What's the plan, Man?

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Holy crap.

If there was any time I'd ever wanted to kill a person, it was right then.

"Excuse me," Paxton snapped at Vic, picking up Joey, "Can you not? She's 5 years old."

Victoria rolled her mossy green eyes and twirled a piece of hair with her finger, "She was bugging my brother." She said, winking at me, rather obviously.

"Icky Vicky." Jo said with a disgusted face.

She narrowed her eyes. "You little--"

Oh my god. I wanted to scream at Vic for a million things. I shoved all my angered thoughts to the back of my head, and simply smiled, outreaching my arms to her, "V-Victoria! Nice to see you again." I muttered, being embraced in her warm hug.

"You too, lil' bro!" She said, patting my head possessively, turning to Paxton and Alex. "So," She slurred, smirking, "You gonna introduce me to your friends?"

She was loving this. "Uh...sure." I mumbled, "Guys, this is Victoria. My sister."

She smirked, waving at them, "'Sup. It's cool to meet my little brother's school mates for the first time!" She said, beaming.

She was really loving this.

"This is Alex, Paxton, and Paxton's sister Joey." I explained, embarrassed.

Joey stuck her tongue out at Victoria, scowling, "It's Josephine to you!" She growled.

"Sure thing, Joey." Victoria grinned, smacking her lips.

Alex raised an eyebrow, and smiled, giving me a look I could only identify as one practically saying 'I like this chick.'

"So," I mumbled, "Victoria, why don't we go over there to talk?" I seethed, jutting my finger our into the hallway.

Victoria pouted, "I think I'd rather sit here and talk with you and your friends! You all seem like fine fellows." She said, smirking.

"Uh, no." I snapped, narrowing my eyes, "Can we just talk for a minute?" I whispered, frowning.

She frowned, putting her hands on her hips angrily, "Fine. Let's go." She murmured.

Grinning with satisfaction, I said goodbye and ushered Victoria through the crowd of families and out into the hallway, fighting the temptation to scream my head off at her; which I was thinking of doing.

The second we reached the secluded hallway, Victoria clobbered me in a bear hug, "Oh my god, Ron! It's really you! I've missed you soooo freaking much!"

I scowled and pushed her off me with all my might. Truly, I wanted to break down and sob; ranting to her about how much I missed her too, but I couldn't. I had to talk to her seriously, "Victoria! What's your problem?"

She frowned; a shocked, hurt look on her face, "What do you mean, Ronnie? Aren't you glad to see me?" She pouted, batting her eyelashes.

I frowned, "Of course I am! But, I want to know what that was all about!"

She stood hipshot, her hands on her hip; the signature pose of Victoria. "I don't know what you're talking about," She huffed.

I slapped my forehead with the palm of my hand, "You know what-just...I'm not going to go there. What you need to tell me is your friggin plan." I growled, grabbing her by the wrists.

"Woah woah. Where's the fire?" She chuckled, grinning like there was nothing wrong.


"Alright, alright!" She breathed, frowning, "You really wanna know?"

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