★ ~ • Chapter -15 • ~ ★

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As they enter the hallway, as usual, girls go crazy watching Adrian making Nevan feel a jealous of it. Boys chatter around, classes are filled with either students gossiping or teachers shouting.

They enter their class and sit with each other. Nicky enters the room with her group of other girls. "Look who's here, Mr. Handsome with an ugly fag." Nicky says with a smirk. "Watch your mouth, hoe." Adrian says standing up almost hitting the chair. Nevan gets a bit scared and nudges Adrian's shirt. "Adrian, sit back down." Nevan says in a low voice. "No Nev, it doesn't work like this!! She can't just keep insulting you!!" Adrian says fuming with anger. "What's going on here?!" Mrs. Wilson comes with papers in her hand. "Mam this bitc-" he was about to say when Nevan grabs his hand telling him to stop. Adrian looks at Nevan who is nodding saying please stop, not here. We don't wanna create a scene. Adrian sighs calming his anger a bit. "Nothing mam, I was just asking her a question?!" Adrian says glaring at her. "That's okay, sit back down on your seats. And take out your books." Mrs. Wilson says placing the papers on the table. Nicky smirks and goes back to her seat with her group.

*Class ends.*

Everyone is sitting in the cafeteria and Nevan and Adrian are sitting beside each other and Adrian is staring at Nevan instead of eating his food. "Adrian, eat would you?" Nevan asks smiling. "No, I would better eat you." Adrian says smirking. "Aish, cut it.. eat your food, we have other classes to attend." Nevan says grabbing a cucumber slice. As Nevan is eating, some cucumber slices are placed in his plate. He looks up seeing Adrian placing all those slices in his plate. "take it, I hate cucumbers." Adrian says making a face. Nevan chuckles and starts eating those. As Nevan is eating, a hand slaps him at back of his head. He gasps and turns around to see Nicky smiling. "Don't eat much, fatface. You'll explode one day." Nicky says while looking at him. "Anything wrong with me that you're behaving like a stupid ass bitch with me?!!" Nevan shouted at Nicky. Adrian just glares at Nicky and holds nevan's hands. "ignore her babe. Come let's go." Adrian says getting up and takes nevan's wrist to make him go away from there. "I'll leave you alone if you leave Adrian alone and let me be with him." Nicky says while coming closer to Adrian. "What!! Shut the fuck up! He's not a thing that you would share!!" Nevan now screaming at her with angry tears in his eyes. As he shouts at her, a slap is about to come on his face. He closes his eyes but a hand grabs Nicky's hand. He looks and sees that Adrian is holding her arm and glaring at her. "Don't you dare hit him." Adrian says. "Alright baby, I won't. Do as I say, I won't hurt him then." She says while winking at him. "Let's just get outta here, this bitch isn't going to shut her filthy mouth. Come Adrian." Nevan says grabbing Adrian's hand and pulling him out of the cafeteria. Adrian glares at her and leaves the cafeteria.

*After few classes*

Nevan and Adrian both are in the locker room changing their uniforms as their next class is P.E. "Nev, remember our first kiss was in the locker room?" Adrian said looking at Nevan with a smirk. "Hmm I do remember Adrian." Nevan said with a frown and was looking down. Adrian soon notices and places his hands on nevan's waist and pulls him closer. "Nev, what's wrong? Is something troubling you?" Adrian asks to him with a concern. "Not something, someone." Nevan says looking at Adrian. "Who? Is it Nicky that's troubling you? If she's the one, just ignore her, she's just a high class hoe. So forget about her." Adrian says pecking his forehead. "Come let's go to our P.E. class." Adrian says as he takes his shirt off and wears the sport uniform. Nevan also does so and they both go to the field.

Third person's POV:

"Bitch, listen here. Take this 200$ and do the work for me. When I kiss him, silently take the photos of me and him. And make atleast 10 prints of it. I wanna destroy that couple. If he can't be mine, I won't let him be with anyone." She says with an angry face to the girl who was counting the money in her hands. "Don't worry, your work will be done." The teen girl said with a smirk. "Now get lost, if you fail to do your job, I'll finish you." The girl said to her. The teen girl gulped and then said. "You gave me 200$, I won't fail you. Believe me." The girl nodded and the teen girl went away. "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS." She said in a maniac way.

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