★ ~ • Chapter -35 • ~ ★

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*Next day*

No one's POV:

The couple is still sleeping on the bed hugging each other close.

Adrian wakes up first and pecks nevan's forehead. "Baby wake up..." He says in his raspy voice. Nevan hums and snuggles close to Adrian.

Adrian smiles and runs his hand in nevan's hair. "Come on..wake up please.." Adrian says again. Nevan growls a bit and wakes up, still holding Adrian's t-shirt in his hands.

"Good morning." He says. Adrian smiles. "Good morning babe." Soon they get off the bed. "Come, let's have breakfast." Adrian says and he grabs his hand. "Wait, you go downstairs, I'll fix the room." Nevan says looking at the mess.

"Okay, you fix it, I'll make something downstairs." Saying that Adrian goes downstairs and nevan takes a deep breath.

He takes the clothes which were scattered around on the floor, and keeps it in the laundry tub. Next he takes the bed sheet and keeps it in the tub.

He takes the tub and goes downstairs to the laundry room. As he goes down, he sees that Adrian had a bit messed up the breakfast, and he seems struggled making the food. It seemed that he was making some pancakes, and the flour was all scared down, as he sees down on the floor, he sees that tannie is also roaming there in the kitchen, covered with flour.

"Adrian!" Nevan shouts. Adrian looks at him. "What have you done?" He asks. "Just a little messed up. Not much." Nevan rolls his eyes. "I'm not talking about the floor, I'm talking about tannie. He's all covered in flour now." He says. "Nevermind, I'll fix this clothes, till that you clean the floor, I clean up tannie then." He says and goes to the laundry room.

He takes the clothes and adds them in the washing machine. After he fixes up the clothes he goes towards the kitchen.

Adrian cleaned up the kitchen now, and was cleaning the platform. "Where's tannie?" He asks. "He's sitting near me here." Adrian says. Nevan comes to tannie and takes him in his hands.

He cleans up tannie and wraps him up in the soft cotten towel. He dries tannie up and brings him to the living room.

"Tannie is all cleaned now. Let me make the pancakes now." Nevan says and goes to kitchen. After he makes the pancakes, they sit on the couch watching tv while eating the pancakes.

*At evening*

Adrian is sitting on couch, with nevan. Nevan has his head on Adrian's lap and was reading another story.

That's when Adrian's phone starts buzzing.

                  Dad calling

        Accept                 Decline

He picks up the call and answers it. "son, I would like.to meet you tomorrow morning. Would you be able to come?" Jake questions him. "Okay dad." He says. " Don't bring nevan with you. Just you. I wanna talk to you only." Jake says in a bit serious tone. Adrian finds it weird. "Okay." He ends the call and keeps the phone on the table.

"Baby, what did he say?" Nevan asks him. "Nothing, he was just asking how we were doing?" Adrian lies and pecks nevan's forehead.

"Okay, let's have dinner. Would you like the black bean noodles?" Nevan asks. Adrian smiles and nods. "Okay, I'll be back with it." Nevan says and goes to the kitchen, while adrian plays with leo.

Why did dad didn't allow me to bring nevan with me tomorrow? Adrian thinks. He still is consumed by his thoughts, when the smell of black bean noodles pulls his out of his thoughts.

"Here are the noodles." Nevan says holding a bowl of noodles in his hands. Adrian takes it and eats it. "It's so amazing. I love it." He says slurping on the hot noodles.

*After dinner*

"Baby, sleep well. Good night." Adrian says kissing nevan's lips. Nevan hums and snuggles close to Adrian.

Adrian finds it really cute and hugs him close. He closes his eyes and goes to sleep.

Wonder what Jake wants tomorrow?....


Author park here,

Hello sweethearts, hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay tuned for next chapter...

See y'all

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