★ ~ • Chapter -28 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

*After few hours*

Nevan comes down rubbing his eyes and yawning. Adrian is sitting there on the couch, watching some movies on the TV.

Nevan comes towards Adrian and gently pecks Adrian's lips. "Hi nev. You slept after doing your maths equations. So I let you sleep." Adrian says smiling. "Then you should've slept with me as well." Nevan says smirking. "Oh is it..."

(Again mature scenes. You can skip if you like. If u want to continue, then honey, you have an amazing treat ahead. 😉)

Adrian says and Nevan giggles. Adrian soon kisses Nevan right there on the couch and drops the remote on the floor. Nevan leans down on the soft couch and kisses deeply. Soft pants fill the living room. Both boys don't stop kissing and pleasuring each other. Adrian still is kissing Nevan, when he moves his hands under nevan's t-shirt. Nevan gasps, with his eyes closed, he kisses Adrian deeply and moves up. Soon nevan moves his hands in Adrian's t-shirt and moves his hand towards his chest letting out a moan out of Adrian's mouth while kissing.

Soon nevan is turned on by this movements and he kisses Adrian with new energy. He kisses him hard on the lips making Adrian falling a bit back. Adrian is now leaned on the soft couch and nevan is still kissing him deeply. Nevan still has his hands inside Adrian's t-shirt, as he starts playing with Adrian's nipples, making Adrian moan a bit loud, his loud moan is silenced by nevan as he bites on Adrian's lips. They part away breathing heavily due to previous moments. Nevan is still hovering on top of Adrian. Their lips red swollen, hair messed up and t-shirts almost taken off.

"Damn baby, I didn't knew you were this good..." Adrian whispers still breathing heavily. "That's why babe, don't judge a book by it's cover." Nevan says winking at Adrian. "You seem so horny right now..." Adrian smirks at nevan and nevan smiles brightly listening to that sentence.

Nevan clearly was turned on by Adrian's moans and kisses. Even tho Adrian was his boyfriend, he still wanted him to be completely his. (Y'all know what I mean? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

"Babe, can we make love please..." Nevan says smirking. Adrian smirks and leans in again.

They crash their lips again but this time more roughly. "Let's fulfil your wish, shall we?..." Adrian says between kisses. Nevan smirks and kisses him again.

Adrian's hands moves in nevan's t-shirt and starts moving his hands on nevan's stomach. Soon Adrian grabs nevan by his thighs and nevan soon wraps his legs around Adrian's waist.

They still kiss deeply and Adrian takes him upstairs in their bedroom door. Still holding nevan with his both hands, he holds nevan with one hand and uses other to open the door.

He softly places nevan down on the bed and turns on the dim lights in their room. Adrian soon comes towards nevan and hovers on him. "You ready babe?" Adrian asks nevan looking at him for a moment. Nevan takes a deep breath and nods in a yes.

Adrian smirks and starts kissing nevan hungrily on his lips. Their lips mold against each other and both of their hands moves inside their loose t-shirts. Nevan moves his hands in Adrian's t-shirt and moves his hands around Adrian's nipples, making Adrian moan again. Adrian soon takes off nevan's shirt and throws it away in the room somewhere.

Such a beautiful angel. Adrian thinks and smirks, then he starts kissing nevan's collarbone. He sucks on that skin, making Nevan moan. After he gives few hickeys on neck and the collarbone, he startes taking off nevan's pajama.

Adrian is about to take off his underwear, when Nevan grabs his hand. "What happened babe, is something wrong? I can stop if you like." Adrian asks looking at Nevan. Nevan nods his head in a no and says, "Take your clothes off as well..." Adrian smiles and takes off his t-shirt and his grey pajama.

After few seconds, the room gets heated up and after few minutes, loud moans and heavy breathes are heard from the light dimmed room. Bed creeks and both boys switch and pleasure each other.

*After 45 minutes*

Now about the room, white bedsheets crumbled, having a stain on it, pillows fallen down, clothes scattered on the floor.

(So...you can start here. I'm so embarrassed rn...😅😣 But anyways, let me know about this.)

"That was great..." Adrian says laying beside nevan and kisses his forehead. "Sure it was babe. I'm finally yours completely." Nevan says and pecks Adrian's lips softly. "Let's get cleaned up. You start going towards the bathroom, I'll change the bedsheets." Adrian says getting up and nevan also gets up.

As nevan's feet touch the ground, pain emerges at his lower body. He winces hard and clenches his hands. "That hurt..." Nevan says and sits back on the bed. Adrian looks at him and chuckles, dropping the stained blanket down. He goes at Nevan and kisses Nevan and says. "Sorry love, I was a bit harsh..." Adrian says. "No it's not your fault. It's okay." Nevan says and kisses him again a bit deeply, running his hands in Adrian's black hair.

"Babe, don't make me go for a round two..." Adrian says and Nevan chuckles. "Come, I'll help you." Adrian says and holds Nevan in bridal way.

He places Nevan on the cold platform of the huge basin. (You know those basins with drawers attached, those ones.) Adrian bops nevan's nose and starts filling up the bath with warm water and some bubble bath.

Soon the tub is filled with bubbles and warm water. Both of them, goes into the tub. Adrian sits first and Nevan sits on his lap. Since the tub is a bit deep, the water touches both of their bodies, making them relaxed.

"I love you." Adrian says to Nevan and pecks his forehead. "You already know I do, babe." Nevan says and they crash their lips again, the kiss is passionate and filled with love. Thier lips mold against each other and they tilt their heads to deepen the kiss.

They part away. After 20 minutes, they start getting up from the bath as the water comes to it's normal temperature, and the bubbles almost gone. Adrian gets out and helps Nevan to get up. They dry up and goes out to wear some comfy clothes. They both wear loose hoodies and some pajamas as well.

They both go downstairs to watch some TV, and talking about Nevan, he still feels sore in his lower body, as he walks slowly, wincing everytime when he walks a bit fast.

They both make some food by themselves and watches TV while eating thier food. Since they're eating a bit spicy food, (no double meaning stuff) Adrian can't tolerate spicy food at all.

He keeps his bowl down and hisses as he finds it so spicy. Nevan chuckles and slowly goes to bring some milk. "Here, drink the milk, it'll help." Nevan says and gives him the glass of milk. He drinks it fastly and breathes hard.

"That was damn spicy. I guess I got a chilli in it." Adrian says and sighs deeply through his red swollen lips. "It's okay..don't worry. I'll add less chillies in it next time." Nevan says and eats the whole bowl.

"Aren't you feeling spicy about this food?" Adrian asks him. Nevan just shrugs his shoulders as if it was normal for him to eat spicy food. Adrian shaked his head and looked at the TV.

Nevan surprises Adrian by giving him a chocolate milkshake and they enjoy their chocolate milkshake. (Again no double meaning stuff.)

*At night*

"Good night babe." Adrian says pecking his lips and snuggles in the blanket. "Hmm." Nevan hums and snuggles close to Adrian.

Both of them sleep hugging each other.

Today's evening was so amazing...


Author park here,

Hello sweethearts, sorry I didn't write much s m u t here. Just some. But I'm really sorry. Hope u enjoyed this chapter, let me know about this in the comment section.

See y'all

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