★ ~ • Chapter -51 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

Today is the day of the marriage. Adrian has been pacing back and forth in the living room while Nevan tries his best to comfort him.

It's afternoon already and Adrian haven't eaten anything till now.

"Baby...eat something please." Nevan says. Adrian looks at him with glossy eyes. "Do you want me to feed you?" He asks smiling.

"I don't want to eat anything." Adrian says. Nevan sighs and goes to Adrian. He places his hands on Adrian's face and makes him face him.

"Look here. You were my love, you are my love and you will be my love forever. No one can remove you from my life nor my heart. Don't ever think that I will forget you ahead in my life. You will be my first and always will be...your prince will always be with you." He says smiling.

Adrian smiles and a tear falls down his cheeks. Nevan wipes the tears with his thumb and ruffles Adrian's hair gently.


Nevan places his lips on Adrian's lips. Adrian soon responds and kisses him back.

Nevan grabs Adrian's neck to deepen the kiss, while Adrian clutches nevan's t-shirt.

Nevan leaves his lips and starts kissing Adrian's neck. He lifts Adrian's t-shirt a bit and moves his hands on his stomach.

Till this years, Nevan knows Adrian's sweet spot on his neck, as he sucks on that spot, Adrian moans. Nevan smiles and bites on the skin, making Adrian grab nevan's t-shirt hard.

Nevan licks on the it and then kisses Adrian again on his lips.

Adrian grabs nevan's shoulder to make him look at him. "My turn." He says and Nevan smiles.

Adrian grabs nevan's hair and pulls him closer to give a rough kiss, while Nevan jolts backwards. Adrian keeps his hands on nevan's back and bites on nevan's lower lip, making Nevan let out a painful moan.

Adrian slightly licks nevan's lower lip, and Nevan smirks and allows him in. Adrian moves his hands inside nevan's t-shirt.


Adrian and Nevan both doesn't want to leave each other, the laughter, the kisses, the moments, the tears shed for each other, the pain tolerated for each other.

This all feels really sad, as losing your loved one is really hard in the person's life.

Both boys part away with messy hair and glossy lips, while breathing heavily.

"Thanks for that." Adrian says. Nevan ruffles Adrian's hair and pecks his lips gently. "Don't mention it." Nevan says winking.

Soon the sky turns from blue and dark and the evening breeze starts blowing in the air. Faint moving car sounds are heard on the roads, while the street lights emits, showing the pathways.

7:35 PM

As the time comes near, both boys gets nervous each and every second.

Nevan already got a call from Stefan, telling him to get ready for the wedding.

Nevan is already ready wearing a black suit, with a simple tie.

"I really expected to see you in wedding dress, but in our wedding." Adrian says frowning. Nevan goes to him and kisses his lips.

"I really am sorry about all this, but you gotta understand. I'm doing all this for you to be alive." Nevan says smiling.

"I know baby, but...from now...I can't see you anymore in my life." Adrian says looking away. Nevan places his hands on Adrian's face. "Remember what I said this afternoon?" Nevan asks. And Adrian nods. "Good. Always remember that in your life." Nevan says.

Rosie and Jake enters the house. "Nevan?" Rosie asks. "Hello mom." Nevan says smiling lightly. "I really don't like seeing you both apart." Rosie says crying.

Nevan pulls her into a hug and then wipes her tears. "I know mom. But I guess it's the time now." Nevan says tearing up.

8:00 PM

Nevan gets in the car to head towards the given address for the wedding. Adrian too is coming with him but will be sitting in a corner, but not to see nevan getting married to Isabella, to protect Nevan in case Stefan does anything to him.

They reach the wedding place. The wedding place was all decorated with white and golden colours. It had many different flowers which Nevan loved, but he showed no interest in the decorations.

As he enters, he sees his dad wearing a formal black suit. Nevan clenched his fists trying best to control his anger. Stefan notices him and fakes a smile.

"Everyone! Here is the diamond of today's evening!" Stefan says faking everything in his sentence.

Nevan rolls his eyes and goes to the stage. "Here comes today's bride!" Someone cheers as Isabella comes at the stage in a white wedding dress. But she fakes her smile in front of everyone.

As she sees Nevan, she smirks and Nevan smiles. They stand close to each other and everyone claps their hands in cheer.

Adrian is standing at the end. He is wearing a casual black hoodie and some jeans. He stands there looking at Nevan and Isabella. He starts getting tensed as he bites his nails, while tapping his feet in tension.

"Let the wedding begin." Mr. Rose says smiling.

Adrian's heart gets heavy and his eyes gets teary as the sentence is said.

It's the end...Nevan is getting married to Isabella...



Author park here,

How are you all feeling right now?

Well...hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for next chapter. Love you all

See y'all


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