★ ~ • Chapter -19 • ~ ★

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* Sunday morning*


No one's POV:

Nevan, Adrian and Rosie wakes up and gets ready to go to the beach. They get in the car and head towards the beach.

*At beach*

The beach is little bit filled with people. Kids run around with tubes around them. Some are swimming in the water. Some are drinking juices and it's simple as the beach goes. "Alright boys, we're here. Have fun today." Rosie says and takes out her hat and wears it. Adrian smiles and takes Nevan in his arms and runs in the water. "Adrian, stop..." Nevan says as adrian splashes water in him. Nevan gasps, "oh is it?" He says and splashes water on Adrian. They giggle around while splashing water at each other.

They spend the whole afternoon at the beach. Adrian and Nevan play with each other in the water and Rosie takes a nap under the umbrella with some sunscreen on. It's evening now and they're about to leave.

4:30 PM

Adrian and Nevan are still in water, splashing water at each other, swimming around, and also throwing each other in the water. (Y'all please imagine, them picking each other and throwing them in water. Hope you can imagine it.)

Rosie wakes up from her nap and sees something so mesmerizing, she takes her phone and clicks the photo.

Nevan is swimming around, when Adrian grabs nevan's waist and pulls him closer. They look at each other and smash their lips together. The kiss turns passionate, bodies closer and kiss deepened. Nevan moves his fingers in Adrian's black wet hair, while Adrian pulls him more closer. The sun is shining bright and the sky is filled with its shining orange rays.

Still not breaking the kiss, Adrian comes out of the water with Nevan, who had his legs wrapped around Adrian's waist

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Still not breaking the kiss, Adrian comes out of the water with Nevan, who had his legs wrapped around Adrian's waist. They part away and look at each other. "This was my best day ever." Nevan says looking at Adrian with a warm smile. "Me too. Come let's just walk around." Adrian says and Nevan gets off from Adrian. They hold each other hands and walk near the shoreline. "Adrian." Nevan says. "Hmm?" "You know I used to love going to beaches with my mom when I was a child. We used to run away from my dad and come to the beach. But then mom was beaten up by my dad." Nevan sighs. Adrian looks at him and places his hands on his face. "Look here, it's been a long time you haven't met your mom after all that. She might be worried a lot. Don't you think you should meet her?" Adrian asks him. Nevan sighs and then takes a deep breath and says, "yea you're right, shall we go together tomorrow to meet her?" He says with a excitement in his eyes. "Sure, we'll go tomorrow." Adrian smiles and kisses him again. They part away. "Come let's go, we have to go back home." Adrian says. Nevan hums in approval and they go towards Rosie. "Mom, today was fun. We enjoyed a lot. But now let's go." Nevan says to rosie. "That's good boys, come let's go."

They reach their home and both of the boys relax on the couch sighing. "Boys I have to show you something." Rosie says smiling. "What is it mom?" Adrian says looking at him. Rosie takes her phone and shows a picture of Adrian and Nevan kissing. The picture is of them kissing and in the background, the sun is making the sky bright orange with it rays, and they are halfly in water, with thier bodies closer, it makes the picture so mesmerizing. Rosie smiles looking at them and keeps looking at the picture. Nevan blushes and Adrian pinches his cheeks softly. "Truly you both are so adorable." Rosie says. "Mom we've decided something." Nevan says. "What is it, dear?" Rosie asks. "We're going to meet my mom tomorrow. Shall we go?" Nevan asks. "Sure, why not." Rosie says and gets up from the couch. "You both freshen up okay?" She says and goes to her room for a bath.

After Nevan and Adrian have a bath, they cuddle in the bed and rest.


Author park here,

Sorry this chapter is a bit small, but stay tuned for next chapter, there is something waiting for you there. Anyways see you soon.

See y'all

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