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Third Person's POV

"T-Thanks again for coming with me, Momo. But in all honesty, you really didn't have to." Awase said.

"It's not a problem, Yoestu. I just thought you could use a friend to be with." She smiled.

          Awase and Momo were out getting some grocerues together. Surprisingly, both of their classes needed to buy a bit of food as they were running out of stock, so they decided to go to the grocery together.

"What's next on your list?" Momo asked.

"Hmmm...I guess the next thing I need are just some fruits. There's no specific type though." He said.

"Oh, I'm about to get some vegetables though, but since the fruits and vegetable isles are near to each other, wanna just split up a bit?" She asked.

"Sounds like a plan." He chuckled.

"Great, see you in a bit."

"See ya!"

They both parted ways for now and continued to buy their necessities.

Awase continued to push his cart and checked to see if some of the fruits are ripe enough for him to buy.

As he did this, a certain gang came towards him.

"Well well well, if it isn't the wannabe hero, Awase." A boy at his age spoke.

The rest of the gang laughed.

Awase sighed in frustration, "Kai, I'm not here to play games with you. Please just leave me alone."

"Aww, what's the matter?? Is it because that you ain't tough enough to talk back to us?" He laughed.

          Kai was one of the bullies of Yosetsu before. Back in middle school, he was treated quite badly due to him being a studdnt who just wants to he a hero, yet no one saw potential in him because of his quirk.

          His quirk Weld wasn't very flashy nor as powerful as any quirk he saw on TV, where Pro Heroes would fight bad guys and save citizens.

          Yosetsu wanted to be a Pro Hero so he can show that not every strength is proven by quirk, but by pure effort of the user.

          With the sudden bullying back in middle school, him proving to show that he can be a Pro Hero is another added reason why he wants to be a hero.

"I bet you weren't able to pass the entrance exam cause your Quirk can't even handle those big robots." Kai made a baby voice to mock him.

"Guys, I don't know what your problem is on me, but I have no time to deal with your reckless shenanigans." Yosetsu spoke as he was about to walk away but Kai blicked him.

"You really think you are some tough guy, huh? Thinking you could be a Pro Hero despite the weak heart you got." He snickered.

"Technically, you're the one with the most 'amazing' power yet you have no awareness that you're the weak one, cause you never man up to even enter an exam at all." Awase smirked.

The gang gasped to the sudden reply and soon Kai, had his blood boil in rage. He aggresively grabbed Awase bybthe collar.

"So the weak Awase is now starting to talk?? How inconvenient is that!!" One of the members of the gang spoke.

"You'll regret wbat you just said, Awase!!" Kai then punch Awase in the face, leaving his nose bleeding.

They all chuckled, watching as the innocent high school student trying to cover the blood from his nose with just his hand.


Kai and his gang soon looked up and saw Yaoyorozu.

"Dude, it's Yaoyorozu from the Sports Festival and that commercial of Uwabami." One of the members said.

"Sorry pretty lady, but this is just something that must be handled." Kai said to her.

"Handled?! You literally punched my friend!!!" She shouted.

"Friend?? This weak guy here?? How could you be friends with him??" He scoffed.

Momo knelt down beside Yosetsu and created a tissue for him to cover the bleeding, "Are you okay, Yosetsu?"

"Y-Yeah..kind of.." He coughed.

"Wait wait wait..don't tell me he's--"

"A student of U.A. High School? One of the most famous and best hero school in Japan. Yes, yes he is. What should be even more surprising to you guys is the fact that this guy even passed the exam, earning tenth place and third in the number of villain points. Laugh all you want about him, but he's proven to be way tougher than you idiots." Momo glated at the gang.

Kai and his other friends were completely speechless, not knowing that Awase actually passed the exam and is literally a student of the most excellent hero schools.

"Come on Awase, I'll call Kendo to help you out in the groceries. For now, we need to stop your bleeding." She said as she wrapped his arm on her shoulder.

Yaoyorozu tried to push both her and Yosestu's carts while carrying him on her shoulder.

They walked away from the speechless and surprised gang.

"Y-You came in just in time, Momo. Thank you." He smiled a little.

"Not a problem. Who are those guys anyway??" She asked.

"Oh, just some bullies back in middle school, they were kinda mean to me because they think my quirk wouldn't be strong enough for me to even go to any hero school." Awase chuckled.

"Well, you've proven them wrong. After all, not only were you able to make such a ranking during the entrance exams, but you even got internships after the Sports Festival." Yaoyorozu replied.

He smiled, "That's true, it's quite of a win-win for me."

"You know what else you've won?" Momo smirked.

"What?" Yosetsu raised a brow in confusion.

She then whispered into his ear, "My heart."

Awase's face completely turned red in an instant and Momo giggled by the cute reaction of his.

Awamomo(Awase x Momo) Oneshots BookWhere stories live. Discover now