★ ~ • Chapter -25 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

As Nevan is grabbed a rough hand, that man, brings him to a room upstairs. That man throws Nevan on the bed and pins him to the bed. "W-who are you?" Nevan asks that man with a black hoodie. He takes off his hoodie and smirks at Nevan. "Forgot me? Oh what a shame Nevan." The man says. "I don't remember you." Nevan says. "I'm Ken. You're classmate. I always had a crush on you.. but you ended up with that bitch ass Adrian." Ken says with a anger on his face. Nevan starts panicking and tries to get away, but Ken slaps him and pins to the bed again harshly. "Don't try to get away babyboy." He says in a crazy way. "L-let me go.." Nevan pleads.

(Almost harsh treatment here. You can skip if you like.)

"You deserve a punishment. Don't you?" Ken asks him and starts kissing Nevan on the neck. "N-no stop!!" Nevan pleads again holding Ken's hands. Ken stops and slaps him hard on the cheek. "Shut up would you?! Let me have what I want." He says and starts taking off his t-shirt and jacket.

Ken starts trailing kisses down on his collarbone and sucks on it, making Nevan whimper. "Please stop.." Nevan says crying up now. But Ken doesn't stop and kisses him roughly.

Ken starts taking off nevan's pants and starts kissing his thighs. As he is kissing his thighs, he says. "Come on boy...I can't hear you..." He growls and keeps kissing. Nevan cries harder. "Come on...." Ken moans but Nevan keeps crying harder.

Ken stops and slaps him harder this time. "Why don't you say something!!" He asks. Nevan cries and the only words come out of his mouth, "Adrian!!! Help!!" He shouts with his whole energy he had. "ohh.. calling your boyfriend now?.. he won't come." Ken says and starts coming closer to him. Nevan closes his eyes. Adrian...help me...

(Okay finished..you can start reading from here.)

Adrian's POV:

I searched him everywhere, but I couldn't find him at all. Lastly I decide to go upstairs. I'm climbing the stairs now and I see many rooms ahead of me. I sigh and knock on each and every room. But they all seem to be empty. Some rooms are closed. I keep my ear on those closed rooms and hear moans from inside. Maybe those stupid ass couples are breaking the bed inside. I sigh and the last room is left at the end. It too seems lock. I decide not to look in that room. But still I do. I go towards that room and keep my ear on the closed door. "Adrian...help me..." I hear nevan's voice clearly from inside, sobbing badly. Without hesitation, I kick open the door. What I see makes my blood rise up in anger. I see Ken hovering over Nevan and Nevan has his eyes closed and was crying hard. They were almost naked and it was just so terrible to see. I go inside and push ken down the bed.

No one's POV:

As Adrian pushes ken off the bed, ken falls down hard. "Fuck!" He growls. He looks up to Adrian standing there with anger fuming inside him. Ken smirks. "Oh hello Adrian. How are you doing?" He asks. "shut the fuck up will you?" Adrian spats. Before ken could say anything, Adrian punches him hard on the face. Nevan sits on the bed, hugging his legs and crying hard. "Why the fuck you bitch! Nevan is a human. Not a toy you'll play with!" Adrian shouts while punching him hard again, making ken throw up blood.

William enters the room panting. "What's going on here?!" He asks panting. Adrian still is kicking ken hard and William runs to stop him. "Adrian! Adrian come back to your senses! Stop.. Nevan needs you now." William says holding Adrian's arm. Adrian stops and looks at William. "Go to Nevan! I'll see this bitch! Go!" William says holding ken in his hands. Some other boys were there too. They take ken and go downstairs. "I'll call the police and give them their criminal. Don't worry. Go home and take care of Nevan." William says and goes back down to call the police.

Nevan and Adrian are the only ones left in that room now. Nevan is still sobbing hard sitting on the bed, hugging his legs. Adrian sighs and places a hand on nevan's shoulder. Nevan flinched a bit and noticing that, Adrian takes away his hand. "Nev, Nev calm down. It's me" he says calming him down. Nevan looks up with teary eyes and hugs Adrian tightly and crying hard in his arms. Adrian runs his hand at his back to soothe him and hugs him close.

They part away and Adrian wipes off the tears from Nevan's eyes with his thumbs. "Calm down love. I'm here." He says. Adrian takes nevan's t-shirt, jacket and pants and gives it to him. "Come on, wear your clothes, we're going home." Adrian says and Nevan starts wearing his clothes.

After all this, they sit in their car and are heading towards their house. Nevan is still crying a bit while Adrian is driving. "Babe, it's okay. Ken is arrested now, William called me and said to me." Adrian says looking at the road ahead. "T-thanks Adrian." Nevan says. "Shh, don't say it." Adrian says and takes the turn which leads to their house.

*At their house*

As they enter their house, they lock the main door and go upstairs to change up. After they change, they sit on the couch. "I'll go make some cup ramens for us, okay?" Adrian says and goes to the kitchen. Nevan still is sitting there hugging his legs.

After Adrian comes with 2 cup ramens, they start watching the TV. "Look, it's your BTS video." Adrian says slurping on the ramen. Nevan soon notices and smiles looking at the TV. Soon he starts jamming with the song and sequels whenever jimin came on the screen.

"Can you introduce me to these 7 people. I'm kinda confused." Adrian asks him with a awkward smile. "Sure I will." Nevan says and starts looking at the screen again.

"That! That short heighted boy right there, that's Jimin." He says pointing at jimin in the screen. "And that tallest and gorgeous, that's Namjoon." He says looking at the tall person in the screen. "Then the one with those beautiful lips, is seokjin. He's even said as worldwide Handsome." Nevan says smiling at the screen. "That boy with a sunshine smile, is JHope. The one with the cute boxy smile, is taehyung. The one who is having a bored face on, is suga. And the last, the one with doe eyes and cute bunny smile, is jungkook." Adrian nods everytime when Nevan introduces the boys on the screen.

"They're awesome. Hahaha jimin said lajibolala instead of carbonara..haha." Adrian laughes looking at the screen. As the evening passes, Adrian is much into BTS now and Nevan was excited watching Adrian into it.

After 2 hours they stop the tv and go to sleep.

I'm gonna surprise him tomorrow, he'll be happy as hell. Adrian thinks and goes to sleep.


Oopsy, it's me again. Sorry I'm ruining everything here. Mi aane. Anyways, let me know about this chapter and stay tuned for next chapter.

See y'all


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