★ ~ • Chapter -17 • ~ ★

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*next morning*

No one's POV:

Nevan and Adrian were still in bed sleeping, when nevan's alarm beeps beside him.

Nevan's POV:

My alarm beeps beside me as I snuggle close to Adrian. He hugs me close and pecks my forehead. "Babe... Wake up." Adrian says getting out of the blanket. I stretch in the bed. Adrian smiles cutely at me. I get up and fix the bed. "You're damn cute." Adrian says placing his hands on my cheeks. I blush and ruffle his hair.

No one's POV:

As Nevan ruffles his hair, Adrian pecks his lips and grabs his towel. "I'm going to bath, and you are joining me." Adrian says smiling. "Off course I will." Nevan says smiling and takes his towel and they both get into the bathroom.

After they freshen up, they come downstairs, whispering something with each other. "You didn't wash my hair perfectly." Nevan says whispering to Adrian. "Oh come on Nev, I did wash your hair nicely, don't complain." Adrian says looking at Nevan. "Hello boys.. what are talking about?" Rosie comes holding leo in her arms. "Mom, Nev is a bit frustrated that I didn't wash his hair perfectly when we were bathing togethe- " Adrian is about to finish when, "nothing mom.. nothing, just some school stuff." Nevan says smiling at Rosie. "It's okay, I got it." Rosie says laughing.

"Anyways, you should do something about Nicky. She can't just get out with all this. She even stabbed William." Rosie says looking up from her phone. "Yeah mom, we'll meet William at hospital before going to the school. We already have a plan." Adrian says looking at her. "That's good. Well I better go to your dad's office. He wants some files from here to his office." Rosie gets up and goes to her room. "Well we should get going." As Adrian says it Nevan gets up and they both leave the house.

*At school*

"Did you hear about Nicky, she is really going to kill Nevan, she literally is crazy." "Don't worry bruh, Nicky will be suspended from the school." One of them says. "And even William got stabbed. Poor him." The hallway gets filled with this chatters of Nicky's problem.

"Don't worry about this. We planned everything with William at hospital." Adrian finishes looking at Nevan. "Yeah we did. But will everyone even believe us?" Nevan says looking at Adrian. "Don't worry they will." After they head towards their classes.

*In cafeteria*

As Adrian and Nevan are sitting beside each other at the table, Nicky comes towards them. She is alone as after the kidnapping situation, her followers left her. She hits Nevan on his head and says, " still eating fatface?!". Nevan turns around and says coldly. "Yeah why? You couldn't stop your filthy ass mouth, could you?!". Nicky clenched her jaw is about to slap him when a teacher enters the cafeteria."Nicky, Adrian and Nevan, come to the principal's office now." She says and goes away. "Well bitch, see you soon." Nicky says and walks away. "Don't worry Nev, stick to the plan. We'll call her. She has our proof." Adrian says and they both leave the cafeteria to go to the principal's office.

*At principal's office*

"So you 3 of you know why are you here right?" The principal asks them looking at the 3 of them. "Yes sir." Adrian says. "Sir, Adrian and Nevan kidnapped me in their old, rusty house." Nicky says looking at them both. "No sir, thats a lie. She kidnapped me and treated me harshly." Nevan says looking at the principal controlling his anger. "yes sir, and she did all this because she hated looking me and Nevan together as a couple." Adrian says. Nicky clenched her fist and banged the table loud. "That's a fucking lie!! You don't even have a proof." She shouts. "Nicky!! Mind your language!! Your in school, not at your house!" The principal says. "Sorry sir." Nicky apologizes. "Nicky, the proof you're asking for? We have it." Adrian says smirking. "sir, can we call someone?" Adrian asks. "Yes, go ahead." Adrian nods and opens the door. A slim girl enters the room with some pictures. "Hello Katie, hope you bought the proof." Adrian smiles at her. "yes Adrian, I did." Katie says showing the pictures to him. "You bitch!! Why the fuck did you betray me?! I gave you your fucking money!!" She shouts. "Nicky!! Stop!" The principal shouts. "Just because your dad is the main head of this school, doesn't mean you'll do all this!!" He finishes looking at Nicky. "I'm sorry Adrian, continue please." Adrian nods at Katie telling her to start. "Sir, Nicky was the one who paid me and told me to click photos of her and Adrian kissing to break them apart. I even witnessed her kidnapping Nevan and also stabbing William with her knife. That's all I'll like to say sir." Katie finishes looking at the principal. The principal looks at the photos and sighes. "Seems that Nicky is wrong here. I'll decide now." He sighes and then says. "Nicky, you are suspended from this school due to all this situation. Do not come back to this school, even with your dad." The principal says looking at Nicky. "You'll regret it sir. Mark my words." Nicky says glaring at the principal. The principal sighes. "Well we'll be leaving sir. Thank you." Adrian says and leaves with Nevan.

*School ends*

*In bus*

"Nev, I'm so happy about Nicky getting suspended." Adrian says looking at Nevan. "So am I love, she deserved it." Nevan says taking out his phone and earphones. "Let's listen to some songs." Nevan gives one ear piece to him and they start listening to the song. "♪ I can make it right...ooohhh I can make it right...♪" Nevan sings along with the music. Adrian smiles and pecks his lips. Nevan smiles and they both listen to the song on their way home.

*At Adrian's house*

"Mom!! We're home." Nevan says. " Hello boys! How was your day?" Rosie asks while ruffling their hair. "That's good. What about Nicky?" "She got suspended from the school." Adrian says smiling at Rosie. "That's good. You both should freshen up or better rest if you like." Rosie says and sits on the couch to watch the TV. Adrian and nevan go upstairs to change their clothes.

*In Adrian's room*

They keep thier bags on the table and they change their shirts.

*Some kissing scenes here. U can skip if you like, if you don't want to, then continue reading.😉*

After Nevan removes his shirt, he is about to put on a sweatshirt when Adrian holds his hand tells him not to. "Babe, what's wrong? Let me wear my sweatshirt." Nevan says looking at him. "No...I won't let you." Adrian says in a deep voice. Nevan sighs and next Adrian places his lips on nevan's. Thier lips mold and Adrian holds nevan's hands. Thier fingers interlocking with each other. Nevan is facing towards the bed and as adrian leans closer, Nevan looses his grip and falls on the bed. Adrian now hovers above him and licks his lips. Adrian kisses him deeply and a bit roughly. Nevan places his hand on Adrian's abs. "Babe...go down..." Nevan says panting still with his eyes closed. "Ooh babe, eager much?" Adrian asks smirking. "Stop wasting the time. Please kiss me." Nevan says. Adrian doesn't waste any time and he kisses Nevan on the neck. Nevan whimpers as adrian kisses his neck leaving dark red hickeys on it. Next Adrian kisses down on his collarbone. Soft pants fills the room. Next Adrian goes towards his face. He looks that Nevan is still breathing heavily, lips parted and eyes closed. Adrian smiles and kisses him again, this time a bit hungrily and deeply. Nevan's hands are on Adrian's shoulder when Adrian takes nevan's wrists and pins him to the bed. Still not leaving the kiss, Adrian bites nevan's lips. "Ahh..." Nevan painfully moans. Adrian silences him by kissing him again.

Done...wah!! It was hard for me to write this...but hope you enjoyed this scene. Let me know in comment.

As they part away, lips swollen, dark red hickeys on nevan's neck, and also the collarbone. They breathe heavily looking at each other. "Damn, I even stopped. I couldn't resist. But I did." Adrian says looking at Nevan and pecks his lips softly. "Your wish will be fulfilled one day. Don't worry." Nevan says smirking. "Fuck, stop teasing." Adrian says leaning back in. Nevan stops him. "No, sorry but I'm not ready. I'm really sorry babe." He says frowning. "It's okay honey, I'll wait till then. No force." He says pecking his forehead. "Thanks babe, I love you." Nevan says. "You know I love you too." Adrian says and sleeps beside him, snuggling close to him. Nevan smiles and grabs him by the waist and pulls him closer.

*At evening*

Both boys come downstairs and sits in the couch. "My Nevan!! You got a nice gift from Adrian." Rosie smirks looking at the red hickeys on nevan's neck. Nevan blushes red and hides his hickeys. Adrian chuckles and goes to play with tannie and leo. Tannie licks Adrian playfully and Adrian giggles. Nevan also joins them and playes with leo.


Author park here,

Hello sweeties. How are you all? Hope you're well... Anyways hope you liked this chapter. Anyways bye..

See y'all

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