★ ~ • Chapter -24 • ~ ★

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*Next morning*

No one's POV:

Today, their school is organising a party before their exams starts. They have no school to attend and have the classes. Their time is at evening 6, so they still have a lot of time to get ready.

Adrian is already awake and is looking at his phone. He was looking through the instagram, while Nevan was still sleeping and snoring on the bed.

"Nev? Wake up will you?" Adrian says shutting off his phone. He hugs Nevan and snuggles to him closer. "Hmm.." Nevan hums and snuggles with him. He opens his eyes and looks at Adrian. "Finally.. good morning." Adrian says pecking his lips. "Good morning love." Nevan gets up and grabs his towel to take a shower. "Come with me. After bath I'll teach you how to make pancakes." He says and goes inside the bathroom, Adrian lazily follows him back.

After they shower, they go downstairs to make some pancakes for the breakfast. "Well, take your apron. I'll teach you how to make pancakes." Nevan says taking the glass bowl and also taking out all the ingredients for it. Adrian wears the apron and takes the glass bowl.

As Nevan explains him to mix the ingredients, Adrian keeps messing it up. Somehow he manages to mix maximum everything, the last thing left is to add the flour. The flour was kept up in a container in the top drawer of the kitchen. Since Nevan is a bit short heighted, he finds it hard to get to the container.

Adrian is standing there looking at Nevan, who is now jumping a bit to get to the container of flour. Finally after some time, he gets the container in his hands. "Yes!!" He shouts as when he's about to take the container, Adrian kisses him right there on the lips. Losing the balance of his hands, the flour falls on both of them as the lid was a bit loose. The flour container gets empty and now both boys are covered in flour. They part away and Nevan growls in frustration. "Babe, what did you do..." He says completely being done. Adrian shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

"Help me clean it now." He says and they both clean up the mess. "Your clothes are all messed up. Let's go and change it." Nevan says and they both go upstairs to change their clothes.

After they change their clothes, go come down and sit on the couch. "Our breakfast is ruined." Nevan sighs. Adrian looks at him for a while when he speaks up. "Shall we order something for lunch after few hours?" Nevan thinks for a while and shrugs his shoulders, "seems like a great idea. What to order tho? It's already lunch time." Adrian takes out his phone and looks at it for a second. "Shall we order some pizzas?" Nevan looks at him with a sparkle in his eyes. "Sure, I'll like the pepperoni pizza. What about you?" Adrian says then, "I'll take the one with pineapple toppings." He says and then orders it.

After few minutes, the pizza order comes and they eat it while watching the TV.

*At evening*
5:00 PM

"Babe, is this shirt okay?" Adrian asks looking at the mirror. "Love, that's the 8th time you're asking me that." Nevan sighs. "But I don't think it's good. I'll change it." He says and takes off the light pink shirt he was wearing.

"Adrian, here. Take this one." Nevan hands him a funky black sweatshirt, with a bit bright coloured designs. "The light blue ripped jeans would look good with it." And after it, he hands him the pair and Adrian smiles. After he wears it, he goes to the mirror to see himself. "This is amazing. I love it." He says styling his hair. Nevan looks at Adrian and smiles. "You look amazing, Adrian." Nevan gets up to get ready. He takes a funky t-shirt, with a black jacket and a black pant with some chains on the side. "Babe, how do I look?" Nevan asks. Adrian looks at him and pecks his rosy lips. "Gorgeous as ever." Adrian says smiling.


They take their phone and keys and head off towards the club where they've planned the party. The students were allowed to have alcohol for this day. As it's their last classes, after their exams, they all will be graduated from the school.

They enter the club and start looking for a place to meet their friends. The club is well filled with the students and other teachers as well. Girls and boys in their party wears, girls can't stop giggling, boys don't stop hitting on those short dressed girls, teachers not minding at all, some students already drunk, some snogging and some dozzed off.

"Hey William!!" Adrian shouts at the boy wearing a white shirt with a formal black pant. William turns around and smiles holding a red wine glass in his hands. "Hello lovebirds. Looking gorgeous today." He compliments to both of them. "Well thank you." Adrian says and William goes away to the dance stage, which is filled with girls and boys dancing with each other on the pop songs.

"Well let's get some drinks." Adrian says and goes towards the drinks area to get some red wine. Nevan comes to him and places a hand on Adrian's shoulder. "Shall we try some beer Adrian?" He asks looking for some beer. Adrian's eyes widen and he sees Nevan. "Baby, you sure?" He asks. Nevan nods and tells the waiter to give them two glasses of beer. Adrian has well alcohol tolerance, while Nevan... (You will see yourself after.😉)

"That's siiixxxx!!!" Nevan shouts placing the empty beer glass on the table. "Heeeyy...bring other *hiccup* one..." He says to the waiter. Adrian finishes his 6th glass but still is in his right mind. "Nev, stop.. that's enough.." he says looking at him. "No...I'm just doing fiinnneee....*hiccup*"

"That's eiighhtt!! Hehehe..*hiccup*" Nevan shouts again, and gets up. "Nev, where are you going?!" Adrian starts panicking now. "Ohh..babe...I feel like dancing...come...*hiccup* let's dance..." He says almost loosing his balance. "Shit!" Adrian goes towards him and holds him. "No..no..don't hold me..let me fly...." Nevan giggles around and goes away from Adrian's hands. "Nevan! Nevan come back." Adrian keeps shouting but Nevan disappears in the crowd full of drunk, dancing students. "Arghhh! Fuck!" Adrian cusses and goes to find him.

Nevan's POV:

I feel like I'm flying...yaayyy.. into the air...as I go towards the crowd, I unheard the voices of Adrian calling me from behind. I'll meet him afterwards. Let me fly...as I'm moving around, a hand grabs my wrist, taking me somewhere in one of the rooms. "Adrian...baby *hiccup* is that you??" I ask that man, but he doesn't respond.

I wonder what would happen...I wanna fly... Weeeeee....


Oop-Hello. Author park here,

Excited for what will happen next .. stay tuned fellas..hope you'll enjoy reading that part as well. Anyways let me know about this chapter in the comment section. 😉

See y'all

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