★ ~ • Chapter -52 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

Adrian has now some bloody fingers as he has been biting his skin for a long time now. He sees the blood and gives a frustrated look. He takes his handkerchief and wipes off the blood.

Everyone gets up from their seats and Adrian's heart starts beating faster and faster.

The priest begins. "We have this 2 beautiful souls getting wedded here in this beautiful evening today. Mr. Rose's daughter, Miss Isabella Rose and Mr. Kim's son, Mr. Nevan." He says in his old voice.

"So I shall begin, Mr. Rose, you you accept this marriage?" He asks. "Yes I do accept." Mr. Rose says.

The priest turns to Stefan. "Do you, Mr. Kim, accept this marriage?" He asks. "Yes. I do accept this marriage." Stefan says smirking.

Nevan hearts beats faster and Isabella looks at him with nervous eyes.

"Now, it's time for the beautiful couple here." The priest turns towards Nevan and Isabella.

Adrian feels like his heart is about to explode as he sees all this in front of his eyes. He startes tearing up a bit but wipes off the tears.

"So, do you Kim Nevan, take Miss Isabella Rose as your wife?" The priest asks. Nevan bites his lips and looks at Stefan who was glaring at Nevan. Nevan rolls his eyes and looks at Adrian in the distance.

Adrian looks at nevan but couldn't see properly as his tears fills up his eyes. He wipes them off.

"Kim Nevan, I ask you again. Do you, take Miss Isabella Rose as your wife?" The priest asks.

"I'd like to call someone here. Can I call him?" Nevan asks to the priest. "You can only after your marriage is done." He says.

"Do you want me to snap your old neck in half ?" Nevan asks glaring coldly at the priest.

The priest gulped and nodded. "Okay." He says in a shaky voice.

Nevan takes a deep breath and moves a bit away from Isabella.

"The person I would like to call, is someone whom I'll never forget. He is the one, who made me happy and loved. I thank him from bottom of my heart. And that person is Adrian." He says and everyone looks around to see Adrian.

Adrian's head looks up in shock. "Adrian, don't stand there. Come here." Nevan says and Adrian takes a deep breath and goes to the stage.

As everyone looks Adrian, they start whispering to each other.

Adrian gets up on the stage and looks at Nevan with red puffy eyes.

"This is the person I'm thankful to. He has made me feel loved and helped me whenever I fell in trouble." Nevan says.

Stefan stares at them angrily while Mr. Rose is all confused.

"And other thing I would like to show you guys in this evening." Nevan says.

Adrian stays still and listens to him with a confused look.

Everyone gets up from their seats and gasps, their jaws widely open while they start gossiping to each other, when they see that Nevan kisses Adrian right on the lips in front of everyone.

He parts away and Adrian is shocked, as he stands on his spot completely frozen.

"Look here bitches! He is my love and always will be!" He shouts and Isabella smiles widely.

Stefan gasps in anger is about to come near Nevan with a gun. But at the same time many police mens enters the hall.

"Everyone out! Kim Stefan! You are arrested and will be given death sentence in few week." A police man says holding his gun in his hands pointing at Stefan.

"Fuck you bitch!" Stefan shouts as he shoots a bullet from his gun towards Adrian.

Nevan comes in the way and the bullet hits Nevan in his left arm.

4 police officers holds Stefan and takes the gun from his hands. They soon take Stefan to the police station in the police car.

Nevan falls down with bloody arm as adrian holds him in his arms crying. "Nevan!" He shouts. "I-I'm fine..." He says.

While Isabella has her hand on her mouth as she sees Nevan down. "Nevan? Adrian! Don't loose hope! There is a hospital nearby, go take him as fast as you can! Go!" She shouts as adrian holds Nevan in his arms.

*At the hospital*

(After 2 hours)

Nevan was lucky that he was bought in hospital on time. His treatment is done now and he is now in a room, till the wound is healed.

Adrian is sitting beside nevan's bed holding his hands.

Nevan is now awake after the treatment and has gauze applied on his wounded arm.

"Adrian, I hate hospitals" Nevan says rolling his eyes in frustration.

Adrian chuckles and ruffles nevan's hair. "You're so cute." He says. "I know I am." Nevan says smiling.

"Did you plan all this?" Adrian asks. Nevan smiles and nods. "Yes I did. And Isabella and Jake was also included in that plan." Nevan says.

Adrian's eyes widens in shock. "Dad too?" He asks with his mouth open. "Yes, him too." Nevan says smiling.

"You are the best Nevan!" Adrian says kissing nevan's lips. Nevan hums in approval.

They are kissing each other when Rosie opens the door. "Oh..I better go." She says with an awkward smile.

"No mom! It's okay. You can come." Nevan says smiling. Rosie smiles and sits on the couch.

"Thank god Nevan you're alright and the marriage also didn't happen." Rosie says smiling widely. Adrian and Nevan smiles.

*After 30 minutes*

"Nevan? Do you wanna eat something?" Rosie asks. Nevan is about to answer when his stomach growls a bit. "Yes I will." He says. "Okay, I'll bring some cup ramens for both of you." She says and leaves the room.

"Nevan?" Adrian asks. "Hmm?" He asks. "I love you." Adrian says. Nevan smiles. "Jagiya, you know I already do love you." He says.

Saying that, they place their lips on each others and kiss each other passionately.

Nevan runs his hands in Adrian's hair while Adrian kisses him deeply.

Adrian bites a bit harshly on nevan's lower lip as Nevan let's a bit loud painful moan. Nevan grabs Adrian's hair and deepens the kiss.

Nevan soon licks on Adrian's lips, and Adrian opens his mouth for Nevan to enter his mouth. Nevan smirks and enters his tongue into Adrian's. Adrian hums and closes his mouth to tease Nevan.

Nevan gets frustrated and bites on Adrian's lips, making Adrian whimper. Still teasing him, he doesn't open his mouth.

Nevan parts away and looks at him with an angry look. "Stop teasing me!" He shouts.

Adrian laughs and Nevan gets angry. He crosses his arms and looks away.

Adrian grabs nevan's neck and kisses again. He opens his mouth this time and Nevan smirks and now he decides to mess with him, so be doesn't enter his mouth.

"Stop. Teasing. Me. Now." Adrian says between kisses. Nevan smiles and enters his tongue into his mouth.

They both part away and smile. "Gosh you've turned pretty good in kissing." Adrian says. Nevan smiles and pecks Adrian's forehead.

"Just wait till we get home, we'll play our game." Adrian says smirking. Nevan chuckles. "Sure we will. Till then wait." Nevan says.

All the problems are vanished now...


Author park here,

Hello sweethearts, hope you all are doing well. Hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for next chapter. Love you all.

See y'all

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