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Third Person's POV

          Awase and Yaoyorozu recently moved in together and became roommates under a house for rent. They moved in together since they both are now working at the same agency after they graduated.

Because of the two now being roommates and all, both of them are able to interact more and get closer than they have during their high school days.

Yosetsu was going through his stuff, checking if there was anything he needs to unpack.

          As he went through a box which hasn't been opened yet, he found a few old items such as an album filled with pictures and memories of him back in high school and his family. There were even some old school books back when he was in U.A. but now he's just wondering why he brough them with him again.

Awase then saw an item he never thought he would encounter again, it was one of Momo's Russian dolls.

He chuckled over the moment when he suddenly found it laying around in front of the dorms of Class 1-A and decided to keep it.

He remembered how much he liked Momo and until now he still does.

Yosetsu chuckled as he took the doll and stood up.

He caressed the little doll and gave a small smile. Awase didn't know he still kept it and now he feels happy he did.

"Yosetsu?" Momo called.

Awase instantly hid the doll behind him as she entered his room.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to disturb your umm...unpacking..??" She nervously chuckled.

"It's fine, I just wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything unpack or just checking to see what else I have here." He smiled.

Yaoyorozu then noticed the album that was in the box behind him.

"Is that an album??" She asked.

He turned his head but not his full body so Momo can't see the doll, "Oh umm..yeah it is. Wanna look at it??"

"Yes please!!" She smiled.

Yosestu chuckled and grabbed the book, still trying not to show the Russian doll he has. He gave it to her and they both sat on his bed to look through the album.

          The two of them may have known each other for a while now but even Awase hinself has not yet told her about him keeping the doll.

He had a crush on her back in the old days so obviously he isn't gonna do something as foolish and embarrassing as telling them that he has her Russian doll.

Yaoyorozu flipped through the pages and looked through the pictures of mostly his classmates and himself together.

"It's nice to see some of our old schoolmates like this. We never get a lot of chances to see them." She said.

"Yeah, we're all pretty busy anyways." He replied.

They continued to look through the album and smiled to the pictures that were seen.

Momo then stopped flipping the pages as a photo of her and Kendo together caught her eye.

It was a picture of the two of them with Yaoyorozu's Russian dolls.

She giggled, "Aww I remember this!! Kendo and I were as if playing my Russian dolls like little girls when I invited her to my house one time."

"I didn't know you invited her." Awase said.

"I did! I would neber forget such a beautiful moment like this. A lot of memories like these are one if the most precious ones." Momo said.

"Yeah, they truly are." Yosetsu smiled.

"Speaking of which, I remember I wanted to bring a few of those Russian dolls back in the dorms but I had a feeling I dropped a few on the way there." She laughed.

Awase laughed with her, "Is that so?"

"Yeah actually." Momo giggled.

They both laughed.

"Well...if you're still looking for them, I might have an idea where one of them might be." Yosetsu slightly blushed.

"Where? The Lost and Found box?" She joked.

"Not exactly.."

Yaoyorozu looked at him in confusion as Awase showed a Russian doll of hers that's in his hand right now.

"I saw it laying on the ground in front of the dorms, I thought it was yours but I never got the chance to return it to you." He nervously laughed.

'Well, technically I kept because I really wanted to. I had no intention to return it hehe', he thought.

"And you kept it this whole time??" Momo asked with her eyes widened as she slowly took the doll, looking at it as she held it.

"Yeah, you can have it back though." He said.

Momo looked at him and looked at back the Russian doll. She let out a small smile and gave it back to Awase.

She took his hand and opened it befire putting the doll inside hus hand and closing it back.

Yosetsu looked at her as he raissd a brow.

Momo smiled, "I want you to keep it, let it be as a remembrance or something like that."

Awase blushed and smiled, "O-Okay then.."

"But on one condition." She giggled.

"What is it??" He tilted his head to the side.

"Give me your hoodie."

"Whaaaaaaa???????" Awase had a confused look on his face, "W-What do you mean by that??"

Yaoyorozu smirked, "I mean I want to keep your hoodie. Since you're keeping my Russian doll, I thought that maybe I should have something to keep in return."

"You do realize that a girl keeping or owning a guy's hoodie like mine means that the two are possibly dating, right?" He raised a brow as he pointed out.

"That's the point." She grinned.


Awamomo(Awase x Momo) Oneshots BookWhere stories live. Discover now