★ ~ • Chapter -49 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

Both boys couldn't sleep at all due to the previous night moments.

It's morning 8:30 and they both are sitting on the couch sitting close to each other.

Rosie enters the house with a bag in which she bought some breakfast from a nearby shop. "Boys..." She asks but stops as she sees them with bandages.

He drops the bag and goes to them. "Adrian? What happened? How did you both get hurt?" She asks looking at the wounds.

"Boys, please answer me..." She asks again. "Nevan's dad came this midnight, and threatened Nevan to marry the daughter of a CEO." Adrian said.

"What?! Wasn't Stefan jailed for 7 years?" Rosie asks. "No, he ran from the jail and he wants me to marry her just for money. Nothing else." Nevan says. "And if I deny, he would kill Adrian." Nevan adds, a tear falls down his cheek.

Rosie listens to him and looks at them. "You have to marry her? Means you both will break apart? This can't happen." Rosie says tearing up.

"Mom...don't cry...it's okay, I'll do it for Adrian's safety." Nevan says.

Nevan's phone suddenly buzzes. He picks up the call. "Hello?" He asks. "Son...you have to meet that girl at a place I fix! Don't try to call police or else I know how to kill Adrian, see his dead body next..." Stefan says and hangs up the phone.

Nevan keeps his phone down and keeps his head on the couch. "What happened Nev? Who was it?" Adrian asks.

"It was my dad. He said me to meet that girl I have to marry. He is sending the address." Nevan says as his phone dings showing a notification from an unknown number.

Meet her on this address at 11:00.

Don't even think about calling the police...☠️

He sees it and turns off the phone. He sighs and starts tearing up. "I'm scared losing you..." Nevan says crying.

Rosie listens to them with sadness as she comforts them by placing her hands on their faces. "Relax Nevan, I hope something good happens ahead. I just hope." She says getting up. "Boys I have bought you some breakfast, have it. And relax ok? I'll be going." She says and leaves the house.

Adrian pulls Nevan close to him. "Don't worry, I'll be with you forever. I won't forget you." He says.

"I really love you Adrian and I don't want to leave you." Nevan says.

Stop! Kissing scenes.

Adrian looks at Nevan for some time and pulls Nevan into a kiss by Nevan's neck. Nevan closes his eyes and kisses him deeply.

Adrian kisses him hardly feeling the wet tears of Nevan on his cheeks, making Nevan fall backwards on the couch. He pins him to the couch and kisses him deeply. Lips molded with each other, eyes closed.

Adrian leaves nevan's hands and moves his hands in nevan's t-shirt, while Nevan runs his hands in Adrian's orange peach hair.

Adrian licks nevan's lower lip, asking him for entrance, as Nevan opens his mouth for him to enter. Nevan moans and Adrian moves his hands near nevan's chest.

Nevan starts lifting Adrian's shirt and moves his hands inside. He kisses Adrian roughly making Adrian fall a bit back.

You can start here.

"N-nevan... s-stop..." He says but Nevan doesn't stop. Adrian keeps his hands on nevan's shoulder making him stop.

He breathes heavily as both of their lips are now swollen due to previous moments. "Stop?" He asks.

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