★ ~ • Chapter -36 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

Next morning, they both wake up and are sitting sleepyly on the table.

Adrian and nevan go up and take a bath. They both take the bath and sit on the bed.

"Baby, I'm going out to get a gift for you. Okay?" Adrian says smiling. Nevan smiles and wraps his hands around Adrian's neck. "Babe, you're the best gift I have, I have much already." He says. Adrian smiles and kisses him. "But then also, I'll bring a gift." Adrian says and cups his face.

"So, bye baby." Adrian says. "When will you come?" Nevan asks him pouting. "I can't be sure, but I'll come soon." Adrian says pecking his lips. "Okay. Come soon, I'll be waiting." Nevan says. "Bye." Adrian says and leaves the house to go to their parents house.

*At rosie and Jake's house*

Rosie is reading a nature's book on the couch. As Adrian enters he gasps.

Rosie had her hair dyed in a blueberry blue colour. "Mom?" Adrian says. Rosie looks up, closing his book. "Hi son. How are you? And where is nevan? You didn't bring him?" Rosie asks him.

"Mom, he was busy with some work at home. So he didn't come." Adrian says smiling at her. "Oh okay." Rosie says and sits on the couch again taking her book in her hands.

"Mom, where's dad?" Adrian asks. "He's in his office." Rosie says looking at her book, reading a topic on biodegradable soil.

Adrian knocks on the door of the office, until a bold 'come in' is heard from inside. He enters the room and sits on the office chair.

"Hello Adrian. How are you?" Jake asks. "I'm totally fine." He answered smiling. "I wanted to talk to you." Jake says shutting his laptop.

"Yea." Adrian says. "So son, I have a meeting with the CEO of 2 major companies in Busan. So I'll go there. And I also have to deal with other 2 CEO in Singapore." Jake says looking at Adrian.

Adrian gets a bit serious and he gets to know it a bit. "So, what would you like to do with me?" Adrian asks.

Jake takes a deep breath. "I want you to go to Singapore for 1 and a half year. You have to stay there for a year and a half. I will provide you a house there and money as well to spend your long time there. You'll meet the ceo and I'll explain you what to discuss to them. Don't worry." He finished.

Adrian is shocked by this and looks at Jake with blank eyes. "Adrian?" Jake asks. "H-how? How did you even think about it? I- " he couldn't finish his sentence as his voice cracks.

"I know love, you can't leave nevan like that, but this is also important. You have to learn about the business. You have graduated now, and it's good to learn and start a business." Jake says placing his hand on Adrian's shoulder.

Adrian nods, but still had a bit frown on his face. "Okay, I'll go. When is the plane?" He asks. "After 4 weeks." Jake says. "Till that, you can pack your bags and settle all about this with nevan." Jake says and goes back to his table. "I'll get going dad. I'll pack the bags. See you soon." He says and leaves the office room.

"Mom? Did you know about the thing dad said right now?" Adrian asks rosie. Rosie nods frowning. "Damn!" Adrian says running his hands in his hair.

"I'm sorry love, but you have to learn for business also. I'll take care of nevan, don't worry." Rosie says kissing his cheeks. "But can't he come with me there?" Adrian asks her.

"Honey, it's a new place for him, and you too are going there for the business related stuff. We are here, but in Singapore, there is no one who knows us, nor we know anyone there. How can he stay alone there?" Rosie says.

"Fine. I'll pack the bags for me. After 4 weeks I have to go." Adrian says.

"Bye mom." Adrian says and leaves the house.

*At their home*

Adrian enters the house and sits on the couch.

He is sitting, when nevan wraps his hands on Adrian's neck. Nevan kisses Adrian on the neck and Adrian gasps as his lips touch his hot skin. Nevan bites Adrian's earlobe and Adrian winces. "Hello baby. I missed you." Nevan whispered.

"I missed you too." Adrian says kissing nevan's lips again. "I made you a cake. Hope you like it." Nevan says smiling and goes to the kitchen to get the cake.

"Here." Nevan says and Adrian takes a bite. "It's good." Adrian says. But nevan notices that he's acting weird, cause Adrian loves the cake made by nevan, and Adrian just kisses his breath out when he makes the cake for him.

But nevan doesn't ask him and eats the cake.

*At night*

"Good night baby." Nevan says kissing Adrian's lips. Adrian hums and goes to sleep.

He didn't kiss me? He does kiss everytime when we sleep. Nevermind, he might be tired. Nevan thinks and goes to sleep.


Author park here,

Hello sweethearts, hope you liked this chapter, stay tuned for next Chapter.

See y'all

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