★ ~ • Chapter -34 • ~ ★

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( 1 year later )

No one's POV:

One year passes and the bond of love between nevan and Adrian increased. Stefan is still jailed and wouldn't be released for next 6 years. Rosie and Jake fills up the empty parental space in nevan's heart. Talking about their school, they graduate a few months before and now are looking for some job to work on.

Nevan never felt so happy and loved in his life. All his life till now, he just had those hurtful words, those hurting cuts and wounds, his mother's death, that pain he went through. The only responsible for this was Stefan, who is now away from nevan's life.

He sighs and goes in the cafe to grab some coffee for him and Adrian on the way back at his home. "Thank you." He says smiling at the girl and takes the coffee. He has some other bags in his hands which had some groceries in it.

He enters his house, taking off his face mask and the coat he was wearing. He places the bags on the couch and sits on the nearby chair. He takes those 2 coffee cups and places on the kitchen table.

Nevan sits, tapping his leg on the floor as he doesn't see Adrian till now. He decides to drink his coffee which he bought. He grabs a granola bar from a top cabinet and eats it.

Tannie and leo comes, wagging their tails as he opens the granola bar. Tannie and leo sit on the floor, waiting for nevan to give them some treats.

Nevan smiles and takes a dog treat and gives it to them. "Tannie, I wonder where Adrian is?" He asks to tannie, who was looking cutely at nevan, tannie tilts his head and nevan chuckles.

Nevan picks up tannie and kisses him on his head. "Go play with leo." He says and tannie gets off from his lap. Tannie and leo play around in the living room.

Nevan gets up from the chair and starts going up. As he's going up, someone grabs his wrist and pins his at the wall, making him face the wall.

"Adrian?" He asks. "Calm down, or you'll get punished." The person says. Nevan smiles as he recognised that it was Adrian. "I won't, I deserve a punishment." He smirks. "Is it? Get ready then." He says.

"Close your eyes..." He whispered. Nevan closes his eyes, and Adrian makes nevan face him. Adrian licks his lips and kisses him hard on nevan's pink lips.

Nevan was wearing glasses as he went outside, he forgets to remove it. As he's kissing Adrian, he takes off his spectacles and keeps it on nearby cabinet.

He places his both hands on Adrian's neck and the kiss deepens. Adrian pulls him closer by nevan's waist and starts moving his hands inside nevan's t-shirt.

Nevan gasps as the cold hand touches his hot skin. They move thier lips against each other and passionately.

Adrian runs his hands on nevan's thighs and nevan jumps on Adrian, wrapping his legs around Adrian's waist. Still not breaking the kiss, he takes nevan and sits on the couch, making nevan sit on his lap.

Nevan still keeps kissing him hardly and roughly as Adrian feels nevan's clothed crotch on his stomach, making adrian moan right there.

Nevan parts away and looks at Adrian. "Why did you- " he's about to say that when Adrian shuts him off by kissing him again. "It was your fault. Your little member made me." Adrian says looking down.

"Hey! It's not my fault." Nevan says placing his hands on Adrian's neck. "I'm sorry. Wanna play this evening?" He asks. Nevan winks at him. "Sure. But we have a lot of time till evening. Till that wait." He says and gets off his lap.

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