★ ~ • Chapter -37 • ~ ★

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*3 weeks later*

No one's POV:

It's been 3 weeks now, but Adrian never talked perfectly with nevan. He would do short talks with nevan and spend maximum time out in a park. Nevan tries to talk to him, but he would go out everytime.

Tomorrow is the day Adrian is going to Singapore. Nevan is now frustrated as Adrian does not talk to him for almost 4 weeks.

It's night time and they are sitting in the room. Adrian is looking at his phone, his back faced towards nevan. Nevan looks at him and thinks, have I done anything to him? Why is he behaving like this?

"Adrian, have I done anything to you?" He asks. Adrian looks at him and shrugs his shoulders. "No, nothing. Why are you asking me that?" Adrian asks.

"No, cause past 3 weeks, you haven't spoken to me properly. Is something troubling you? You know I can help." He says kissing Adrian's lips.

"I know you can. But it's nothing. Don't worry. Now let's sleep." Adrian says and shuts off his phone and turns off the light.

Nevan makes an angry face. "Fine! Don't say anything to me!" He says and grabs his pillow and goes downstairs in the guest room to sleep.

Adrian sighs and his eyes starts getting teary. He closes his eyes, making the tear fall down his cheeks. "I'm sorry baby..." He whispered.

*Next day*

Nevan gets up early and waits for Adrian to come down. Adrian does come down, but with 2 bags in his hands. He places the bags on the floor and goes to get some water.

After he comes to the living room, nevan grabs his shoulders and makes Adrian face him. "Tell me, where are you going?" He asks calmly looking at those chocolate brown eyes.

"Baby, I'm going to Singapore. For a business related stuff." He says trying his best not to cry.

Nevan stands there for some time and stares at him. "I understand. And I'm not coming right?" He asks.

Adrian nods in no and looks away. Nevan smiles a bit and places his hands on Adrian's face. "It's okay. When are you coming back?" He asks.

Adrian is about to answer when his phone starts buzzing. He answers it and it was his dad, telling him to go to airport now.

"Ok dad. I'm coming." He says. "Baby, answer me. When are you coming back?" He asks again. "After a year and half." Adrian says looking at nevan with teary eyes.

Nevan's heart stopped beating for a minute, when he looks at Adrian again. "T-tell me y-your k-kidding." He asks tearing up.

"N-no I'm not..." Adrian says. Nevan opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out of his mouth. Tears fall down his cheeks as he starts losing his balance.

"Baby!.." Adrian holds him in his hands and sits on the floor with him, holding nevan in his hands. Nevan cries harder in his arms. "Don't go... please..don't leave me..." Nevan cries.

"Baby..don't cry. I'll come back soon." Adrian assures. "It's a year and a half! Not fucking days!!! I can't leave you!!! Don't you fucking understand that!!" Nevan starts shouting at him.

"Baby..." Adrian starts. "Don't! Don't start right now!! You will never know how I feel right now! You know I can't see you away from me for even 1 fucking hour! How can I live for 1 and a half year?!" He spats crying more.

Nevan cries harder putting his hands on his face. Adrian takes off those hands and kisses him right there on the lips hardly. Nevan slightly goes backward due to the force. Adrian kisses him deeply and nevan can feel those tears of Adrian on his cheeks. Adrian keeps kissing him, and crying more.

"Baby, don't stop..." Nevan says. His eyes closed and him kissing Adrian deeply, while running his hands in Adrian's hair. Adrian licks nevan's lower lip and nevan opens his mouth to let Adrian enter his mouth.

They part away, and nevan still has his eyes closed and was breathing heavily, he cries again. "Baby, I have to leave now." Adrian says wiping nevan's tears.

"Bye baby. I love you. Don't worry, I'll see you soon." Adrian says and leaves the house.

Nevan falls down down on his knees crying harder, hugging his knees.

"I miss you already Adrian..." He says.


Author park here,

Sorry, I'm keeping some sad stuff here. And it will continue for some chapters ahead. Don't worry I'll finish that sad stuff early. So that you can also not get bored. Hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for next chapter.

See y'all

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