The Truth Always Comes Out

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I hated sad endings.

In books I'd read or movies I've watched, I always loathed when the ending was dismal. I had to admit, I was a sucker for the endings where everything was all sunshine and smiles, especially after 2 hours of hardship and sadness. I was a sucker for the endings, whether they were realistic or not.

Now I was realizing how terribly awful sad endings were in real life.

I opened the door, seeing Parker, Paxton, Aaron and Drake all holding cupcakes in their hands like some sort of battle weapon.

Parker began to speak in a low, husky voice, as if he were some sort of villainous character, "Alright, men. On four, we'll throw these. Leave the toys at home, wussies, because this shit's real-"

"Wait, why on the count of four? Why not three?" Aaron wondered out loud.

"Well, why not four?"

"No reason, just that three's more traditional."

"Well, I don't like odd numbers."

"But, Parker, three is the magic number!"

"Magic or not, four still wins that number contest."

"Lies!" Aaron snapped, pointing at him accusingly.

"You wanna talk about lies? How about when your mom tells you that she loves you?-"

"Hey, guys?" I interjected feebly, watching them as they all turned their heads curiously to me.

"Yeah?" Drake said, grinning.

"Aw, you interrupted our cupcake war!" Parker sighed exasperatedly, slumping his shoulders disappointedly.

"Just shut up, everyone, especially Parker!" Alex shouted from behind me, slamming the door shut and shoving his hands in his pockets, "Ron has something to say that you all should know."

"Oh god," Aaron said, his face going white, "Is this about the time I dropped your toothbrush in the toilet and didn't wash it? Look, man, I'm sorry, but I was so busy trying to kill that fly-"

I gaped, "What?"

Aaron's face turned bright red from embarrassment, "Um, never mind. Carry on, please."

I sighed, deciding to let him go for now. I turned back to Alex, seeing the look of sureness on his face. I guess he wanted me to do this, too. I sighed and readied myself mentally to tell them this bombshell. I didn't know how they were going to react; I mean, I had been lying to them this whole time. How would they take that? Would they be mad? Would they be glad that I was being honest with them? Would they be embarrassed?

"Alright," I sighed, taking in a deep breath, trying to gather the gall to tell them all. I looked up at them, straight in the eyes and noticed Paxton giving me a suspicious glance. He must've known what I was about to do. I didn't know how he'd feel about this, either, but I had no other choice but to tell them. I had to.

"Well, I've kind of...been keeping a secret from you all." I said feebly, looking down at my feet, gritting my teeth together nervously.

Parker's curiosity peeked, "...What is it, dude?"

I sighed, running a hand shakily through my hair as I sucked in a quivering breath, "Well, I'm kind of...not exactly...particularly..."

Alex put a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up at him curiously to what he was doing. He shrugged his shoulders apathetically and tussled my hair as he blurted out senselessly, "Ron's kind of a girl."

You could have heard a pin drop.

The looks on all of their faces was priceless, but seeing them at this time made my stomach lurch. Parker's face was a mix of shock and confusion, while Aaron and Drake's faces weren't exactly so surprised.

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