★ ~ • Chapter -12 • ~ ★

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Nevan's POV:

I wake up as my alarm keeps beeping beside me. I shut off the alarm, and smash my head on the pillow again. I don't wanna wake up... I mentally whine. I try to go back to sleep, but a pair of lips peck my cheeks. "Wake up baby...it's morning, we have to go to the school. Come on.." Adrian says in morning raspy voice and starts getting up from the bed.

"Arghhh...baby please...let me sleep." I say cutely, thinking he would let me, but he doesn't. "Nevan.. come on, don't make me miss the school due to your cuteness. I won't be able to resist." He says pulling me up from the bed. "Okay... I get it. I'm up." I say and go to the washroom to get a bath and get ready.

After we get ready, we head towards the bus stop to go to the school.

*At school*

No one's POV:

Hallways are filled with students chattering around. Girls gossip with each other and some fix their make up, boys talk with each other, some plays around with eachother, teachers shout in nearby classes.

Adrian and Nevan enter the hallway. Adrian places his hand on nevan's shoulder and smiles looking at him. One of Adrian's friend comes towards them. "Bruh, why are you with him?" William asks to Adrian looking confused. "Oh, I found my soulmate." Adrian says looking at William. "That's really...good." William says with an awkwardness. "Well I'll get going." He says and leaves for his class. As they come near their class, a girl bumps into Nevan. Nevan gets taken aback and glances at her. "Sorry, shitface." She says without looking at him. "What did you call me hoe?" Nevan shouts. "Let's just go babe, ignore her." Adrian says and when Nevan goes inside, he goes near the girl and darkly looks at her. " Listen here, dumbfuck! Don't ever mess with Nevan. Or else you won't be able to speak next!!" He says giving her a last dark glance.

"Nicky!! What are you thinking?" One of the girl asks to Nicki. "Nothing. I'll soon be with Adrian instead of that stupid fag." Nicky says with a smirk on her face.

The class starts and Nevan and Adrian sit with other. The teacher enters with bunch on papers in her hands. "Morning class, as you know we conducted a chemistry test a few days ago, here are the results." The teacher says as she starts distributing the test papers. "Lee Adrian?" She asks looking for him. "Yes mam, here." Adrian says and takes his paper. He looks at it for some minutes and then sighes. Nevan looks at him and was about to ask something when his name gets called. "Kim Nevan?" "Yes mam, coming." He takes his paper and sits back down. He looks at his paper and rolls his eyes. Adrian notices and asks him. "How much you'd get?" He waits for him to answer but he doesn't. Adrian sighes and snatches the paper from him. "Damn, it was okay to keep it with you. Here, take it." He says and hands him his paper. "I got a fucking C in it!! Happy?" Nevan spats in frustration. "Chill Nevan, you'll come up.. I'm damn sure. I'll teach you." He says with a smirk.

*School ends*

*At Adrian's house*

"Mom... we're home." Adrian says throwing his school bag on the couch. "Welcome home love." Rosie says with a warm smile. "How was your day at school?" She asks. "It was fine, we got our chemistry test papers." Adrian says. "What did you get?" Rosie asks. "96 percentage." He says with a frown. "Then why are you so sad about it?" Rosie asks. "Mom, I expected 98, not 96." Adrian whines. "Oh forget about it, stop complaining. How much you'd get Nevan?" Rosie asks to Nevan who was listening to them with a silence. "I got 45." Nevan says with a sad tone. "It's ok, Adrian will teach you. You boys can go upstairs and study for it if you like." Rosie says to Adrian with a warm smile. "Okay mom, we'll go." Adrian says while looking at Nevan.

They enter their room and Nevan says. "Okay, let's get straight to it. You teach me everything about chemistry now." Nevan says and goes to the table and takes out his books. Adrian comes near him and stares at him. "Okay so we need to look for these chemical formulas and further to- babe what's wrong? Teach me." Nevan says looking at Adrian. Adrian licks his lips and says, "Off course babe, I will..." He says in deep voice, sending chills down nevan's spine.


Author park here,

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