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Princess Momo x Servant Yosetsu!!

Third Person's POV

          Snow began to fall during the night, as citizens of the Creatorian kingdom walked with thick but warm clothing as they went to buy in stalls and to resturaunts. The Christmas seasnon was quite close already, as a few decorations can be seen on houses, hunged with lights and ornaments to start lightening up the mood.

Yosetsu was walking in the streets of the kingdom, ordered by the head chef of the castle to buy a few vegetables and fruits. He didn't mind about the task despite the snow falling over him, however, he do wished that the task wasn't told to him that was almost close to his curfew.

Luckily for him, he was able to buy the food he needed so he could go back to the castle and drop himself on his bed. However, he noticed someone by the lightly dark alleyway.

It was a woman, she had a robe and her hood was on her head yet it didn't look like it was enough to keep herself warm. She was rubbing her arms, shivering from the cold outside.

Yosetsu frowned and made his way to the alleyway and approach the woman. As he approached to her, he asked, "Excuse me, miss? Are you alright? You're shivering."

She nodded and spoke, "Y-Yes, I'm alright. I just didn't expect for the temperature to drop low, I would've gotten myself better warm clothes for me to go out at night."

Yosetsu hummed, thinking on what he should do to help out the lady. An idea soon popped up and he took off his scarf and coat.

He placed his coat on her and wrapped the scarf around her neck. "Here, take these so you can feel warm," Yosetsu smiled.

The woman blushed and said as she tried to refuse the offer, "No no it's okay, you don't need to give me these."

The woman was about to take them off of her until Yosetsu stopped her. "Please, you can keep them. I still need to head to the castle soon or else the king and queen will get mad at me."

"Oh, do you have a curfew?" She asked.

He nodded, "Yeah. It's not my curfew yet but it's better to come back early than make everyone worried on where I am."

"I see. You work with the Royal Family of Yaoyorozu."

In the Creatorian Kingdom, they were ruled by the Yaoyorozu Royal Family. They inly contained three members, the king, the queen and their daughter, Momo.

Yosetsu had interest in the princess. They were both at the same age yet they don't always inyeract much together.

"Yup. It's not an easy job as a servant there but I don't mind it at all." He smiled.

He grabbed hold of the woman's hands which made her face heat up even more. At this rate, she could be sweating just by the heat she's feeling.

"Make sure to drink some warm hot chocolate or milk. You very much need it if you're freezing." He told her.

There was nothing coming out of her mouth so the woman nodded instead.

"Good. I better go now, it was nice meeting you, miss." He smiled and let go of her hands.

He was about to walk off until she called out to him.


He turned around and face the woman. He raised a brow in confusion and asked, "Yes?"

"What's your name?

"Oh uhh..Yosetsu. Yosetsu Awase," He answered.

          The woman walked up to him and held his hands. Yosetsu was blushing a bit yet he still wasn't quite sure what's going on with the woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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