★ ~ • Chapter -32 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

Finally their exams finish and students take a relief after this hard times.

The school has kept a new refreshing party for the students and teachers so that they can refresh their minds.

"Baby, come lets go. And no alcohol this time." Adrian says looking at nevan. The boy laughes and keeps his hands in air, surrendering to him playfully. "I won't. Now let's go."

They come at the party place and see students gossiping to each other, some having some juice, some lightly dancing at the slow music playing in the background.

*After few hours*

It's basically evening now, and there are less students left now. Basically couples are left now, which were dancing with each other holding hands or some dancing on a romantic songs.

"We didn't find William today here. I wonder where he is?" Nevan asks while sipping on the orange juice. Adrian takes a sip of his beer and shrugs his shoulders.

"Come lets have one more glass of drink and then go home after some time." Adrian says and goes to the drink area.

As they come there to grab their drinks, what they see, keeps their mouths open.

William kissing a girl with a red wine glass in his hands. They keep kissing deeply and has their eyes closed.

"Ahem..." Adrian says still while rising his eyebrows. Both of them parts away and the girl blushes hard, while William looks at them wide eyed.

"Explain please." Nevan asks him crossing his arms and smiles. William clears his throat. "Hello guys, meet Jenny." He says.

"Hello...nice to meet you guys..." Jenny says shyly, tucking her hair behind her ear. She nervously laughes looking at William.

Nevan smiles and gives a thumbs up to William. "Don't worry Jenny, we have no problems at all." He says.

Adrian looks at William and wiggles his eyebrows. "You better be good to her wills." He says.

William brings Jenny closer by her waist. "Sure I will Adrian, don't worry." Jenny smiles and pecks William's cheek.

"Aww, you two are so adorable." Nevan says holding Adrian's hands. "So, we're going now. Bye wills." Adrian says and they both go towards their home.

7:35 PM

The couple is sitting on the couch, watching the TV, while snuggling close to each other.

Adrian is staring at nevan while smiling at him, and pulls him closer. Nevan looks at Adrian with a questioning look.

"What's wrong Adrian? Why are you looking at me like that?" Nevan asks moving his face away.

"Nothing, I just feel like I should kiss you right now." He says holding nevan's chin, making nevan face his brown hazel eyes.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go ahead." Nevan says smiling a bit.

Kissing scenes babies...get ready...🙃

Saying that Adrian chuckles and fills the empty gap between their lips, as their rosy pink lips touch each others.

Nevan and Adrian close their eyes and kisses each other again. The hand which Adrian had kept on nevan's chin, grabs nevan's neck and kisses deeply.

Soon Adrian is on top of nevan and licks nevan's lower lip. Nevan opens his mouth and Adrian enters his tongue inside nevan.

Nevan smiles in the kiss, and soon enters his tongue into Adrian's mouth, exploring the mouth with his tongue. They part away, still with their eyes closed.

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