★ ~ • Chapter -40 • ~ ★

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*1 week later*

No one's POV:

The night in America is awake now. And nevan is sleeping on the bed, hugging a pillow.

Baby, I'm here...baby, open your eyes. I'm here. "Adrian?" I ask. Yes baby, your love is finally here. After your time of waiting, I'm finally here. "I-I you came back..." I say.


His voice echoes in nevan's mind. He grabs the pillow close and his forehead starts sweating. He lets go the pillow as he starts getting a hard head ache. He doesn't care about the head ache but shouts Adrian name continuosly.

"No! Adrian! No..!" He shouts crying harder and harder as the door opens and Jake and rosie comes, switching on the light.

Nevan is still having his panic attack as he cries harder. "Nevan...nevan open your eyes." Jake says nudging him. Rosie starts tearing up and nudges nevan again. "Nevan! Sweetie wake up!" She says and nevan stops and opens his eyes, breathing heavily. His eyes teary and puffy, his hair messed up and his look is really messed up.

He sees rosie and Jake beside him, and he wipes his tears away. He still is shaking from the panic attack as rosie wipes his tears away. "Nevan. Breathe. We're here." Rosie says. Nevan looks at her and smiles a bit.

"Mom, don't worry. I'm fine." Nevan says, fixing his t-shirt. Jake puts his hands on nevan's shoulder. "Dear boy, we are concerned for you. How can we not worry?" Jake says. Nevan smiles a bit and starts tearing up again. "I-I tired my b-best not to c-cry...but I..." His voice cracks up and he starts crying again.

Rosie brings him closer and hugs him close. She pecks nevan's hair and pats his shoulders. "Calm down love. You don't want Adrian to cry as well?" She asks. "Please don't cry." She says and breaks the hug. "Take the headache pill and go to sleep okay? We're here." Rosie says that and pecks nevan's forehead. "Don't worry nevan. Sleep well." Jake says and they go to their room.

Nevan puts his hands on his face, crying more he falls his head on the pillow and cries harder. Why? Why is it hurtful when you miss your loved one? He thinks and sleeps.

Adrian's POV:

I don't feel right. Something is off. I keep wondering why my thoughts are this concerned about something. I was pulled out by my thoughts when my phone buzzes.


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I pick up the call. "Hello mom. How are you?" I ask. "Umm hi... we're fine here." She says with a scared voice. "Mom? Is something wrong?" I ask with a concern. "Honey, it's about nevan. We're scared for him." She says and I sit up on my bed. "What?! What about nevan? What's wrong? Did something happen to him?" I ask her. "He's having panic attacks every night. He keeps shouting your name and cries everytime when someone calls your name. He is missing you a lot. But now, it's scaring me. If anything happens to him- " she says, "mom no, nothing can happen to him. Don't worry. I'll call him tomorrow morning." I say. "Please do call him. He's not in a right mind. He seems so broken." She says and I start to tear up. "Honey, we're here with him. Don't worry at all. Take care son." Mom says and I say yes. She hangs up the phone and I sigh.

When will this shit job end?! I wanna meet my love and my parents. As I think that, I shout in anger. "Fuck it!". I go to the kitchen and make myself a strong coffee.

I know what happens to him when he gets panic attacks. He needs me whenever he gets one. But now, I can't even calm him down due to this shitty thing!

He does need me and I also want him but this buisness here! That's it, I'll talk to my dad as I come back to America, that I will get a job in America or if I even go outside, I'll take Nevan with me. I can't see Nevan like this. Hurting himself mentally because of me. Having panic attacks because of me. I'm a pretty shitty boyfriend.

"Baby...you're not a bad boyfriend." Nevan's soft whispering voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Nevan? Crap! I'm hallucinating again. Maybe I should take a shower." I say and go to shower.

No one's POV:

As he enters the shower, warm water soothes him down. He is crying again in the shower as he falls down keeping his hand on his face. "Why does missing hurt so much?" I ask myself. "Cause you love me lots baby." Nevan's voice comes again. He looks up and sees Nevan looking at him with a smile. Adrian gets up and sees Nevan. "It can't be...you..here .." he says when Nevan shuts him with a deep kiss.

Nevan holds Adrian's neck and kisses him deeply. "Nev..." Adrian whispers. Nevan let's go Adrian's lips and hugs him. "I'm here baby. Don't worry." He whispers. Adrian hugs him back, but soon realises that he was just hallucinating.

He sighs and turns off the shower. He goes out and wears some comfortable clothes. He lays on the bed and starts thinking about Nevan again.

I'm going crazy...


Author park here,

Hello sweethearts. Hope you all are doing well. Hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for next chapter.

See y'all


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