~Love Potion~

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Based on the title, I think you guys know what's about to happen HAHAHAHHA XD enjoy UwU

Awase's POV

"Hey guys!!!" Sen and Kosei ran towards me, Rin and Fukidashi.

"Sup guys, something wrong??" Rin asked them.

They panted in front of us, "N-No...not r-really...w-we just..h-have...wait give us a sec.."

They both tried to get themselves some air to breathe before talking again.

"Okay we're good. Basically, there was this random store Kosei and I found and it was a potion store." Sen explained.

"A potion store?? Those actually exists??" I asked as I tilted my head to the side.

"Yeah!! Well not like those mystical kinds, they're somewhat like those serums and stuff like those but we call them potions, and we found this!!" Kosei brought out a small bottle from his backpack. It had a pink glowing liquid inside of it.

"What is that??" Fukidashi asked.

"It's a love potion!!" Kosei said enthusiastically.

We were all shocked.

"And why in the world would you guys buy that??" Fukidashi asked.

"Meh, it just seems cool. Plus, you'll never know when this would be handy." Sen said.

I honestly didn't think them buying a love potion would be something important nor handy. It's most likely something that can cause a ruckus between our class and possibly even Class 1-A.

          As time went by, we soon finished a few more classes and it was finally lunch time. For some reason, I noticed that my friends were kind of worried. Actually more than just that, they were all super worried or even terrified.

The whole class, my mind couldn't move on from that so I decided to ask them what was going on.

We all waited each other in the halls and once all of us were together, I asked them.

"Hey guys, is something wrong? You all seem quite stressed."

"Y-Y-Yeahh...w-we're fine.." Kosei nervously laughed.

"N-Nothing b-bad happen.." Fukidashi stuttered nervously.

I raised a brow, not falling for their lack of acting.

Sen sighed, "We may or may not have umm...dropped...some....love potion...on....a student....from Class 1-A..."

My eyes widened in shock, "W-WHA-- HOW??!?! AND WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?"

"Okay, a while ago from recess, we thought that we might bring the love potion with us just in case it might go to someone else. So while you were still upstairs doing your stuff and we were downstairs finding ourselves a table, I might have accidentally dropped the love potion in one of Class 1-A's students' drink but I don't know who it was." Kosei explained quickly.

I facepalmed, "You guys are so stupid.."

"WE'RE SORRYY!!!!" Sen and Kosei immediately knelt and bowed down to apologize.

"Do you guys have at least an idea on which student's drink was in??" I asked.

"We're not quite sure, but it's somewhat between the girls of Class 1-A." Rin said.

"Okay..so all we have to do is just tell Iida if any of the girls in his class are acting weird or suspicious." I said.

"W-WHA-- WHY??!" Fukidashi asked.

"Cause we need to tell him!!! A potion or serum like that is literally something we need to be cautious cause who knows what random things a person can do with a love potion!!!" I said to them.

We all stood there in silence, not knowing what else to do other than just telling anyone from Class 1-A about this incident.

I let out a deep sigh, "You guys go ahead, I'll try to find Iida and tell him about this. I'll catch up with you guys soon."

"Okay.." They replied in unison.

They all went ahead going to the cafeteria while I waited outside of Class 1-A classroom for Iida.

A few students of Class A went out of the room and while waiting, I noticed Yaoyorozu with her friends. She soon noticed me and wide bright and sweet smile was seen on her face and my eyes widened as I noticed something in her eyes. 

There were hearts in them.

Oh no...

She and I stared at each other for a long time before she was lost in the crowd of students and my heart was beating so fast.

Soon, Iida came out of the classroom and I was able to get his attention, "Iida!!"

He turned to me and walked towards me, "Ah, good afternoon Awase!! May I help you with anything?"

"Umm...yeah..you see.."

I then began to explain him what happened and it was no surprise what reaction he has.


"Yep...it's that bad.." I chuckled.

"Well I'm glad to help you. So far, none of the girls seem to be acting strange, but I'll update you with anything I can find." Iida said.

"Thank you so much, Iida!! See ya later!!" I waved at him as I went down.

Time skip...

          It was now dismissal and I decided to get a head-start in going back to the dorms since I was a bit tired. I could've sworn that Yaoyorozu seemed like she was the one who drank the love potion, but at the same time, Iida said he hasn't gotten any information on who looked suspicious in their class.


I looked behind me and found Yaoyorozu waving at me while running towards me.

"Oh hi, Yaoyorozu." I greeted her.

"Hi Awase!! Wanna walk back to the dorms with me??" She asked as the hearts in her eyes were still there.

I blushed because a sudden thought came in but I wasn't sure if it was true.

"O-Oh uhh..sure. Let's go?"


She DEFINITELY seems much more excited than usual.

          While walking, She even wrapped her arms around my arm and I felt a bit uncomfortable because first of all, this is too unusual, Yaoyorozu must be the student who drank the love potion and I have a crush on her so who knows if the love potion made her fall in love with me or not.

I asked her, "Umm..Yaoyorozu? Are you feeling..a little different today??"

"What makes you ask that??"

"Just wondering, you just seem quite different today." I said.

"Nothing different is happening to me, I guess I'm just feeling really happy now that I'm finally with you after all those classes."

She looked at me and I saw her eyes were glowing in a brighter pink and a smile was formed on her face.

Not sure if I'm supposed to be happy or scared...

Awamomo(Awase x Momo) Oneshots BookWhere stories live. Discover now