★ ~ • Chapter -14 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

As Nevan and Adrian walk at the sidewalk, Adrian notices a ice cream shop nearby. "Babe, wanna have an ice cream?" "Sure." Nevan says and they both head towards the small ice cream shop. "So, which one do you want?" Adrian asks to Nevan who seems a bit confused on which flavour to choose. "I guess I'll take the cotton candy one." Nevan finally decides. "And you? Which one will you take?" Nevan asks. "I'll take the mint chocolate." Adrian says and they both take their ice cream and goes in nearby park. "Let me have a bite of that mint chocolate." Nevan says. "Sure." Adrian says and gives him a bite of his ice cream. "It's good a bit, kinda feels like your having a toothpaste with choco chips in it tho." Nevan says with a bit werid expression. "Yeah whatever." Adrian says rolling his eyes.

Next they reach a garden to get some flowers. "I love gardens." Nevan says clicking some photos of different flowers. "Don't you love flowers babe?" Nevan says and when he looks around, Adrian is nowhere to be seen. "Adrian?" He asks. As he starts going to the exit, a familiar hand grabs his wrist. "Adrian, I know it's you. Stop messing around." Nevan says turning around and sees adrain holding a beautiful bouquet of different beautiful flowers in it. "For you babe. You're the beautiful flower I've seen. So a beautiful bouquet of flowers to this beautiful person." Adrian says with a cute smile. "Aww thanks a lot babe, I love it." Nevan says while looking at the different flowers in it.

" Nevan says while looking at the different flowers in it

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*After dinner at the restaurant*

They were heading towards their home with nevan having a bouquet in his hands, and some other gifts given by adrain. "This was my best evening ever, thanks a lot adrain for this amazing evening you've given me today." Nevan says while hugging Adrian tightly. "Don't mention it Nev." Adrian says while pecking his soft lips. As they come near their house, they hear some soft sounds of puppies around. They look around for some time when they find a box with 2 adorable cute puppies inside.

(Here's the image if you want to see

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(Here's the image if you want to see.)

Nevan cooes at the cuteness of those adorable puppies and takes one in his hand. The puppy starts playing with Nevan and Nevan giggles cutely playing with it. Adrian chuckles and clicks a photo of him playing with the puppy. "Babe, can we keep them?" Nevan says with cuteness in his eyes. (This face 🥺) "Babe please, please!!" Nevan says still holding the puppy. Adrian really melts with cuteness of Nevan and he smiles. "Okay babe, keep it back in, we'll take the box home." "Thanks a lot babe, I love you so much." Nevan gets up and kisses Adrian on the lips. Adrian soon responds to the kiss and holds him by the neck to deepen the kiss. The kiss turns passionate, forehead touching and bodies too close. They break the kiss and look each other for some time. "Come on let's get the puppies and go home." Adrian says smiling and takes the box with puppies in his hands. They talk on their way home and play a little with the puppy.

They enter the house and sit on the couch. Adrian keeps the box of puppies on the table and sits comfortably taking a deep breath. "Today's evening was amazing." Adian says to Nevan who is drinking water from the bottle. "It surely was. But I'm truly exhausted." Nevan says taking a deep breath as well. "Me too." Adrian says closing his eyes. "Boys!! Welcome home. Hope you enjoyed your evening." Rosie enters in the living room with a welcoming smile. She soon notices the puppies and cooes on the cuteness. "Where did get them? They're so adorable." Rosie says holding one puppy in her arms. "We found them nearby our house, Nevan loved them a lot so we bought it here." Adrian said looking at Rosie. "That's really good love, shall we name them?" Rosie says. "Sure Rosie. Umm I'll name." Nevan says with a excitement. "Okay babe, go ahead." Adrian says. "I'll name him tannie." He says holding a light brown little puppy in his hands. "And the other, I'll name him leo." He says while petting the black little puppy. "Those names are really cute Nevan, well it's settle then, I'll give tannie and leo some blankets for this night, and tomorrow I'll bring some dog accessories as well. You two seem so exhausted. Go upstairs and sleep, we'll talk tomorrow. Good night boys." Rosie says and holds the box in which tannie and leo are and goes to her room. Adrian and Nevan goes upstairs, have a bath and goes to sleep after.

Rosie's POV:

I take the box in which tannie and leo are in and directly go to the bathroom to wash them up. I take them out and fill up the water. I wash them up with lukewarm water and take 2 soft cotton towels to dry them up. I dry them up and take a long fluffy blanket to make them a temporary bed. I softly put them on the fuzzy blanket and see them snuggle into it and they fall asleep in it. Believe me, they look so adorable sleeping on the fuzzy white blanket. I pet them a bit on their heads and I go to sleep.

No one's POV:

Adrian and Nevan wakes up in morning to attend the school. Nevan gets down early to see tannie and leo. He comes down and sees Rosie playing with tannie while leo is beside eating a biscuit. "Rosie, good morning." Nevan says coming near to tannie to play with him. "Good morning Nev. I've washed up tannie and leo yesterday before sleeping so they are fresh and clean now." Rosie says with a warm smile while playing with leo. "Thanks a lot mom- I mean Rosie." Nevan says looking at her. "it's okay honey, I'm too like your mom. You can call me mom." She says with a loving motherly smile. As she says this Adrian comes down with his backpack. "Let's go Nevan, or else we'll be late to school." Adrian says to Nevan. "Okay, bye mom. We'll be going." Nevan says and they both go to the bus stop.

I hope how will the school go today? Nevan thinks as they enter the school.


Author park here,

How yall have been? Hope you all my lovies are okay... Did you like this chapter? And btw I named the puppy from taehyung's pet dog, yoentan..😅😅 anyways stay tuned for next chapter...

See y'all


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