★ ~ • Chapter -44 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:


Nevan looks up in shock. "A-Adrian?" He says. "Yes baby..it's me...I've returned..." Adrian says.

"Am I..." Nevan asks but couldn't complete his sentence. "No you're not hallucinating. I'm really here." Adrian says and turns on the lights of the house.

Nevan closes his eyes as bright light hits his eyes. He slowly opens his eyes and sees Adrian standing in front of him smiling. It was true. Nevan wasn't hallucinating, Adrian was here.

He notices that Adrian is not much hefty and strong as he looked, instead he lost some weight in Singapore. Adrian had worn baggy clothes and had his hair dyed in orange peach colour.

He gasps. "You dyed your hair?" He asks touching Adrian's hair. "Do you like it?" Adrian asks. "Like? I love it!" Nevan says smiling brightly. Adrian finds him really cute and adorable seeing him smile after 1 year.

"I see you've dyed your hair as well." Adrian says and takes off the hood that Nevan was wearing. Nevan's hair colour was light pink and had some purple shades at the tip of his long hair. "You look beautiful." Adrian says.

"Oh how I missed you Adrian." Nevan says tearing up a bit. "Shh..don't cry..I'm finally here...now I'm not going anywhere." Adrian says hugging him.

They break the hug and they lean closer to each other. Soon they fill the gap between their lips and kiss each other passionately. Thier lips mold against each other and they kiss deeply.

Soon nevan runs his hands in Adrian's hair and Adrian pulls him closer by his waist. Adrian bites on nevan's lower lip, making Nevan grab his hair strongly. Adrian leaves the lips and starts kissing him down on his neck. Nevan keeps his hands on Adrian's shoulder, as adrian bites on skin, Nevan moans in his touch on his skin.

He leaves nevan's skin and pecks his lips again. Nevan opens his eyes and looks at Adrian. "I love you Nevan. So much." Adrian says.

Nevan soon smirks and kicks Adrian in his crotch hard. Adrian holds his crotch and goes down. "Fuck!" He says as pain emerges in his body.

"What was that for?" Adrian asks still in pain. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming early from Singapore." Nevan asks crossing his arms. Adrian gets up and sighs. "I wanted to give you a surprise. That's why." Adrian says breathing heavily.

Nevan kicks him there again, "do you know what I went through this 1 whole fucking year?!" He asks Adrian who was in pain. " Baby... s-stop... I-I understand but...gosh it hurts." He says still down. "Yeah, you deserve it. It's all your fault. Enjoy the pain now." Nevan says and goes to the kitchen to grab a chocolate.

Adrian gets up breathing heavily, "crap, I didn't expect this Nevan." He says laughing a bit. "Well...I am angry a bit right now." Nevan says holding a chocolate between his teeth. (In short he was behaving childish when Adrian came. So he starts playing with the bar of chocolate.)

Adrian smiles and goes to Nevan. He takes the chocolate away from him and smiles. "Stop, give me my chocolate." Nevan complaints. "No...come take it from me." Adrian says as he sits on the couch, eating a bite of the chocolate. "Hey that was mine." Nevan says.

"I still have it, take it from me." Adrian teases. Nevan sighs and comes near Adrian trying to take the chocolate. Adrian leans back on the couch and takes his hand away from him. Nevan comes closer but looses his grip and falls on Adrian.

"Please forgive me baby..." He says in his deep whispering voice sending chills down nevan's spine. "You already know I did..." Nevan says smiling.

Adrian smiles and since their lips were close, they connect their lips. Nevan takes Adrian's hands and pins him to the couch. Nevan kisses him deeply and a bit roughly.

Nevan is kissing him deeply as he comes forward a bit. Adrian feels nevan's clothed crotch on his stomach as he moans loud. Nevan smirks in kiss and leaves Adrian's hands. "Enough now...I can't resist..." Adrian says as he keeps his both hands on nevan's waist.

"Shall we go upstairs?" Adrian asks. "But tannie and leo are sleeping there." Nevan says. "Crap. Don't worry we have a spare room downstairs." Adrian says smiling. "Sounds great." Nevan says and Adrian gets up holding Nevan in his arms.

"Wait, I have to take my pills." Nevan says. "Pills? For what baby?" Adrian asks. "For my panic attacks. Let me take it, then we'll start." Nevan says. "Okay." Adrian says and Nevan goes to kitchen to get his pills.

After he takes his medication, he comes in the room and smiles. "You got everything ready?!" Nevan asks laughing. "Don't laugh at me. And now let's start." He says and Nevan giggles.

Nevan is laying on the soft mattress oh the bed while Adrian hovers above him, kissing his breath away. He parts away and sees the Nevan is crying a bit.

Adrian panics, "baby, what happened? Are you having another panic attack? Please talk to me." Adrian says. "No, it's not a panic attack, it's just...I'm really happy that you came back. I can't explain how happy I am." Nevan says. Adrian smiles and starts giving Nevan butterfly kisses on his face. "I'm too happy to see you again." He says.

Nevan giggles and holds Adrian by his neck and pulls him closer. They soon kiss again and Nevan moves his hands in Adrian's orange peach hair.

That kiss becomes heated and rough as soon the room is filled with their moans and heavy breathes.

"A-Adrian slow down..." Nevan says as his body bounces up and down. Adrian doesn't stop as he keeps pleasuring Nevan. " ...fuck!" He says and he feels a sting down. Nevan had his hands on the bedsheet, as adrian hits his spot hardly, he grabs the bedsheet hardly. "S-slow down..." He says.

"Your chance is finished, now my turn." Nevan says as he gets above Adrian. "Please go easy on me." Adrian says. Nevan chuckles. "I'll try." He says now Adrian is the one bouncing up and down having his hands on nevan's shoulder. "S-shit! E-easy... " Adrian moans.

*After 45 minutes*

"S-shit..." Adrian cusses again and Nevan pulls out.

The room is a complete mess now. Pillows fallen down, clothes scattered around, a t-shirt on the floor, while bedsheets crumbled having a stain on it.

"I didn't knew your fingers worked this good." Adrian says pecking nevan's lips. "Stop talking about that." Nevan says blushing deep red. Adrian laughed and got up.

"Let's get- shit! It hurts." Adrian says wincing. "I told you to go easy on me." Adrian said. "I said I'll try." Nevan says and they get cleaned up.

"I'll clean up the room as well." Nevan says. He takes the clothes and the bedsheets and goes to the laundry room. He keeps it in the washing machine and goes out.

"Finally you're with me." Nevan says snuggling close to Adrian. Adrian pecks his pink hair. "Don't worry now, I'm here and I'll stay forever with you." Adrian says. "I love you.". Nevan says. "I love you too." Adrian says and they continue watching the TV.

No more tears, no more sadness...


Author park here,

Hello sweethearts. As I said, sad chapters are over. Hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for next chapter. Love you all.

See y'all

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