★ ~ • Chapter -41 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

Adrian is sitting in his office while looking through some files on his table. He's looking at some topic inside the file, when his office door is knocked.

"Come in." He says still looking at the file. A slim, petite brunette girl comes towards him.

Adrian sighs and closes his file. "What do you want Steffanie?" He asks bodly. "Stop asking me questions. Observe me perfectly." She says smiling.

Steffanie wore an extremely short dress. The dress fits her body showing her petite waist. She had a dark red lipstick and some heavy makeup. Saying, she would charm anyone by her looks. Every boy in the office has a crush on her, and they always flirt with her every day.

Adrian looks at her without noticing her outfit. "I have no interest in looking at your low graded outfit." He says coldly. "Better is you do your work and let others work as well. Stop wasting your time and mine as well." He says and sighs.

"Isn't it strange. Every person has a crush on me, but not you. That's special about you." She says sitting on the table in front of Adrian.

Adrian gets up from the table and holds her shoulders gently. "Listen here, you have many freaking mens out there to love, I have my love waiting for me. So please leave me alone." He says trying his best to control his anger.

"Don't worry about your dipshit love, I'll pay him. I like you, we can be together." She says coming closer to him.

"What bullshit!" Adrian says and pushes her away. "Why? What's wrong with us being together? I know your lover is a boy, that filthy ass gay." She says getting off from the table.

Adrian clenched his jaw and slapped her hard on her left cheek. She holds her stinging left cheek. "Oh why you- " she starts but Adrian places his hand on her mouth. "Shut up. Please leave my office right now." He says and Steffanie goes out of the room fuming with anger.

Adrian sits back on the chair and keeps his hands on his face. Soon tears fall down his cheeks. "Why do I keep crying?"

A knock comes on the door but Adrian doesn't answer it. The person enters the room as he was the worker there.

"Umm..Adrian." he says. Adrian opens his eyes and wipes the tears. "Yes Jacob?" He asks. Since Jacob works there for 2 years, when Adrian came, he got to know that Adrian cries everytime during his work.

"I came here to give you these files. Just that." Jacob says and looks at Adrian. "Yeah thanks." Adrian says. Jacob places his hands on Adrian's shoulder. "Look here, I don't know the reason why you cry, but you seem completely broken." He says with a concern.

"Everyone suffers sadness in their life. Don't worry, I'm fine." Adrian says smiling a bit but starts crying again. "I'll give you your time. Bye. And take care." Jacob says and leaves the room.

"Crap, I haven't called Nevan." Adrian says and picks up his phone. He dials Nevan and waits for him pick it up.

Nevan's POV:

"Thank you. Have a nice day." I say as I give the lady her order.

I was cleaning the counter, when my phone started buzzing.

Adrian bby💕

Accept Decline

I can't let him know about my panic attacks. He would be so tensed there because of me, and he won't be able to focus on his work. I better not say him that.

I pick up the call. "Hello love. How are you?" I ask. I hear some sniffs from the other side of the phone. "Baby, have you been crying? What happened?" I ask. "The much I try not to cry, the more I cry. I can't help it here without you." He says as I hear his cracked voice. "Baby please don't cry." I say. "Baby, I know how your nights are going there. Tell me what's wrong. Why didn't you tell me?" Adrian asks.

Shit! Now he will be so sad there because of me. I'm such an idiot. "Baby, stop over thinking." Adrian says pulling me out of my thoughts. "I can't. I don't know what's wrong with me." I say tearing up a bit.

No one's POV:

"No no no no...shit!" Nevan says as his panic attack starts coming again. "Baby? Breathe. I'm here. Imagine me in your mind." Adrian says through the phone calming him down.

Nevan cries harder and falls down, supporting his back at the wall behind him. He keeps his phone down and runs his hands in his hair. "Baby? Answer me please. You can't do this. I cant see you like this. Please breathe." Adrian keeps comforting him while pacing back and forth in his office holding his phone close near his ear.

Adrian hears cries from the other phone and Adrian's throat goes dry. "Baby? Nevan? Hello? Answer me!! Nevan?!" He keeps saying but no one answers.

"Hello? Just someone fucking answer me?" He keeps saying but doesn't hang up the phone.

What happened to Nevan?...


Author park here,

Sorry for the suspense. Hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for next chapter. Love you.

See y'all


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