★ ~ • Chapter -5 • ~ ★

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As Nevan sees Adrian shirtless, he freezes on the spot. He shakes his head and thinks "damn look at those abs and his nicely maintained body..that fair milky skin..oh my lord, Nevan, come to your senses. Just take a deep breath and change your uniform." Nevan takes a deep breath and starts going to his locker to get his spare uniform shirt. He tries his best to distract himself from this handsome boi, but he ends up looking at him again. "If your gonna drool over watching me like this, it'll be better to stay like this." Adrian says with a smirk. "Who said I'm drooling looking at you?" Nevan said shifting his eyes from him. Nevan sighes and opens his locker to get his other shirt. The shirt was at the end of the locker and to get that, he had to remove the other stuff from it to get it. He took his stuff out and placed it down. He got his uniform out and tried to put it on. But Nevan was shy to open his shirt in front of Adrian. Nevan just starts feeling uncomfortable and just looks around for some time. Adrian gets to know that Nevan is really shy to open his shirt in front of him. He smiles and comes closer to Nevan. Nevan suddenly gets shocked and starts going backwards. Adrian pins him at the locker wall, and now is looking at those mesmerizing eyes. Nevan faces himself to see Adrian's eyes as well. As Nevan is pinned to the locker wall, his heartbeat starts getting faster and faster. "You seem uncomfortable taking off your shirt honey." Adrian says with a deep voice and now is so close to nevan's face. Nevan is now frozen on the spot. "I...I..I'm not.." those were the only words came out of him as his heart is now beating so fast.

Nevan's POV:

I'm still frozen on the spot, not knowing what to do at all. Adrian comes a lot close to my face now. His hot breathe touches my skin and and chills goes down once again down my spine. "Let me help you with it..." He says basically in a whispering voice.

Some kissing scenes are here...get ready 😉✨ ✨u can skip if u like

After he says this, a pair of lips touch my hot skin on my jawline. I gasp and close my eyes. He startes kissing on my neck and soon a sting is felt on my neck. I whimper on it. He licks on the mark to secure it, while I let out a soft moan. His hand comes on my shirt and he starts unbottening my painted white shirt. His both hands were now unbottening all other buttons as well. Doing this he slides off my shirt and I'm now left shirtless in front of Adrian. He starts kissing on my collarbone and I try my best to control my moans. But his soft lips doesn't help at all in making me moan. He bites on the mark, making me moan again. Next he leaves my collarbone and kisses my lips hardly, making me jolt backwards. He tilts his head to deepen the kiss and I kiss him back, forgetting about the world. He leaves my lips and hovers his lips in front of me for some time. "Adrian... What are you doing..." I say breathing heavily. He smirks again and leans in but I place my hands on his shoulders shoving him back.

Ok fellas these scenes ends here..sorry.. tell me in comments if I wrote this nicely or not..
As we pull apart, our lips are swollen from previous moments.
As I push him back a little, he frowns. "What are you doing?" I ask looking straight in his eyes. He goes away from me and takes his other clean shirt and starts putting it on. "I asked you something...answer me.." I say. He looks at me. "I was just helping you remove your shirt." He says in a calm voice as if he didn't kiss me few minutes ago. "You look damn sexy but what happened to your stomach? U have some terrible bruises on it..did something happen?" He asks looking at my bruises. I gasp as I forget that I'm shirtless and I turn away from him. "Aww you're ashamed now?" He asks with a smile. Nevan puts on his new shirt and fixs himself. He keeps his stuff back into the locker and as he turns, he sees Adrian looking at his dairy. "Hey..." He says as he snatches the dairy away. He puts his diary back in his locker. "Well I'm going to take this damn paint off my face. And I think you should join me as well to clean ur face up." Adrian says with a smirk on his face. "No need..get your ass moving." Nevan says in a bit frustrated tone. "Damn Nevan, watch your mouth." He says again. I roll my eyes and say "can you just go?!" "Ok then, I'm leaving. Bye." He says as he goes to wash his face up.

"Why did he just behave as if nothing ever happened here?! Gosh Nevan, why did you let him kiss you? I fucked up...you should've shoved him off when he was kissing you.. aarghhh..why?!" Nevan thought with a frustration. He goes to the nearby sink in the locker room to wash his face up from all the paint. He walked out of the locker room and headed to his next class. He entered his class and sat on the seat. He saw Adrian seating far from him and was talking to his stupid friends. He sighed and took out his notes. The teacher came and the class started.

*After 50 minutes*

Nevan's POV:

I pack my stuff and go out of the class. I was walking towards the hallway when Henry, one of Adrian's friend, intentionally bumps into me. I give him a stare and start going to the hallway. "Where are you going?" Henry asks harshly. "None of your business."

This happens each an every day but I ignore them every time. It became really commen now.

*The school ends*

As the school ends, I sigh as now I have to face my demonic father. I go to the bus stop and wait for the bus. The bus arrived and I sit at the last seat, taking out my phone and earphones I plug the earphones in my phone and start listening to songs.

After I reach my house I take a deep breath and go inside. What I see was really traumatizing. I drop my bag at the door and run inside.


Author park here,

Hello lovies..hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote and write in the comment section as well. I really wanna know which song do you like in BTS??

See y'all

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