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HELLO EVERYONE!!!! Another thank you again to BonkeyKong for this wonderful idea AND I WAS SO PUMPED WHEN I WROTE THIS XD

I hope you guys enjoyed it and again, FEEL FREE TO COMMENT MORE IDEAS OR REQUESTS!!!

Awase's POV

          It was another school day and another training activity between our class with Class 1-A will happen today. We were told that both classes will have a 1v1 battle against each other. What makes it more interesting and scary is that the the students who will go against each other is random.

We all soon arrived at the Gym Gamma wherein our training with Class 1-A is held. We all had our costumes on and the training was about to begin.

Mr. Aizawa then spoke, "As you all are aware, this training is where each of you will go head-to-head in a 1v1 battle. The main goal of this 1v1 battle is similar to the one that we had during the Sports Festival, wherein all ypu have to do is either defeat your opponent or you make them go out of the bounds. Your opponents will be chosen randomly in a draw. Just give a Vlad King and I a few minutes to do this and once we're done, we will be announcing who your opponents will be."

As the two teachers began to do the draw, most of us decided to interact with each other with Class 1-A.

"Hey Class B!! Good to see you guys again!!" Midoriya waved at us.

"Nice to see you all too!! It hasn't been long since we've had our joint training together." Kendo replied.

"It sure has and I'm actually hoping to have more of these trainings with you all." Iida said.

"Hey, Bakugou and Kirishima!! I better hope I get chosen to go against any of you two!! You both are gonna be great opponents to fight with." Tetsutetsu yelled out to them.

Kirishima replied, "Hell yeah!! I'm sure I can kick you butt this time again!!"

Bakugou scoffed, "As if you can actually defeat me."

I definitely don't wanna go against him again •~•

"Hey Awase, aren't you gonna talk to your girlfriend?~" Rin elbowed me with a smirk.

"My girlfriend??" I raised a brow.

He facepalmed, "Yaoyorozu."

I then hit his arm, "She's not my girlfriend!"

He just laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, who do you want to go against during this training??" He asked.

"Not sure. I obbiously don't want to fight either Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Iida or even Yaoyorozu." I said.

"You do have a point there. They're all pretty smart and strong students especially in their class." Rin replied.

Soon, the teachers came back and we all re-grouped.

Mr. Vlad king soon announced who our opponents are one-by-one.

I carefully listened as I was preparing myself on who I'm up against, until..

"In the 15th round, we have Awase vs Todoroki."

Oh geez..

Every student were shocked including me and Todoroki himself.

"Well that's...quite interesting to hear...right Awase--AAAHHH" Kosei freaked out.

"What's the matter??" Kendo asked.

"Awase ain't breathing!!" Fukidashi said.

"Awase ain't breathing!!" Fukidashi said

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(This is him xD I did my best lol)

"Uhhhh...Awase..??" Tetsutetsu waved his hand in front of me.


After our teachers have completely introduced who our opponents are, it was time for the main event.

          Every round that we watched, it was always an interesting one despite the differences between the quirks we have with Class 1-A. Some rounds were won by them while some were won by us.

          The closer the 15th round came, the more I felt nervous and scared. One, because it's Todoroki, second is because I'm about to embarrass myself, and lastly is because Yaoyorozu is watching me.

But I have to stay strong, I still need to do my best to either push Todoroki out of the boubds or defeat him.

Soon, the 15th round finally came in and it was our turn to fight.

Todoroki and I step into the opposites sides of the wide circle.

I hung my head down a bit, nervous about this training especially since I'm going against the son of the number one Pro Hero.


I looked up to meet his eyes.

"You okay over there?"

I nodded, "Maybe..?"


He made the first move to try and trap me with eyes coming from his feet, but I know too well that he's the type of person to make the first move.

I dodged his attack and used the metallic logs I have to restrain Todoroki.

The only thing I'm concern is that he can still be able to break himself free or he can either dodge my attacks easily.

I just have to at least get a little closer to him a bit. Good thing I learned hand-to-hand combat.

As soon as I got close to him, I instantly did a swift kick yet he dodged it.

I continued to fight him without using my quirk as of the moment and he did the same in order for him to defend himself.

He chuckled, "I never knew you had quite a skill for hand-to-hand combat."

I smirked, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Todoroki."

We continued to fight yet there were times when he would use his quirk, yet I know how to dodge them but it's hard to do so especially when both of you are avoiding to get out of bounds.

I then used my ultimate move, WeldCraft, and restrained him on the legs with the meallic logs I have.

Despite him being trapped to the ground, he didn't give up as he used his fire quirk to push me out of the bounds.

I dodged the fire yet he caught me by surprise as with his ice.

Todoroki soon got out of the logs and used his ice and pushed me out of the bounds completely, making me crash to the wall and fall to the ground.


I groaned in pain as I tried to get myself up, yet the ice from Todoroki's quirk made me have frost bite and I can barely move.

"You okay dude??" Sen asked as he picked me up and placed my arm around his shoulder.

"K-Kinda...just...very..cold...a-and f-freezing." I shivered.

"Come on, you gotta rest."


"Hey, Awase!! You did great out there!!" Kosei said, as he offered to help me walk too.

"T-Thanks.." I replied.

I kept shivering and I can hardly even walk despite the support I'm getting from Sen and Kosei.

I watched as Todoroki's classmates congratulated him on the battle, yet it was no surprise that he won and I lost.

"Awase!! Are you okay??" Yaoyorozu asked me in concern as she was right in front of us.


My eyes widened in surprise and my face heated up a little, "U-Umm..y-yeah..kind of.."

"You did really great though!! I'm impressed by what you pulled off out there." She smiled.

"B-But...I lost.."

"Even if you did lost, you did a great job fighting against Todoroki. Congrats on doing your best!! You were really great out there."

I was completely shocked since she suddenly came to congratulate me before her own classmate.

"U-Umm t-thanks.." I smiled shyly.

Awamomo(Awase x Momo) Oneshots BookWhere stories live. Discover now