★ ~ • Chapter -31 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

Soon their exam week starts and all of the students get busy revising and writing their exams.

"All the best Nev." Adrian says and sits on his examination seat. Nevan nervously smiles and nods.

*After exam*

All the students grab their stuff and go out of the examination hall. Nevan goes out of the hall, grabbing his question paper and other stuffs. He's walking in the hallway when Adrian comes running behind him.

"Hey Nev, how was your exam?" He asks putting his hand on nevan's shoulder. Nevan smiles and breathes heavily. "It was good. Some questions were fucked up. But it was okay." Nevan says pressing his lips together. "Don't worry now, it's over." Adrian says as he rubs nevan's shoulder with this hands.

William comes towards them holding his black small school bag around his shoulders. "Hello guys, how was your exam?" He asks looking at both of them. Nevan shrugs his shoulders and Adrian smiles. "It was awesome." Adrian says. "Now I would like to ask you the same question." Adrian asks William with a questioning look. "Sure, why not. It was bullshit to be honest." He says making a bored irritated face. Both nevan and Adrian chuckles listening to William.

"That's great William. We didn't knew you had a award for swimming." Nevan says smiling. "Yea, I'm not even lying. I did have an award." He says enthusiastically. Adrian laughes a bit. "You're so naive nevan. He's faking it." He says smirking. Nevan looks at William, with his mouth open. "You're lying, aren't you?" Nevan asks playfully. William rolls his eyes, and sighes. "Okay...okay...you both win. I didn't have any award in it." He says in a bored way.

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow." William says and head towards his car. "Bye..see you." Nevan says and they start going to the bus stop.

They reach their home and sit on the couch. Nevan has his eyes closed and was basically sleeping. Adrian goes and changes his clothes while nevan was still in his uniform.

"Bye nevan, I have to leave you. I'm sorry for it. Maybe you can forgive me. I no longer love you and from now on, forget that I ever was in your life. Bye forever." Saying this Adrian disappears into this air. Nevan listens to him with tears in his eyes. "Adrian! No! You can't do this to me! Please stop... I-I s-still love you.. come back.... please..." Nevan falls on his knees and cries harder.

Nevan gets up and goes to his room. He throws himself on the bed and starts crying again. "Why did you do this Adrian?.." he cries keeping his both palms on his face, crying more. "Baby, don't cry...I'm here..." A whispering voice of Adrian says, as he kisses nevan's hand with his soft lips.

Nevan opens his eyes and sees no one is around him and he's sitting all alone in his room. He grabs his head and asks himself, "Was Adrian here? Or am I hallucinating?" He shakes his head and gets up. "Maybe I should take a shower.

As he is about to take the shower, Adrian comes in front of him. "Adrian?" Nevan says with tears in his eyes. "Sweetie...just as you know, I still love you, but I have to leave... I'm sorry..." He says as he starts disappearing into small particles into the air.

"Adrian! Adrian!.... Adrian!" Nevan keeps shouting crying harder.

"Adrian! Adrian!!...don't go..." Nevan keeps shouting with tears in his eyes. Adrian soon comes towards nevan and sits on the floor, facing nevan. "Baby? Baby, wake up...I'm here.." Adrian keeps his hands on nevan's stomach, waking him up. But nevan keeps crying harder. "Adrian please...come back... don't leave me alone..." He cries.

"Baby, I'm here...wake up..." He says nudging nevan a bit strongly and nevan opens his eyes. "Baby, what's wrong? I'm here." Adrian says moving his hands on nevan's stomach to comfort him.

As nevan sees Adrian, he starts crying again and hugs Adrian while crying. "Adrian, don't ever leave me...n-never.. " he says crying again. Adrian soothes him by patting his shoulders. "Baby, take a deep breath. I'm here, hmm?" Adrian says and let's go of the hug.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Adrian asks him while wiping his tears with his thumbs. "I had a dream. That you left me alone and you didn't love me." Nevan says looking at Adrian with teary eyes.

"Baby, I will never leave you. Don't worry. I'm here. I'll be with you forever." Adrian says kissing nevan's lips. Nevan hums and sniffles. Adrian let's go his lips and smiles. "That was just a dream, okay? Don't take it seriously. I'll be in the kitchen. I'll make you some salad today." He says and starts going to the kitchen, but nevan grabs him by his hand.

"Take me with you." Nevan says looking at Adrian with cute eyes. Adrian smiles and gives a piggyback ride to him. Nevan grabs him tightly and rests his head on Adrian's shoulder.

Adrian manages to make the salad while holding nevan at the back and they both sit on the couch holding their salad bowls.

After they eat the salad, they go upstairs to rest some time. After they rest they sit on the study table to revise for their next exam. Nevan still stays close to Adrian and Adrian pulls him closer by his waist.

They spent 4 hours on studying for their next exam which was tomorrow. Nevan sighs and closes his book. Adrian also closes his book and looks at nevan.

"I'm done revising. Come lets have some coffee." Adrian says and holds nevan in his arms, kinda giving him a piggyback ride downstairs.

Hours pass, and they spent rest of the time while watching some movies or some kdrama. They have their dinner, and go upstairs to clean the table which was all covered with books and pens around, with notes as well.

"Good night Nev." The boy says and they go to sleep, both hoping that their exam will go better.

Exams are hella boring...


Author park here,

Hello sweethearts, how were you all? Hoping you all are fine. Anyways let me know about this chapter and stay tuned for next chapter.

See y'all

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