★ ~ • Chapter -2 • ~ ★

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Nevan's POV:

As I enter the school, I start walking at the hallway. As usual I see many students on the way, some running around after each other like maniacs, some girls applying some make up, some boys flirting with some girls, personally if u ask, I really hate watching girls and boys together, they just make me so freaking uncomfortable. Anyways, I enter my class and sit on my seat. The class starts to fill up with students, the class starts to fill up with light murmurs of students. As I look at the door, I see a group of boys entering the class. The boys follow a seriously handsome boy into the class. As I'm saying that the boy is super gorgeous, I can't take my eyes off him. It seems that he is the leader of that group and others are just those who follow him. "Aish, look, it's Mr.handsome." one of the girls behind me says. Her friend suddenly buttheads and says " He is the topper of the whole school, do you really think he'll even notice you?" The other suddenly says again "Bitch ikr, but then also, he's just so stunning." I ignore those girls and stare back at my english book. The murmurs suddenly stops as the English teacher enters the class.

*After 50 minutes*

The class ends and I start heading to the cafeteria as it's the lunch break time. As I go out, I trip on someone's foot and fall down. "Aish!!" I say angrily. I look up to see the topper bitch staring back at me. "Garbages aren't supposed to be laying on the floor, aren't they?" I roll my eyes and stand back up. As I start walking, he grabs my hand and pins me to the wall. " Let me go!!" I shout. "Ooo watch it babe..." he says in deep whispering voice. I feel chills down my spine. "What did he just say?!" I thaught. Next I know, he was way too close to my face. I was frozen on the spot and I really didn't knew what to do. "Please let me go." I say calmly to him. "Not this easily sweetheart, beg for it." He says in a really deep voice which I really find so attractive. "Come back to ur senses Nevan! He's a bully. Come back!!" I mentally slap myself. I clenched my jaw. "Let. Me. Go.!!" And after that I kick him in the shin. His hands suddenly leaves me and he grabs the area as his face clearly says that he's hurt. "Aah! U piece of shi-" that's when his friends calms him down. I quickly ran from that place and enter the cafeteria.

*In cafeteria*

I was searching for him as I was sitting on the bench and not eating my food. I was a bit scared if him as I kicked him, but he didn't come to the cafeteria. That kinda relieved me.

*Ring ring*

As the bell rings, everyone starts going to their respective classes. I take my bag and go to my next class.

*After 3 hours the school ends*

"Ahh... finally the school ended. Damn...shit!!" I mentally cursed as I knew even tho my school is ended but at my home, it's going be so messed up. I sighed and started going to the bus stop. As the bus arrived, I sat at the last seat of the bus and took out my earphones and plugged them in my phone. I put the earphones in my ear start listening to the song. I bopped my head as I was listening to "dis-ease" by bts.

I reached home and surprisingly I saw that my dad wasn't home. I was relaxed and went to my room upstairs.

As I rested my body on my bed, I got the thought of that bully I met today at school. "Aish...he really is so handsome...but I wonder why he gotta bully me like that?!" That made me suspicious of him but then I took that thought off my mind.

*After few hours* *night time*

I was really lucky that my dad was outside and wasn't coming till the next day. I smiled and went to my mom. "Hi mom." I said. "Hi son." "I've kept dinner at the platform. Have it ok? And warm it up a bit if it's cold. I'm tried, so I'll be going to sleep" as she said this she went to her room and closed the door.

I sighed and went to my room again, not wanting to eat anything at all. I rested my body on my bed and directly went to sleep. I really liked talking to my mom, but she always did small talks and goes silent again. That really hurt me a bit.

Author park here,

Hello lovies...was this chapter long or short? Idk..I'm writing it on a phone so... Btw I was listening to "dis-ease" that's why I wrote it here. 😅

See y'all soon...

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