★ ~ • Chapter -22 • ~ ★

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No one's POV:

As Adrian goes inside, what he sees, just traumatized him. He went inside and saw Nevan's wrist was bleeding and had a cut on it. Nevan was breathing heavily, eyes teary and sweat on his face, shirt was a bit in blood. The bathroom floor was also covered in blood. A cutter was fallen beside and also was covered in blood.

"Nevan! How can you do this! Are you out of your mind!" Adrian shouts holding Nevan in his arms and crying hard. Nevan was looking at Adrian with a weak smile. "I wanna see my mom..." Nevan says breathing heavily. Adrian sighs crying harder and takes him in his arms. He carries him to the bed and puts him softly goes to grab the first aid box.

He takes his wounded arm, and dips the cotton in the alcohol. He dabs the cotton on the wound. Nevan winces in pain and cries more.

"Why did you do this, babe?" Adrian asks. Nevan looks at him with a pale look and says, "I don't know Adrian. I feel like I should just disappear somewhere, where I can forget all this." Adrian looks at him and leans closer to him. He takes nevan's top lip, and then the bottom lip into his. Adrian takes his neck and pulls him closer. Nevan closes his eyes, forgetting all his pain and grief and kisses him deeply this time. Adrian next gets up from the stool and still not breaking the kiss, leans closer. Nevan's head touches the back of the bed and next, Adrian goes towards his ear and bites his earlobe and whispers "remember, I'm here with you...I won't ever leave you... Get that in your head Kim Nevan." He faces Nevan who is looking at Adrian with teary eyes. "I-I I'm so sorry Adrian, I didn't realise... that I was hurting... you till now..." he says crying harder. Adrian pulls him into a hug and Nevan cries in his arms. "Damn I'm sorry I made your shirt wet." Nevan says pulling away. "It's okay. Now let me apply that gauze on that wound." Adrian says and applies the gauze on the wound.

Adrian looks at Nevan and asks him. "Nevan, look here." Nevan looks at him with a questioning look. "Promise me something."

"What is that Adrian?"

"You will from now never do anything like this. Don't try to kill yourself again. Promise me." Adrian says to him with a serious look.

Nevan waits for a bit and then takes a deep breath and says taking Adrian's hand. "I promise to you love. I will never do all this again." He then pecks Adrian's hand and smiles.

Adrian smiles widely, showing his little dimples. They look at each other and then kiss again, this time more passionate and love. Lips move softly, eyes closed. Hands interlocking with each other and bodies move closer. "I love you" Adrian says between kisses. "You know I do." Nevan says smiling.

*At evening*

Adrian and Nevan are sitting on the couch, tieing their shoes. Nevan has a flower bouquet in his hands. The flower bouquet is filled with white flowers, as Jessica always liked white flowers. They leave the house and go to the graveyard.

*At the graveyard*

They stand in front of Jessica's grave. Adrian hugs Nevan by his shoulders are pulls him closer. Nevan puts the white flower bouquet on her grave and looks at it for some time. "I miss you mom. Love you." Nevan says with a crack in his voice. Adrian pulls him closer and says. "Shh babe, don't cry. She won't be happy seeing you cry like this." Nevan nods and kisses Adrian. He pulls him closer by his waist and leans closer.

They spent their whole evening, resting in the nearby park. After they eat at the restaurant and come back home.

Nevan is now recovered mentally from his depression. Adrian never leaves his side and always helps him whenever he feels down. Rosie tries her best to fill the empty space with her motherly love and Jake helps Nevan in every way he can. He gives Adrian and Nevan a house of their own nearby this house. They both live happily in their new home. Tannie and leo also go with the boys in their new home. Rosie visits them once in every 2 weeks and helps them decorate their new home.

Guess all the problems have vanished...


Author park here,

Hello sweethearts, how have you been today? I hope y'all are enjoying my story and don't forget to tell me how you feel about this chapter in the comment section. *Wink*

See y'all

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