★ ~ • Chapter -13 • ~ ★

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(still remember, Nevan is in Adrian's room and is sitting on the chair in front of the study table for practicing chemistry)

(I'll keep a flower 🌺 here cause further will be a bit (those scenes) so you'll get it. I'll inform you at the beginning. 😉)

No one's POV:

As Adrian says that, he leaves Nevan confused. Adrian is now closer to Nevan and starts removing his glasses which Nevan used while studying. " Babe wha- what are you doing?" Nevan asks stuttering. "Don't you see it?... What I'm doing to you...?" Adrian says in a bit whisper but in a sexy way. Again chills goes down in nevan's spine. Before Navan could say anything, a pair of soft lips shuts him up.

(So you can stop here if you like cause a bit mature content is coming ahead. If you still wanna see, go ahead..😉😉)


Nevan soon closes his eyes and responds to the kiss. Their lips mold against each other. Nevan tilts his head a bit and Adrian grabs nevan's hair to deepen the kiss. Nevan puts his hands around Adrian's neck and starts kissing with a new energy. "Babe, get up from the chair..." Adrian says between kisses. Nevan soon gets up and now his back is facing the study table. Still not breaking the kiss, Adrian puts his hands on nevan's thighs and he starts running his hands on his thighs, kinda signalling him. Nevan suddenly gets the signal and puts his both legs on Adrian's waist. "Babe, be careful, don't drop me..." Nevan says with a smirk. "Don't worry, I won't..." Adrian says holding his thighs and makes him sit on the study table. Nevan is now sitting on the table. Adrian parts his legs apart and now is standing between his legs. They crash their lips back again. Both of them now are in half lighted room, and the only light coming from the lamp around.

As Adrian is kissing Nevan, he licks the bottom lip of Nevan to let him allow to enter his mouth. Nevan does so and now Adrian opens nevan's mouth a bit wide and enters his tongue into his. Nevan feels on cloud nine with the pleasure as soft pants fills up the room. Nevan does the same after and they both part away from the kiss.

( Okay so you can start here...)

"I can't stop..." Adrian says still panting due to the previous moments. "Neither can me..." Nevan says panting as well. They both look each other into their eyes and goes for another kiss. This time a bit rougher then previous. Heavy breathes fill up the whole room as they deeply kiss each other. That's when...

"Oh my god!! Oh my god!! I'm so sorry boys , I'm really sorry!!" Rosie says as she covers her eyes with one hand and one still on the doorknob. Nevan and Adrian flinches as they hear her and Nevan gets down from the table being a bit embarrassed. Adrian looks around for a moment and then asks to rosie who is still shocked with her mouth ajar," Mom? You wanted to ask something?" He says breaking the silence. "What? Umm no, I just...well I came to tell you that food is ready...just that.." Rosie says. "Btw you two seem so adorable making out with each other." She says with a smirk looking at both of them. Nevan blushes and Adrian just laughes it off. "Well mom, we'll be coming." Adrian says and Rosie leaves the room still with a smile on her face. "Well we got busted." Nevan says. After a moment of silence, Adrian bursts out laughing and so does nevan. "Come on babe, we need to go." Adrian opens the door and Nevan follows him downstairs.

"Well boys, don't you think you both should go outside for a night date?" Rosie says while eating the ramen. "Well, we kinda were thinking of that, Nevan should we go this evening?" Adrian asks with a excitement on his face. "Sure babe- I mean Adrian." Nevan says looking at Rosie as he finds it a bit uncomfortable saying 'babe'in front of Rosie. Rosie notices it and says with a warm motherly smile, "Nevan, don't be uncomfortable saying 'babe'in front of me , it okay. I have no problem at all." Nevan smiles and looks back at Adrian again, who is eating ramens too fast now. "Hey!! Eat slowly.. you'll choke." Nevan says playfully slapping him on the shoulders. "Okay I will."

Nevan and Adrian are now sitting on the couch watching TV. It's just few hours are left for their night date. Nevan seems excited watching the tv show which is playing on it as the main lead is shown coming closer to the female lead. "Oh, what nonsense! Just kiss her!!" Nevan shouts at the TV while jumping on the couch. As the scene ends Nevan cooes at the kiss and sees Adrian who has no interest in that show. Nevan just rolls his eyes and starts watching the second episode of it.

*At evening*

"Bye boys, have fun this evening." Rosie says with a smile and waves goodbye to them. Both of them walk at the sidewalks, holding each others hands. Huh..this is going to be my best evening ever... Both of them thought as they continued ahead.


Author park here,

Hello guys, nice to meet you again.

My question to y'all

~Night dates or daytime dates?

Anyways answer it if you like.

See y'all.
Love y'all

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