★ ~ • Chapter -42 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

Adrian is still on call, but someone hangs up the phone. "Shit!" He curses and he runs his hands in his hair.

He sits on the couch and sees that his hands are also shaking. He goes to grab a glass of water but in worry of Nevan, he looses his grip and the glass shatters on floor.

Listening to the sound, Jacob enters the room. "Adrian?!" He asks. He places his hands on Adrian's shoulder and makes him face him. "What happened?" Jacob asks.

"N-nevan...I-i don't know w-what h-happend to him..." He starts crying falling down on the floor. Jacob kneels down and hugs him. "Calm down. Wait for some time and call nevan's friends or anyone who knows him." Jacob says.

"Yeah, I'll call someone. Thanks." Adrian says and gets up wiping his tears. He sits on the couch and keeps his hand on his forehead. Jacob notices it. "You're having a headache aren't you?" He asks. He takes a medicine and gives it to him. "Here, have it." Jacob says giving him the pill. Adrian drinks it and picks up his phone again.

He calls Rosie and waits. "Hello?" She answered. "Mom? What happened to Nevan? Where is he? Is he okay?" He rapidly asks her. "Love, he's- " Rosie's voice cracks and she starts crying.

"Mom. Please don't cry. It's making me more worried." He said. "He was at his job, and while talking to you, he got a panic attack. Due to more stress, he passed out there. One of the workers there saw him and he took him to hospital. He soon called us there. He's still hospitalized." Rosie finishes.

Adrian is frozen on the spot and his mind gets blocked. "Adrian? Hello? Are you alright?" Rosie asks. "m-mom, I-I...it's all my fault...I'm the stupidest boyfriend ever...I'm responsible for all this..." He starts crying, falling his head on the back of the couch.

"No honey, it's not it. It's not your fault. Don't say it. Calm down please. I can't see my sons like this. Please, for me, don't say this." Rosie says sniffling. "How is Nevan?" Adrian asks her.

"He's not okay, still passed out. The doctor said that he went through a lot of stress and is suffering from depression. It's not much seviour. But he'll be alright in few months. It will take more than months for him to recover. It's a long time. I'm guessing your work will end till then?" Rosie asks him.

"Yeah, my work will end soon, but it'll take few more months. I'll try my best to finish it fast." Adrian says wiping off the tear.

"Nevan? Thank god you're awake... Adrian. Nevan is awake now. You can talk to him." Rosie says happily.

"Hello Adrian?" Nevan weakly asks from the phone. "Baby, how are you? You scared me to death." Adrian says. Nevan's weak chuckles are heard. "I'm sorry." Nevan says.

"Don't be sorry please. It's not your fault." Adrian says. "Baby, take care of your health and I love you trillions." Adrian says. "I love you zillions. And yes I'll take care of my health." Nevan says and Adrian smiles. "Bye baby." Adrian says. "Bye love." Nevan says and he hangs up the phone.

Adrian's POV:

I thank God my baby is alright. My work is about to finish now. Just few more months. Then I'll be going to meet my love.

No one's POV:

Thinking that, Adrian shuts his eyes.

Just few more months of waiting...


Author park here,

Hello sweethearts, you might be getting a feeling that the sad chapters are about to end now. Congo... Hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for next chapter. Love you all.

See y'all

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