★ ~ • Chapter -3 • ~ ★

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Nevan's POV:

My eyes opens and I hear my alarm beeping beside me. "Aghhh!!" I groan as I stop the alarm. I feel something strange today. A little light bulb glows as I get to know that I hear no yelling nor crashing of those damn furnitures in my house. I silently go downstairs to see. I see that the living room is empty and no one is there, nor even my mom. I go down, and I enter my mom's room. She is still sleeping calmly on her bed. I smile a bit and leave the room. I go upstairs and I start getting ready for my school. After I get ready, I get my bag , take my phone , earphones and start going downstairs. I see my mom is awake now and was drinking her morning coffee. "Bye mom. I'm going for school, see you soon." As I leave, I see a man standing in front of me. "Going somewhere you piece of shit?!" "Get back in!!" He shouts.
"Dad..dad please." I say as he harshly pushes me back in. "You think I'll let u go without giving u what you deserve?!"


As he says that, his strong hand slaps my right cheek. I keep my hand on that stinging cheek, as now kicks me on my legs and I fall down. I curl up like a crushed up ball and he starts kicking me harshly on my stomach. I cry hardly and then he grabs me by the collar and pins me on the wall. Next thing I know that, his fist comes right on my face and I feel a warm liquid down my nose. I noticed that some of my blood even came on his hand. "Look what have you done !!!your disgusting blood came on my hand!!!" He said shouting at me. "You deserve a punishment!!" As he said that, I got so scared that I basically begged him to stop. "Please, please dad. Don't do this to me!!!" He didn't listen to me at all. He took a knife which was nearby and rolled my uniform sleeve up. Next I know, I was shouting in pain as he made a cut on my right hand. He stopped after it and then went to kitchen to get some alcohol. "Get your face away from me!"

Ok those who didn't read it. Basically what happened was, nevan's father physically abused him and shouted at him .

I left the house and ran away from that hell house. I was crying so badly and I could feel the pain in my legs as well. I reached near a store and entered the store. I straight away went to the washroom of that store and locked the door. I saw myself in the mirror. My right cheek was a bit bruised, and face had a bit cuts on it, my right hand was bleeding badly, and also my nose was just messed up. Since it was a store, I went out and took some bandages, antiseptic liquid and gauze. I went to the counter and paid for it with some money that I had. "You seem pretty messed up." The lady said which was sitting in front of me. "Did something go wrong that you are this messed up?" "Umm no, nothing happened. I just stumbled on the road and got myself hurt." I lied. She gave me a wierd but concerned look and gave me my items. I went to the washroom again to clean myself up. After I cleaned myself up, I thanked the lady and went to my school.

*At school*

"What happened to him?" "Did he just fight with someone on way here?" "He really looks funny...hahaha" I heard from the students as I passed by. I went directly to my class and sat on my seat.

*After 50 minutes*

I gathered all my stuff and started going to the cafeteria. As I was walking, I saw that topper coming towards me. I thought he would mess with me again but he didn't. Instead he just passed by and just gave me a look. I was really shocked that he didn't bully me today. Anyways,then I went to the cafeteria.

Adrian's POV:

As I walked in the hallway, I saw girls looking at me and giggling continuosly. I gave them a look and winked at them. They got more excited and started laughing again. As I was walking, I saw that boy which I met yesterday. But only to see, he was really in rough shape. Bandages all over his face, his right cheek was a bit bruised and his uniform was a bit bloody. I was really traumatized to see him like this. "Oi Adrian, let's bother that guy again." Alex , one of my stupid friend said. "No, not today." I went pass through him and just gave him a look. He seemed really surprised by that and I smirked. "Aish, he's so cute."

*After lunch break* *the school ends*

As y'all know what happens when the school ends, the students gather up and start talking with their friends and all other stuff. I really didn't want to go home this early after what happened today at my house. I was sitting at a bench and was listening to my music as usual. I was listening to "spring day" by bts, and as I was listening to it, that topper bitch came towards me. I tensed up a bit but then remembering that I kicked him yesterday, I calmed down. He sat next to me. I still kept ignoring him. "If you won't say anything, istg I'll rip your earphones." He said. I gave him a death stare and shaked my head a bit. "Just stop irritating me. Go away!" I said with a irritating look. "Hmm, that was a nice introduction of yourself, my name is Lee Adrian btw. I'm the son of ceo of Lee companies." "I didn't even ask you. So shut up!" I said with frustration. "Well, I'm here to say sorry to you. For what I did to to you yesterday. So, care to forgive me?" He asked. "What is up with him? Why is he behaving like this with me? Did he just get his peanut sized brain hit with a rock?" I wondered. "Why suddenly the bully changes his goddamn mind?!" I said. "Wae? Bullies too have heart remember?" "So, u forgive me?" "He can't be that bad.. he's handsome after all.. oml Nevan..come out of that thought. Maybe I should give him a chance. He'll stop irritating me then. " I was in deep thought, that's when, "Your silence says it all, you've forgiven me..thanks a lot" he said with a savage smile. "I...I..." I stuttered. "Well then, I won't bother u anymore. Bye then" he said leaving me dumbfounded. I sighed and left the school and headed towards my home.

*At his home*

As I came, my father was sleeping on the couch with a beer can in his hand. I silently passed away from him and to my room. I went to bathroom to have a shower. As I came in, I removed all my bandages and the dirty gauze. I threw them in the dustbin and went to shower. As I went in my shower, hot water touched my skin and I winced a bit at the pain. Then after it, I applied a fresh gauze and bandages at my wound. Then I grabbed a pajama and a black hoodie. I rested my body on my bed and took my phone in hand. I scrolled through my insta page and found that topper boy. I saw him page and opened his account. "Should I follow him on insta? Or not? What if he does something in school? Ani.. he said he won't bother me from now on..but shall I trust him? Aish..it's hard..."
My finger lingered on that blue follow button for some minutes.
After what it felt like hours, I decided what to do...

Follow √


Author park here,

Hello lovies...I'm back again. Did u like this chapter? Let me know in the comment section. Aish it's hard writing in phone...

See y'all


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