version of Tony the Tiger. To be honest, I think it was the right choice. Having to live with...that man was hell for as long as I can remember. I'm not free yet, after "high school" here, I have to "make up training" in boot camp college.

She looked like she was sorry that she'd asked, "Oh." She said under her breath, not quite sure how to finish up the sentence.

"I'm glad, though," I said softly, "That I left." Then I looked at her, taking in her at the moment big hazel eyes, her pale skin, and her rosy cheeks, and she flashed me a smile brighter then a million suns.

"Same here," She said, her smile stained on her face. I grinned back and we kept walking until the stars came out to greet us.

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