★ ~ • Chapter -30 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

Their car reaches the huge mall which had many people in it. They park their cars and head inside the mall.

The mall has many different, but branded shops. It had some expensive cloth shops, some food corners and some other shops as well.

"Well boys, you can go to any shop you like, while me and Jake will go buy some other stuff from here." Rosie says holding her purse in her hand and goes to a nearby cloth Store, which had branded gowns and suites.

"Well, where to go at?" Adrian asks him looking at some shops nearby. Nevan thinks and looks around to the different shops.

They finally decide and go to an cloth Store, which had some expensive clothes in there. Nevan seems really uncomfortable as he never had any one of these.

"Nev look, this would look stunning on you." Adrian says handing him a simple yet beautiful shirt to wear.

"How does this look?" Nevan asks him, coming out of the dressing room, with a questioning look? Adrian looks at him and nods in a no.

"This?" Nevan comes out again from the room. Adrian looks at it and then sighs. "A bit good, not much."

"Adrian, I don't like this." Nevan says from inside the dressing room. "Babe, come out, so I can see." Adrian says and Nevan comes out hiding his exposed stomach, as he was wearing a crop top.

Adrian looks at him and them smiles. "This looks good. And nev, take your hand off from your stomach." He says, holding nevan's hand.

"Adrian that's way too costly. Leave it please." Nevan whispers to him, nudging his shirt a bit. "It's okay nev, don't worry about it." He says paying the price.

"Thank you for purchasing here. Have a nice day." The lady says passing the paper bag to them which had the cloth in it.

"Let's get an ice cream." Nevan says and they go to the ice cream shop. "I'm taking strawberry ice cream this time." Nevan says while ordering the ice cream. "I'll take the cookies and cream one." Adrian says and then they start going to the bench nearby to eat their ice cream.

Next they go to another shop, which had some girly outfits as well.

After few minutes, Adrian takes 2 pairs of clothes while Nevan is looking through some girly outfits. It had some skirts, crop tops and other stuff.

Nevan likes one of the outfit, which had a light pink crop top and also had a matching skirt with it. He was about to ask Adrian about this outfit but then he feels that he wouldn't like it, so he decides not to take it.

While Nevan was holding that outfit, Adrian comes holding his new pair of clothes. "Nev, I got some outfits for me. Do you like some from here?" He asks looking at Nevan.

Nevan thinks for a bit and grabs the outfit for some time. Adrian notices it but doesn't say anything. "No, I don't want anything from here. Let's go." Nevan says and goes out of the store. He waits for adrian to come out.

"Come let's go, I got a message from mom. They did their shopping. They're waiting for us near a food shop." Adrian comes out holding the bag and they go to the food court.

They have their food and then go to their home.

*At their home*

"Boys, hope you enjoyed today in the mall?" Rosie asks them. Nevan has his eyes closed and had his head rested on the couch. He opens his eyes and smiles. "Yes we did mom. Thank you." Nevan says and goes to the kitchen to grab some granola bar.

"Okay boys, I'll be leaving. Bye." Rosie says and grabs her purse. "ok mom, bye." Adrian says and sits on the couch where nevan is watching TV. He cups nevan's face and kisses him on lips.

Nevan kisses him back and holds Adrian's neck. "You seem happy. Is there something you wanna share?" Nevan asks him between kisses. Adrian parts away and smiles. "I want to give you something." He says and goes upstairs.

Soon he comes down with a bag in his hands. He hides the bag behind him and smiles. "Nev, close you eyes." He says.

Nevan sighs and closes his eyes. Adrian sits on the couch and gives the bag to Nevan. He opens his eyes and looks at the bag.

"This is what I wanted! Thank you." Nevan says and takes out the light pink crop top and the matching skirt with it.

"You'll wear it one night. Don't worry." Adrian says smirking. Nevan chuckles and puts the outfit back in the bag.

"I'll wear it on a special day. Till that, you gotta wait babe." Nevan says and gets up. "I'm going to make some food. And you are helping me." He says going to the kitchen.

Adrian smiles and goes with him.

It's happy watching a lovely couple together...


Author park here,

Hello sweethearts, how have you all been? Hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for next chapter.

See y'all

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