★ ~ • Chapter -21 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

1 and half week passes already. Nevan is now recovered from the abuse, but he always stays silent the every time, barely speaking anything. Kim Stefan was arrested for abuse and murder for his next 7 years. Adrian always stays near Nevan and tries to comfort him, but nothing works. Rosie visits them in every 2 days.

The day comes when Nevan is now released from the hospital. Adrian takes him to his house and they sit on the couch. "Nev, please, speak up..I can't see you like this." Adrian says looking at Nevan who was sitting at the couch, staring at nothing in his front. "Adrian.. it was my fault. I was the reason my mom got killed." Nevan says still staring at nothing. "That's not it Nevan, it was never you're fault. Please don't say it." Adrian says bringing him closer. "I-I... I miss her Adrian..." Nevan says, a tear falls down on her cheek. "I know Nevan. We'll visit her grave tomorrow, okay?" Adrian suggests. Nevan nods slowly in approval and closes his eyes. "Adrian I wanna take a bath." Nevan says with a blank look. "Okay, I'll fill the tub for you." Adrian gets upstairs and Nevan follows him slowly behind him.

*In Adrian's room*

Adrian fills up the tub with warm water, and adds some bubble solutions in to make Nevan feel relaxed. Nevan is waiting outside while holding his towel in his hands. "I've filled up the tub. You can go now. I'll be waiting. Call me if you need anything." Adrian says kissing nevan's pale lips. "Sure I will Adrian." Saying that Nevan goes inside.

Nevan's POV:

As I sit in the tub, warm water hits my skin. I rest my back at the tub and close my eyes. Its all messed up. Me meeting my parents, dad abusing me harshly again, mom sacrificing herself for me. Just why me...why can't just this all end. I wanna end all this and run away somewhere, just somewhere where I can forget all this shit. So into my thoughts, I go deeper in the water, as water almost covers my whole face. "Nevan! Open up!" Adrian keeps shouting until the door opens and Adrian looks at me with a concern. "Oh my Nevan! Get up!" He shouts as I open my eyes and cough up water. Adrian holds my hand and strokes my wet hair. "What the hell you think you were doing?" He asks. "N-nothing, just was relaxing myself." I lied. "Don't you lie Nev, I can see your pained face. You know I can't see myself without you in my life." He says tearing up. I smile a bit and wipe off his tears. "Damn I should be the one to comfort you. And you're comforting me here." Adrian says smiling a bit. "It's okay honey." I say ruffling his hair. He smiles and leans in for a kiss. I close my eyes and place my lips on his. We kiss deeply and our lips mold. We part away and look at each other. "Come out of the tub now. Clean yourself now. We'll cuddle." Adrian says and leaves the bathroom. I get out of the tub and clean myself up. I get out of the bathroom and go to the closet to grab a hoodie and a pajama. I put it on and go to the bed where Adrian is laying, looking at his phone. I get in the bed and snuggle close to him. He hugs me and brings me closer. He pecks my forehead and I smile a bit.

*After few hours*

*In evening*

"Boys, food's ready." Rosie calls them from downstairs. Adrian and Nevan go downstairs and they sit at the dining table. Nevan is sitting beside Adrian but stares at the plate instead of eating. Adrian nudges him with his hand telling him to eat. But he doesn't. "Adrian, I'm not hungry. You guys eat it. I'm going upstairs." Nevan gets up and goes to his room. Adrian looks at Rosie and then Rosie says, " Don't worry love, after dinner you go and comfort him okay?" Adrian nods and finishes his dinner.

Rosie hugs Adrian and kisses him on his cheeks. "Don't worry love, it's really hard for a son to loose his mother. Just don't let him fall apart." She says wiping her tear. "Sure I will mom. Don't worry. I will do everything to protect him." Adrian says and he goes upstairs.

*In Adrian's room*

Adrian's POV:

I come upstairs and open the door, I expect to see Nevan sleeping peacefully but that doesn't happen. The boy lost his mother, that trauma is really hard. But I have to be strong and help him. As I enter, I don't see Nevan in the bed. "Nevan?" I ask but I get no response. I hear some sobs in the bathroom, I sigh and go inside. What I see shocks me and I run towards him. I cry up hard and hold him in my hands.

What have you done, Nevan?......


Author park here,

Hello sweeties. What do you think would have happened to Nevan? Stay tuned for next chapter... Hope you liked this chapter.

See y'all

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