~Aladdin AU~

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HELLO EVERYONE!!!! I made a votation to see which of the three Disney princess movies would be more fitting or likeable to Awamomo and the majority was for Aladdin!!!!

Most probably....this story...is gonna take A LOT of effort in writing but I accept the challenge UwU since...I really have no other ideas for more oneshots lol

Although, most probably I won't entirely do the actual full story of Aladdin, considering the fact that...it might take too long HAHAHAHAH so that's why I decided to shorten it's story...yeah xD

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this alternate universe of Awamomo but Aladdin version!!

Third Person's POV

In the land of Agrabah in China, there lived a young street rat named Yosetsu Awase. He lived on his own as his parents were both gone and the only companion he had was his little friend monkey named Abu.

The only thing he could do in order to keep himself alive was to steal. Yosetsu was a very stealthy and a very secretive man. He was quite known to be a thief in the kingdom yet he didn't mind about it.

Speaking of the kingdom, Agrabah was ruled by the King Yaoyorozu with his daughter Princess Momo Yaoyorozu. The king himself planned to have his daughter get married to the different princes from the different kingdoms around the world, yet his daughter hated the idea of having her marry just some prince.

Momo was always an independent woman. In fact, she never wanted a man in her life because she was confident enough that she can handle a kingdom on her own.

Every prince she met, thet never made a good impression on her. It wasn't because they were doing a bad job, it was just Momo was purposely doing this.

"Sweetie, there must be at least a prince who can be able to catch your eye and that he would help you in ruling this kingdom." Her father spoke.

"Dad, I know this whole thing will benefit my future but I'm a grown woman and I can take care of things by myself. I don't need a king ruling by my side." She said.

Her father felt upset as her daughter didn't want the idea of finding herself a princess.

One morning, the princess decided to go out to the market place and just take a walk around. Another one of those meeting with another prince will happen today so she wanted ti get her mind cleared up a bit.

Momo told her lady-in-waiting about this and said that she won't be gone for too long.

"Here your majesty, these clothes might help you to make you unnoticeable as a princess." She said as she handed over to her a brown clothing with a robe to help her survive the heat outside and a perfect clothing for disguise.

"Thanks Jiro, you're the best!"

"My pleasure, Princess. You better get going if you want to spend more time outside. I'll be here to help you get ready before the meeting today."

"Thank you so much!!"

Momo then put on the disguise and soon snuck out of the castle and made her way to the market place.

Meanwhile, the place soon became chaotic as Yosetsu was on the run again. Simply was just stealing a few pieces of fruits were already getting him and the royal guards on a wild chase.

Depsite the number of royal guards chasing the young thief, Awase was too agile and smart to surpass them as he was able to loose them quite quickly.

"Come on Abu, let's keep running."

His little monkey friend nodded as they continued to run.

During their run, Awase accidentally bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going!!" She shouted.

"My bad!! I'm so so sorry!!" He apologized to her.

Distant voices of the royal guards kept getting louder and louder, signaling Yosestu that they were getting closer.

"Umm...are they following you-- WOAH!!"

He didn't know why but all he could just think about was to take the girl with him because Awase can't trust peoole who he talks with. They somehow eventually back-stab him which makes it more harder for him.

Awase continued to run with the strange woman he's with and they soon arrived at an alleyway. Luckily, they lost the guards yet the stranger came to talk to him.

"What was that for?! Why did you had to drag me out here??"

"S-Sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to drag you with me. It's just, I can't truly trust people who I'm talking to especially if I' being chased by guards." He nervously chuckled.

The woman came to realization, "You're that thief everyone's been talking about."

"First of all, I'm not a thief. Second of all, I never knew I was that known that even someone who came from the palace knows about me." Yosestu chuckled as he showed the gold bracelet to her.

The woman was in shock as she looked back at her wrist and saw that the bracelet she had was gone.

"H-How did you know I came from the palace??"

"I mean your jewelry is written all over it. And by the looks of it, you're either the princess or just the lady-in-waiting for Princess Momo." He smirked.

The woman awkwardl coughed, "Why yes, I am the lady-in-waiting of the princess. Now would you please be kind enough to give that bracelet back?"

"I'll give it back when I'm ready." Awase smirked.

His monkey snickered.

"You have a pet monkey??"

"Technically, he's more like the best friend I could have." He and Abu did a bro fist pump.

"Whatever, he's quite cute though." She giggled as she lightly scratched the head of the monkey which made gim feel relaxed.

"Now what do you mean by giving my bracelet back when you're ready?" The woman questioned.

"You'll see." He then walked away.

"Where do you think you're going?" She crossed her arms.

"To my hiding place. You have to come along though."

"How do I know this isn't some kind of trap?"

Yosetsu held his hand out, "Do you trust me?"

Awamomo(Awase x Momo) Oneshots BookWhere stories live. Discover now