★ ~ • Chapter -38 • ~ ★

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*After 2 days*

Adrian reaches Singapore, as he just came into his house. He places his bags on the bed and sits on the couch, sighing deeply.

Adrian's POV:

You will never know how I feel right now! You know I can't see you away from me for even 1 fucking hour!! How can I live for 1 and a half year?!! His last sentences are still heard in my mind.

We left having a argument. I close my eyes and soon a tear falls down my cheek. I wipe my tears away and go to my bedroom. I lay on the bed and close my eyes.

I soon drift to sleep and only person who comes to mind. Baby...I love you. His words move in my mind. "Shit!" I mumble and take out my phone.

I start scrolling through my gallery. I see many memories with him. One was even me and him kissing. I smile and decide. I shouldn't be sad. I can still call him.

I look at the phone screen to check the time.

9:30 PM

I open the call log and dial nevan. The phone rings and I wait for him to pick up the call.

Nevan's POV:

I was sitting on my bed, looking at the white ceiling of the room. I close my eyes and a single tear rolls down my eyes. I miss you baby, I miss your kisses.

I was thinking that, when my phone starts buzzing.

Adrian bby 💕

Answer Decline

Looking at it, I jump up on my bed and sit while holding the phone in my hands. Without hesitation, I answer the call.

"H-hello?" I ask. "Baby?" He says. "Oh how are you? Did you reach at your house? Did you eat something there?" I ask him. "Baby, calm down. I'm okay here. And yes, I did eat." He says. I sigh in relief. "Thank god! I happy you are fine there." I say. "How is Singapore to you?" I ask. "Singapore is amazing as ever. I like it here. But it would be a bit hard sleeping without you on my side." He says slightly laughing. I smile. "Don't worry, it's hard but I'll manage." I say and he chuckled a bit.

"There are amazing places here for couples. Some romantic gardens as well. I'll send you some pics tomorrow." He says and I can imagine his smile there. "That's really cute." I sigh. "Well I gotta end the call now. I just came home from the airport." He says. "Oh, okay. Rest well and I know you miss my kiss." I say giggling. "Stop teasing would you." He says. I laugh. "Ok, bye. Sleep well baby." I say. "Sure I will. Bye baby." He says and he hangs up the phone.

I don't know why, I feel butterflies in my stomach as I listen to his voice.

I smile and close my eyes. I soon remember the first day I met him.

"Garbages aren't supposed to be laying on the floor, isn't it?"

"You seem uncomfortable taking off your shirt honey, let me help you with it."

That first kiss we shared in the locker room. Those lips which touched my hot skin, sending chills down my spine everytime.

That moment when he saved me from my father's abuse.

That confession he did.

The first time we made love.

That laughter I shared with him.

Even tho it's 1 and a half year, it still feels alone. Only the person who had experienced this, only can know how it feels being away from your loved one.

"Nevan?" A sweet voice makes me open my eyes. I teared up a bit as cheeks were wet as I was crying thinking about our moments.

I wipe my tears and look at Rosie. "Oh Hello mom." I say. She sits on the bed and places her hand on my cheek. "You've been crying again. Are you missing Adrian again?" She asks.

I smile a bit, and I really don't know why I tear up again. "Yea. I can't see him away from me even for a hour. I still have to wait for a year and a half." I say and I close my eyes shut in anger as tears fall down my eyes again.

"Fuck! I keep crying!" I say on anger. Rosie looks at me with a concern. I wipe my tears and look down. "I know, even tho you know he's safe, you miss him so much. You miss his touch, you miss everything about him. That happens love." She said and wipes my tears again.

"You don't need to be angry about that. I miss my son too. But I can understand how would you feel." She says giving me her warm motherly smile. I smile a bit and she pecks my cheeks.

"Come downstairs, I've made you some food." She says and she goes downstairs. I follow her and sit on the chair.

Me and rosie are the only one left, as dad is busy with his meetings.

I have a long journey to wait for him....


Author park here,

Hello sweethearts, hope you are doing well. Hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for next chapter.

See y'all
💜💜💜💜 (◍•ᴗ•◍)

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