Too Much Testosterone!

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He sure as hell wasn't convincing me.

Was this about Paxton? Last night, after I told him Paxton had confessed to me, he stormed off without another word on the subject. It made me wonder exactly how mad he was at me. I felt that asking him would only bring up bad memories, so I was internally fighting on whether or not to ask him about it.

I pursed my lips, the question fighting to be discussed in my mouth, dancing on my tongue. "Well, um...I was just wondering, because..."

He turned his head around curiously, his eyebrow raised, "Hm?"

I swallowed back my pride and looked up at all 6 feet of him, biting my lip and trying to summon enough courage to say this, "Well..." I ran a hand through my hair, "This wouldn't have anything to do with Paxton, would it?" I asked him feebly.

His eyes widened at first, but his shocked look quietly subdued. "I...uh..." He muttered under his breath.

I knew I shouldn't have asked him. I sighed, "Just to let you know, I haven't told him anything yet."

He shrugged, but his face looked slightly more reassured. He redirected his attention back to in front of him, "Good to know." He told me dryly. He paused for a moment, and I could tell a question was praying to be asked, "But...have you made up your mind?"

I almost felt a smirk growing on my face. So he was curious. As pathetic as it seemed, I was rather excited about his prying. It made me feel like he possibly was interested. I looked back up to him, tossing away all my useless thoughts with a quick shake of my head. "N-Not yet." I answered.

Alex frowned, "Well...just don't rush your decision." He informed me, sounding more like a demand than a helpful suggestion.

I nodded, "Don't worry. I won't." I assured, smiling softly.

Suddenly, Alex stopped in his tracks, his mouth open as if he were about to say something, but no words escaped. I looked around, hopeful to find what he seemed so petrified about, when suddenly my eyes lied on a figure in the distance, and I knew why.

"Paxton." My eyes widened and my voice barely a whisper.

Alex's jaw clenched. I felt myself wince.
"Maybe you should go back to the dorm." I advised, trying to fake a cheery smile.

Alex shook his head, pursing his lips, the fire in his eyes burning deeper and deeper with every step Paxton took that made him closer to us, "I don't think I will." He said, achieving a sudden burst of confidence that I personally thought he could do without.

As Paxton slowly approached, his face turned grim as he saw Alex standing by me. His lips were pressed together in a line, trying to bite back words he knew he shouldn't say. "Hey, Ron." He greeted, smiling in my direction, ignoring Alex in all.

I tried to smile back, "Hey." I said dryly.

He glanced back at Alex for a moment, a look of hatred glinting in the boys' eyes. He turned back to me, the hatred dissolved. "So, have you thought it over?" He asked me, a euphoric glint in his eye.

I pursed my lips, "I haven't come to a decision yet." I confessed, clutching my backpack's strap, digging my nails into the fabric.

Paxton's face sunk a little. I could tell he was disappointed that he wouldn't get to shove the possibility of us dating each other in front of Alex's face today. I could have rolled my eyes.

What a shame. The voice cooed.

"Well," Paxton said, moving some brown hair out of his misty eyes, "When you do think of a decision, you know where I'll be." He smiled, as if he wasn't feeling how awkward the atmosphere was.

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