Shake on It

210 13 0

Beep. Beep. Beep...

I woke up, my eyes fluttering open at the light flowing through the window. I sat up, pulling myself from the bed. I set my feet on the floor, warming them in the sunlight. I sighed. The first night had been somewhat pleasurable. I'd spent a small portion of it worrying what I'd do about Alex knowing my secret, but still, I slept pretty soundly. Even though Alex did snore.

I crawled out of bed, smirking. I'd wanted to do this since I met Alex. I climbed up the ladder, slowly and quietly, making sure each step was softer then the last. Finally, I stood at the last step, looming over Alex's sleeping body. I bent down to his ear, took in a deep breath, and then screamed, "Wake up, Alex!"

Alex flinched, his eyes opening immediately. He flung his body up, "I-I'm up! I'm up!" He screamed, looking around frantically.

I laughed so hard, I almost fell off the ladder. Alex stared at me, his eyes narrowed. "Har har." He snapped, rolling his eyes, "NEVER... do that again. You stupid girl."

I froze. Suddenly I wasn't laughing anymore. I had almost forgotten that Alex had discovered my secret yesterday when I had been careless enough to leave my bathroom door unlocked while I was changing. I'd never do that again. So far, Alex was the only guy at the school that knew my secret. Unfortunately, that wasn't the best thing that could happen, considering how he was a total idiot and could blurt my secret out at any moment.

I frowned and tried to regain whatever cool I had, "Whatever." I yawned, climbing down the ladder, "It's time to wake up, anyway." I said, walking into the bathroom, this time locking it shut. I quickly taped down my bust, threw on a grey t-shirt, jeans and black converse. I washed my face and carried out with my usual procedure. I sighed. Being a guy is so much easier, I thought as I ran a hand through my wigs short brown hair. Despite my family's reactions to my hair, I really liked my make shift haircut.

I yawned and unlocked the door, stepping out casually. Alex was still sprawled out in his bed, asleep. His hair was curly and messy and his usual angry disposition had been replaced with a calm one. He looked kind of cute when he was asleep. Like a cherub little kid. I rolled my eyes. What was I thinking? Alex is bad news.

I nudged his shoulder, "Wake up," I shouted, "Wake up!"

He just groaned and moved around in his bed like a little kid before school. I sighed, "Waaaaake up," I said again, this time calm and slowly, pulling his hair this time.

I stared at the back of his head, inches away from him, about ready to scream again, when he moved to face me. Suddenly what was inches away from me was his face. I felt his slurred breathing pattern on my cheek and tried to match up to it. It was all so surreal, until-

"Oomph!" He grunted, spinning in bed. His eyelids fluttered open and he rose from his bed, "I-I'm up!" He said proudly, stretching his arms.

I felt my face get hot. What had just happened? Whatever. It doesn't matter, I told myself.

"Hey," Alex yawned, staring at me accusingly, "Boobs McGee. Outta my way." He said, gesturing for me to walk down the ladder.

I took a moment to get back to my senses. "O-Oh." I said, looking around, "Okay," I said, climbing down the ladder.

Alex stared at me oddly as I got off the ladder. He climbed down it himself, "You're a weird little creature, aren't you?" He said, patting my head.

I shook the hair out of my eyes and looked back at Alex before grabbing my backpack and schedule. "Well, I'm going to class," I said, partly worried Alex would fall back asleep when he wasn't on my watch, "See ya."

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