★ ~ • Chapter -23 • ~ ★

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*Sunday morning*

No one's POV:

"Adrian! You didn't clean the kitchen platform! Go right now!" Nevan's shouts echoes the whole house. Adrian comes down, yawning and comes to the kitchen. Nevan is standing there crossing his arms and stares at Adrian. "Alright baby, calm down. I'll clean it." Adrian says and takes the cloth and starts cleaning the platform. "Here. I've cleaned it up. Happy?" Adrian says pulling Nevan closer.

"That's like a good boy." Nevan says smiling and ruffling his hair. "You know I hate when you call me that. You deserve a punishment." Adrian says smirking. "Oh is it..." Nevan says smirking as well.

Adrian doesn't waste any time and kisses Nevan hungrily and strongly. Nevan goes backwards due to the force and his back slightly touching the kitchen platform. Nevan soon wraps his legs at Adrian's waist. Adrian holds him and kisses him deeply. Adrian bites a little on nevan's lips, letting out a painful moan out of his mouth. No longer able to hold him, he lets nevan sit on the kitchen platform and starts trailing kisses down at his neck. Nevan gasps and moves his head to give more area of his neck. Adrian smirks and sucks at his neck to give him a dark hickey. Soon the kitchen room, is filled with nevan's moans and Adrian's pants. Listening to nevan's moans, he starts unbottening his shirt. Nevan soon opens his eyes and holds his hand. "S-stop...not now. I have make ourselves some food..." Nevan says panting. "Damn baby, you ruin my mood everytime." Adrian complains about it, but still is closer to him. "Yea but we also have to eat something." Nevan says pecking his lips again and gets off of the platform.

Nevan takes a pot and fills it with water to make some noodles with some egg toppings. He takes out some eggs and starts boiling it. Adrian grabs his waist and pecks his neck from behind. Nevan smiles and faces him. "Your food really is amazing, Nev." He says stroking his hair. "Just some I learned. Nothing much." Nevan says smiling again.

Nevan makes the noodles and they sit at the table and start eating it. Adrian first takes a bite and tastes it. "Mmm, babe. It's so tasty." He says slurping the noodles fast. "Thanks a lot Adrian." Nevan says and they finish up their food.

"Good night babe." Adrian says snuggling close to Nevan. "Hmm..." Nevan says, who is already asleep is basically snoring. Adrian chuckles softly and pecks him on the forehead and hugs him close.

*In Monday morning*

No one's POV:

° beep... Beep.... Beep... °

Nevan's alarm beeps beside him but he doesn't wake up. "I swear to god, I'll break this damn thing!" Nevan shouts closing his ears with the pillow. Instead of Nevan, Adrian wakes up listening to the beeping alarm. Adrian gets up and shuts off the alarm and starts nudging the blanket and throws it away. "Wake up baby, we have to go to school." He says ruffling his hair.

"Babe seriously I hate Mondays." Nevan says getting up and does a morning stretch. "Come let's have a bath and get ready. We have a basketball match today." Adrian says grabbing his towel.

After they freshen up they grab some granola bars on the way and get to the bus stop. Adrian is sitting beside Nevan and Nevan is watching a youtube video. Adrian notices it and sees the video playing on his phone screen. The video shows 7 boys playing their roles according to the song.

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